Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm not your friend anymore.

I am reporting to you live (barely) from the trenches of slumber party heaven.

And I use the term "heaven" quite loosely.


What is it with little girls?  And their drama?  And their emotions?  And their hairstyles?


Yes.  Four little girls all together . . . pray for me.

In other news, I am alive and well and looking forward to my visit with Bimlissa this afternoon.  It would appear that I am the last person she will talk to on her March tour of friends and family.


She's not invited to my birthday anymore.

Do you know who Bimlissa is?  Are you confused?  Are you wondering why you are reading this blog?

You are not alone.

So, yesterday, my friend, Alisa ,came to bring her daughter over.  My kids like to take the bunnies out and put them in this large black utility trailer so they can play with them.

The girls stole my camera and took some shots of their rabbit "daycare."

Bunnies sliding? Perhaps this is a bad plan?

Don't worry.  The bunnies enjoy it.

See?  Nothing but smiles.

Don't worry.  I nipped that sliding nonsense in the bud.  In case you didn't notice, I run a tight ship over here.

Anyways, as the children were playing in the trailer, Alisa and I noticed the trailer slowly rolling down the hill.

Attention all friends:  Yes!  Let your children come to my house and play!  I will stick them in a trailer with numerous rabbits and send them careening down our rolling hills!

Safety first!

So Alisa and I broke out all of our muscles and attempted to push the trailer back up the hill.

It did not budge.

But we decided we burned lots of calories trying.

But this is my life now.  I used to meet friends at Starbucks and wear cute earrings and talk about normal things.  Now, I enforce my companions to help me rescue rabbits stranded in trailers rolling down hills.

And I have to make pot coffee.

But I still wear uber cute earrings.

I am bringing fashion to Ruralville.

Happy Friday!


  1. the rabbits revolt was thwarted once again...

  2. It's important to have good fashion when you're pushing trailers up hills.

  3. So...that rabbit looks a tad bit creepy! But at least the girls all seem to be having fun =)

  4. Your girls take pretty good pictures, Taylor. Didn't inherit that from Mama, eh? ;)

  5. Please explain pot coffee as I'm from a different part of the country and my mom was a hippie.

  6. was the smiling rabbit picture taken before or after the snatching of the pesky little slide?

  7. Were you wearing a denim jumper with the cute earrings?

  8. Considering the tight ship you run, I would say that the biggest downside of being in Ruralville is the distance to the nearest ER.

  9. Oh Taylor ... you make me laugh, girl! :) Have fun with Alisa! And enjoy the slumber party! (Such a misnomer that one is!)

  10. Oh my word, I'm dying over the pot coffee.

    It's very possible I choked on my own saliva when I scrolled past the freakishly hilarious rabbit to read you're making pot coffee.

    Very possible.

    >insert me figuratively rolling around on the ground laughing only it's in my head<

  11. on slow days like today, part of me want to come visit you. Rolling down the hill with smiling bunnies in a runaway trailer likely headed for my demise and/or some serious boo boo sounds exciting!
    But then, sitting here and drinking coffee is nice to...

  12. Haha. Yep, Taylor needs to explain exactly what pot coffee is. :)

  13. Hey now - I saved the best for....the middle!! And I've been sitting on the highway for about 20 minutes after having left your house because of an accident. Totally worth it!! But is there an alternate route home???

  14. That bunny is hilarious! It really is smiling!

  15. Taylor, Taylor, Taylor...

    Did you give that bunny of the pot coffee???????
    I have never seen a bunny smile like that, must have given him something...


  16. Bahahaha! Love the bunny photo, glad you put the kabosh on the bunny slide (they don't have the proper bones for such a thing and can break their backs which would be sad) and the thing rolling down the hill?! I can only imagine the looks on your girls' (and the bunnies') faces!!

  17. When I was a kid, my mother left us unsupervised with our bunnies. We dressed them in baby sleepers and pretty much traumatized them until the coons killed them. Ugh, memories, dang now I need some pot coffee. Do you serve pot brownies too?

  18. Pot coffee vs. coffee from a drive-thru. I don't drink it, but I get it. :)
    That is one weird picture of that rabbit. Is that for real?
    I hope there is some sleeping at the slumber party!

  19. Slumber parties are AWFUL!!! Every time I swear we will never have another...And then I remember how I loved them, so I relent.

    Really? A bunny lets you lay him on his back? Never have I seen such a thing!

  20. I have to tell you that this post KILLED me. I must tweet this. You know, since I'm so high tech.
    That bunny smile is HILARIOUS. And? You are a horrible baby sitter in the fun, "I grew up in the 1980's and drank water straight outta the tap" sort of way. I bet your kids don't even wear helmets...I notice that your bunnies don't.

    I LOVE IT!

  21. Hahahah this is great, I can just imagine how this looked, :) And i loved the bunny smile. Thanks for the laughs today!

  22. I enjoyed this! It makes my life seem so undramatic, I don't even own a trailer:)

  23. You should consider getting that bunny some orthodontic work done - he really makes you look like you are "hick people" - and the pot coffee? sounds kinda strange but I guess it could work - but only if you are wearing birkenstalks!

  24. that bunny is uber cute!!! he's like "cchhhhhhhhheeeeeessseee" :) wow, see now you don't have to work killed two birds with one stone!! got the trailer back up the hill and burned all those calories!!! :) gotta hook a girl up with somma that pot coffee!!! holla!!!! :)

  25. oh my, after having just survived a slumber party of my own, and I feel like I could crawl under a rock and stay there for 3 days, I have to say I love the bunny photo! and I know exactly what pot coffee is, although I had to giggle when I read it put that way... my first thought was, "she makes coffee with POT????" I started to think maybe you really are in the middle of nowheres ville, and that maybe you were starting to embrace this county life a little too much. maybe we will need to band together and launch an intervention? lol!!

  26. I loved the smiling bunny photo! And thanks to your readers and commenters for pointing out the "pot coffee." I was reading fast and my brain filled in some blanks and read "a pot of coffee." Is that what you meant?
    My embarrassing pee story of the week is this: Last weekend we were on a road trip to another city to look for a new car. Boy #1 had a pee emergency in the middle of nowhere. We pulled over on the side of a rural highway and he peed in the bushes on the side of the road. Evidently boy #2 was watching with envy. Later on while we were at the dealership in deep discussions about the attributes of the used, but tricked out, swagger wagon we eventually purchased I turned to witness boy #2 with his pants around his ankles and shirt pulled up under his chin, belly sticking out and pee arching out onto the pavement. Thankfully, praise Jesus, no pee landed on the salesman or cars nearby. Later on he needed to poop and asked to go outside so he could poop on the grass. He was quickly escorted to the restroom. The end.

  27. The smiling bunny just cracked me up!!!! Haha

    I'm wondering like everyone else what "pot coffee" is... Lol. I had to read that a few times to make sure I was reading it right. :)

    Sounds like it was a super uber fashionable good time.

  28. This made tears roll down my face I was laughing so hard. Thanks! :)

  29. Well if even the bunnies are smiling after that kind of attention, then why would anyone else complain? And someone who can handle pushing the bunny trailer up the hill and making pot coffee, all while sporting uber cute earrings definitely qualifies for pioneer woman status. Except that title is already taken so you qualify for Ruralville Mom status. Also known as Lumberjack Wife status. That's the ability to handle multiple children, bunnies, LucyFur, wannabe Lumberjacks and their strange kin and dead carcasses on your peach walls, all while looking very fashionable and trendy.

    By the way, I'm sure Bimlissa was only saving the best for last. At least, that should have been her response. : )
