Saturday, March 5, 2011

Big Cities and Restaurants

As I mentioned before, we went on a field trip yesterday to the TV station . . . where the children were expected to sit quietly during the taping of a LIVE news show.

You can imagine my panic, no?

When we arrived, we met up with the rest of the homeschoolers.  Apparently, the lady in charge had given the wrong directions and she was wondering if we had found our way ok.

I had to tell her that we took a completely different route on account of us now living in Ruralville.

Fun Fact:  Peoples from our area have heard of this Ruralville.  But no one knows anyone who actually resides there.

Yes.  Ruralville is that desirable.

Homeschooling Peeps:  You live there?!

Me:  Yes.   Yes we do.

Homeschooling Peeps:  Oh, wow!  Such a far drive!

Then the Homeschooling Peeps started talking directly to my girls.  And they were saying ridiculous things such as:

"Girls!  Are you excited to be in a CITY?"

"Have you ever seen so many buildings before?"

"You have such a long drive home!  I'll bet Mom here is going to take you to a RESTAURANT!  Isn't that exciting?"

I must admit.  It was a tad ridiculous.  And embarrassing.  And hilarious.

So, after everyone got over the fact that we were those people from Ruralville, we went on the tour of the TV station.

Handsome Dude decided that he was old enough to be a part of the gang and he joined in with all the older kids. 

And guess what . . . he did great!

The real challenge was getting all the kids to be quiet for the taping of the live show.  Handsome Dude was awesome and made not one peep.  Little Dude did great until I handed him his toy train.  He let out a:


But don't worry.  I put the kibosh on that immediately and he was quiet for the rest of the time.

The girls got to pose for a photo op with the weather gal:

Are not my girls uber cute?  They got all dressed up "just in case" they were needed on live TV.

They were not.  But it is good to be prepared.

After the show, we were hungry.  And I did, in fact, take my children to a RESTAURANT called Wendy's.  We are not used to such high-class living.  It took me a moment to get over the fact that they did not serve elk.  Nor did they serve venison.

Fun Fact:  Venison is just a fancy word some people use to hide the fact that they are just eating DEER.

We decided that since we were in the big city and all, we should make a day of it.  So, we went to stores called Target and TJ Maxx and even found this really cool large store called the mall.  It had an elevator and everything.

It's amazing what city folk can think of.

Finally, we met up with Sir Lumberjack.  Sir Lumberjack gets to go to the big city everyday to electrify things.  I had found a discount movie theater and we were able to get all six of us in to see Tangled for $21!

Lumberjacks love Disney movies.

It was a fun day!


Earlier this week, our regular car was acting all temperamental and I had to take David's truck into town.

There is a really long story behind all of this and I am not going to tell you all of it for fear of boring you to death.  But here is the bottom line:

He left and came back with a rabbit hutch that he had bought for $40 and expected me to drive his truck home . . . all while it was towing this bad boy:

So, I was like:  Oh, no you didn't.

And he was like:  Oh, yes I did.

And did I drive that thing 45 miles to our desirable homestead?

No.  No, I surely did not.  I put my foot down.  I refused.

And I got my way.

Question:  Why did that not work when I told him that there would be no deer heads hanging on my wall?

Things to ponder.


And, finally, it is time for the COW.

The COW stands for the Comment of the Week.

This week goes to Mindee:

I think that you wearing an ugly wool sweater and two pairs of socks with slippers is pretty much what LJ deserves for moving you to a freezing house with peach walls in Ruralville.

Tell him that you’ll dig out the negligee if the walls are green and the house is warm.

Amen, Mindee.


Alright!  Happy Weekend!


  1. Whoo Hoo! I was the first comment!! Do I win???
    And by the way - thanks so much for the craft item tip you left on my blog- it was really good!! Looks like Ruralville may turn you into a crafty gal!!

  2. Sounds like a great day!

  3. Looks like you country folk know how to have a good time when someone finally turns you loose in the big city. And your girls were very smart to get all dolled up. You never know when they might need you on live tv. Or in a picture with the weather girl for your blog.

    And putting your foot down worked with the hutch and the truck because you, in spite of being Queen of Ruralville and all, could possibly have caused great harm to LJ's truck or the hutch or both if you made on little tiny mistake in driving. Or if you were distracted by any of the lumberjacklings. No one could be harmed by the mounting of the deer heads, so I'm afraid you're out of luck there. About all you could do is start hanging things on them (such as wreaths, or even negligees) until LJ notices, and then tell him you'll stop when your walls turn green. I hear that's how they do these things out in the country. : )

    Did ya'll put your teeth in for your big trip into the city? : )

  4. Glad you had a fun day in the city! Yes your girls are uber cute : )

  5. I got the COW! I got the COW! That makes my heart happy.

    I am more than a little disappointed that HD behaved so well at the TV station. I was looking forward to a super exciting blog post about his shenanigans. Because when other people's kids are naughty it's funny. When my own do it? Not so much.

    Good job refusing to drive the truck. You'll have green walls in no time!

  6. I know what you mean about the Big City vs Ruralville mentality. People, for some reason, think that people from Ruralville are way stupid (especially women with blonde hair from places like Ruralville). What you need to do is stick some really high-falooting facts and words in your brain (memorize about two of them so as not to tax your brain) and then pop out with those bad boys when the City Mamas don't expect it. Jaws will drop as you proudly walk off. They won't know you're thinking, "In your face."

  7. I always say that anyone can experience city life any time. However, it takes a lot more courage and brains to survive in Ruralville!

  8. Are the rabbits going to be for 4-H or for food?

    Sorry...I had to ask!

  9. Seriously? You guys were pitied by HOMESCHOOL kids?

    I would hate living in the country. I lived in the country as a teen, and I wanted to live in the city. HoWever, I also lived in the country as a small child, and I loved it then. Your kids will love it, at least until they realize how far away the mall is.

    It sounds like a fun day. Although I don't know how you fit in so many stores, after one store I'm needing a cookie and some quiet time. I HATE shopping with my kids. I think I'd rather live in ruralville and haul rabbit hutches.

  10. I've just caught up on your blog. I have been the opposite of life has been crazy the last three weeks, and instead of posting I have been reading and (sometimes) commenting. :) It gets so late that I cannot post. Sadness. I hope you all are doing well...

  11. ooh, fun times in the big city! ;) I would not drive that truck home either. You and your voice should have been on the news. :) I love Mindees's comment. ;)

  12. Ooooh, Wendy's. BIG excitement! lol Great story as usual.

  13. hey taylor, is it too late for questions and answers? i have a mobile phone and have been too lazy to get on the computer to submit my questions. i'll send them to you anyways and you can ignore if you want :)

    1-i hear you talk about your great love for diet pepsi (especially in combination with popcorn). i am a diet coke and a diet dr pepper fan. i have never really cared for diet pepsi. plus, i live in the south and drinking pepsi is pretty much a sin here. anyways, costco had a coupon for diet pepsi a few weeks ago and i decided to give it another try. so, i committed to a bulk box of diet pepsi. not my wisest decision. and, i have to say, i still greatly dislike it. i might even hate it. if you lived nearby, i give you the rest of them!

    so, what are you thoughts on diet coke and diet dr pepper? even coke zero? i especially love a diet dr pepper with vanilla syrup added in from my local sonic.

    2-about this ruralville lifestyle, how rural are we talking? like, how far is the closest gas station or grocery store? like, the pioneer woman rural?

    i think i imagined country life style, where you have neighbors, but you just can't see directly into their windows like you can in the suburbs and city. but then when you describe it in more detail, it does sound super rural and makes my idea of what your rural living is like seem like suburbia.

    do you homeschool because the nearest school is super far away or because that is a value/conviction? or both? i am planning on homeschooling, so i am always interested to hear why people choose to do it. i noticed you started doing it once you guys moved to ruralville.
