Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Tuesday List

Yes.  Hello.

I have a plethora of nothingness to share with you.  After a bit of consideration, I have decided it would be best to throw this nothingness at you in a lovely, list form.

You're welcome.

1.  David tore down the garage at the old house on Saturday.  He took with him Daisy Mae and Handsome Dude, who later went to visit their grandparents.

2.  Do you know how easy life is with just two children?  What were we NOT thinking?

3.  Sweet Pea helped me get all the closets organized.  Little Dude just laid around, refusing to wear pants, and playing trains.  There was no fighting.  There was no hitting.  There were no tears. 

There were no pants.

4.  We even had a visitor out there in Ruralville.

Moose are not sissies, like their friends the deer.

Nope.  This guy, or more accurately, gal, just stared at me and continued to eat my cute, white flowering trees.

I know it was a gal because of the absence of horns.  Duh.

I have to text David pictures of all the wildlife he is missing over here at his dream house.

It's a shame he is never here.

I'm living his dream.

Lucky me.

5.  What is wrong with me?  I've spent too much time talking about the wonderful world of wild game.  My apologies.  Let's move on to more normal topics, shall we?

6.  My wedding ring lost a diamond.  This saddens me.  But that is neither here nor there.

7.  We have baby bunnies.  They are about 9 days old.  Before I show you this picture, I want to remind you that I have no photography skills (or skillz, whichever you prefer).    Also, these babies are buried under a nest of their mother's own fur.  Plus, I took it with my phone.  And I didn't edit this picture to perfection, like I normally do (ha!).  So, take all of that into consideration and trust me when I tell you that this is a picture of newborn bunnies.

8.  Dang.  I started talking about rural-ish animals and the like again.  My apologies.

9.  We have had some strange happenings here.  Things are getting bent and nobody knows why.

Exhibit A:

Handsome Dude's bike.

Yes.  I am aware.  The bike is a bit girly for a dude. 

It is a princess bike that was formerly his sister's.  We have four children now and we no longer have time to concern ourselves over such trivial matters.

The point is:  What happened to the wheel?

Exhibit B:

Weird, bending toothbrushes.

Nobody knows what happened.  And nobody did it.


10.  David brought me home a present yesterday.  A hummingbird feeder.  Readers!  Did you know we have hummingbirds out here, too?

So, now I can spend my long, long, long days out here in Ruralville aimlessly watching the hummingbirds as I sit and pine after my husband, waiting for him to return to his dream house that I am living in for him.

I kid!  I jest!

I like to watch the hummingbirds.  And I certainly don't have time to sit and pine after anyone.  There is laundry to be done, people!

11.  We went on a walk last night.

Handsome Dude armed himself with a stick.  You know, for to kill the crocodiles.

Lest any of you are concerned, there are no crocodiles out here in Ruralville.

Or at least that's what my husband tells me.

And he tells me many things.


No.  Handsome Dude is not wearing his glasses.  This is not his fault.  He is awaiting new lenses.

Little Dude showing me "The Tunnel."

Little Dude basically makes his whole world revolve around trains.  On our walk we went through "tunnels" and would randomly "choo choo."

And everytime we walked a bit uphill, he would start singing:

"The train went over the mountain, the train went over the mountain . . . "

12.  On our walk, we saw a mama duck with her babies.

I am wondering, dear readers, if this mother duck is a fit mother.

I am not sure our "lagoon" is a good place to raise a family.

But who am I to judge?

Happy Tuesday!


  1. On my drive home on Sunday, I saw escapee cows. That's kind of like seeing a moose, right?

  2. "It Wasn't Me" and "It's Not My Fault" live at my house, but are really great hiders.
    Their brothers "He Did It" and "I Didn't See It" live next door at the neighbor's house and are apparently invisible.
    If we ever catch these guys, it will not be a pretty day in the Mid West!

  3. Oh my. I was three posts behind. You have had adventures.

    Sorry about your loved one's loss. God is good all the time, even when we don't understand how.

    I am kind of excited to have royalty living here. Let me know when it's official, okay?

    Good for LJ for taking two kids. My parents took both of my kids so it is mighty quiet here today...And here I sit catching up on blogs instead of cleaning. Shame, shame, shame. On me, that is.

  4. "I’m living his dream."...too funny! (A wife's lot in life I am afraid...)

    Maybe the moose tried to ride the bicycle? And everybody knows that if you give a moose a bicycle, he will want a toothbrush to go with it! Ha Ha, I kill me!

    Another mouth, I mean beak, to feed...tell your dear husband that you just can't get that ratio right on their feed and maybe he should do it least you turn your hummingbirds into diabetics!

    Please get Handsome Dude a bigger stick...that moose may be eating for two and they aren't very nice...


  5. I must confess that I am not brilliant. I wait until everyone is sleeping (or wailing in their beds because it's hard to go to sleep when you don't get your nuk anymore) and then, I whip open your blog and start reading. Following this easy process, I must then stifle my uncontrollable laughter. I get that belly laugh stuck in your throat feeling. Do you know how much that hurts? A LOT!.
    Oh, and my husband got us a hummingbird feeder, too. Did you know you have to cook for hummingbirds? Had I known this, I would not have let my dear manly husband buy this dazzling piece of finery. I can barely get food on the table for my 4 children, my husband, and self, let alone a stranger hummingbird that may or may NOT stop by for a visit.
    They are kind of cool. And still I do not want to cook for them.

  6. We, too, used to have our whole world revolve around trains. Well, I suppose we do still as we are now on to "grown up" train stuff. We are now building a model railroad. I fear this may be in your future too, Taylor. Our youngest is not that into trains. He likes cars. He likes to go "fast as fast as fast as Lightening McQueen!" This means lots of running. Not just him. Me too. Sigh. It's just not fair that the pounds don't melt away when you chase kids! ;)

  7. Work up a science lesson or "project" with the hummingbirds - see how many different varieties you can see - check out which ones think they "own" the feeder - give them names - could be fun! And I don't cook for my hummingbirds - I use very hot tap water and sugar and just stir until it is mostly dissolved. And we have TONS of hummingbirds - none of them, to my knowledge, have been diagnosed with a deadly disease because I didn't "cook" their food properly.......

  8. Kendra/The Queen of Brussels SproutsMay 31, 2011 at 6:57 AM

    Please assure Handsome Dude that Prince Charming has inherited a princess bike (and a pink helmet) as well. Poor dudes. I tell people it is so that I can make sure he is well rounded and secure in his manhood, and that I don't want him to be afraid of pink...but the real reason is I am just that cheap. He will get a big boy bike that isn't pink one day...maybe. OR, maybe he will get a can of blue spray paint and be allowed to turn his pink bike into a blue one. Spray paint, $3. New bike, $50. Looks like the can of paint wins out! Maybe his wife will let him buy a new bike one day...in 25 years.

  9. Heather (not the nurse and not living in ND)May 31, 2011 at 7:07 AM

    Please post more baby bunny pictures. They are so cute. Are these bunnies the offspring of your pet bunnies or are they wild? We have wild ones at our house that our dogs were kind enough to find for us. Or rather we found them in our dogs mouths.

  10. Lumberjack is hereby forbidden to hunt duck. You do NOT want to eat meat raised in that lagoon.

  11. that is beyond awesome that you have moose basically in your back yard!! that is just way cool!! my hubby would be so jealous if he knew!! :)

  12. that is beyond awesome that you have moose basically in your back yard!! that is just way cool!! my hubby would be so jealous if he knew!!

  13. In reference to number 2-- yes, yes I do.


  14. Your "I'm living his dream" comment cracked me up! We lived my husband's dream for a while. Sort of. Then we moved to Florida where we are five minutes away from Walmart and the mall. That is my dream! : ) He said he couldn't believe we would be living in a place where he couldn't park his boat in the front yard. I said I thought that was one of the perks.
