Sunday, March 4, 2012

Any Given Sunday

Would you like to see what my husband does in his free time?

david trimming tree for garden 1
Trims trees.  Can you see him up there?

david trimming trees 2012
How strange is he?

He is bound and determined to trim every single tree on our property.  Apparently, it makes things look nicer?  I cannot be certain.

trees on property 2012
I think he is even planning on trimming the trees that we never see.  Why?  Maybe to impress the deer.  Who knows?  David and I are rarely on the same page.  Keeps things spicy.

Today was just a lovely day.  I hardly did a thing.  Oh, I had grand plans to make my own hand soap and plan out the remainder of the school year . . . but it just didn't happen.

Instead we had friends over for lunch.  Yes.  We have friends.  Why do you ask?

Afterwards, the boys wanted to go on bike rides.  Handsome Dude is a speedy little guy on a bike, so David took him on a bike ride.  Little Dude thinks he can ride a bike, but, alas.  He cannot.  So Little Dude and I took a walk.

ld walk 2012
Taking a preschooler on a walk with you is precious.  SLOW . . . but precious.  He must notice and discuss everything.

Today's hot topic?  All the "ribbers."  Which were not actually rivers, but just the melted snow.

ld walk 2 2012
He went the entire way with his boots on the wrong feet.  Before we left, I asked him if I could help him properly attire his feet.  He would have none of it.  He assured me things are comfier this way.

Look who we ran into on our lovely walk!

hd bike ride 2012
Handsome Dude!  The astute reader might notice that the boy is not wearing glasses.  This is because all three pairs are currently broken.  Such is life.

It appears as if David took Handsome Dude  through some mud puddles.
david hd bike ride 2012

It's a good thing my HOMEMADE laundry soap works so well.  How weird are we?  Homemade soap indeed.  David and Dirty Dude went back to the house while Little Dude continued on our Walk O'Ribbers.  We met a neighbor on a tractor.  He was friendly, as most neighbors on tractors are.

Little Dude to Neighbor:  The snow-the snow-the-snow . . . the sun melt the snow and it turns into ribbers and the deers drink the waters in the ribbers of the snow!

Neighbor: Eh?

Oh, well.  Not everyone can speak "3 year old", can they?

David and company came back on the 4 wheeler.  Just to show us they can lap us, I guess.  Little Dude bailed on me.

kids david 4 wheeler 2012
David was proud of himself for remembering a helmet for Handsome Dude.  I have implemented new safety rules as of late, because that's what moms do.  I asked him why Daisy Mae didn't have a helmet.  He thought that as long as one of the kids had helmets on, he was good to go.


Nice try, Lumberjack. I sent him back up the road to fetch more helmets.

Check this out.

can man david kids 2012
How hillbillies, such as ourselves, spend their weekends.

Riding a 4-wheeler with a garbage can attached.  The garbage can is so the kids can recycle aluminum cans.  Remember . . . they are saving up for a horse?  Because that is precisely what we need.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Oh my! How did I forget that the entire rabbit escapade began with the desire for a horse!

    And those are some seriously big trees. Let me assure that no such tree exists in the state of Oklahoma.

    And the trash can idea is a stroke of genius.

  2. It looks like it was a wonderful day! A walk with a preschooler discovering "ribbers" sounds wonderful to me!

  3. Sounds like a sweet family day! I am still very impressed that you make your own anything. I barely make my own dinners.

  4. What a beautiful area you live in. Stunning. I'd exchange the convenience of a Starbucks for that view any day.

  5. A horse! I love how you just dropped that one in there.
    Looks like a fun weekend in the country!

  6. Little Dude is so cute! Thanks for always putting a smile on my face with your posts :) I hope you're having a blessed Monday!

  7. Have you heard the saying that if you have a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail? ditto LJ with chain saw
    ditto governments with armies

  8. looks like a perfect sunday to me. At least you get your husband on Sundays. Mine has to work.
