Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Hunger Games

I am wading deep in the trenches of homeschool-planning despair.  We have to do a few odds and ends for our portfolios, of which I loathe, and, no, I am not going to explain what the portfolio is to you.  You are just going to have to accept it.  I have been printing off countless lessons and shall now take a break from my hard work for a cup of coffee and a blog post.  I have nothing to blog about, but what else is new?

In a few moments, I shall be loading up the children to drive to my marmie's house where she, Auntie Datenutloaf, and I will be making burlap wreaths, as if life could not get any more exciting.  Can you guess where we got the idea?

Go ahead.  Guess.

I am so excited to make this burlap rose wreath thing.  And I think that the later I get to mother's house, the more the wreaths will be prepped.  If all goes according to plan, I should arrive in time to glue on the final touches and partake in another pot of coffee.

Auntie phoned and told me to bring any and all mending to her and she shall try to do it for me before she leaves.  And, yes, she is getting the Awana vests and patches because I wash my hands of it.

Fun Fact:  Last night as I was walking Little Dude into Awana, I noticed a needle sticking out of his vest from the other night when I tried to be Susie Fantastic and sew on the patches.


Anyways. You can understand my excitement to bring Auntie the mending, as I have just gone through my closet and found cute clothes that I thought could never be worn again.  If I lose a button, I look at my sweater with great sadness and mourning, knowing I shall never wear it again.

And, yet, I still put it in my closet?  Because . . . ?

My ma in law is a fantastic sewer as well.  I choose to believe that I am not a complete disappointment to her.  She has recently found a use for me:  tech support for her new smart phone.


I need tech support for smart phones.  And, yet, I amaze her.  I was helping her with her phone and noticed that she had two different contacts for her daughter, Lisa.  For the purposes of this post, let us pretend that Lisa's last name is Brown.

So, in her phone, there is Lisa Brown with Lisa's phone number.

Then there is Lisa Bwn with Lisa's email.

This was because ma-in-law did not know you could have an email AND a phone number listed for the same person.

I showed her how to do this and TOTALLY redeemed myself for not knowing how to even thread a needle.

taylor jackie smartphone
Sister Meagan snapped a picture of the epic moment.  Look at ma-in-law.  Completely amazed, isn't she?  I look like Ginormica.  I don't know what is going on, but I am actually shorter than my ma-in-law.  Sister Meagan is probably playing a trick on me.

After I wowed everyone with my "phone contact" knowledge, I tried to educate those around me on the joys of the Kindle application.  This got us on the subjects of books, of which none of us have time to read, but we like to pretend we will.

For some reason, I decide to bring up The Hunger Games.

Me:  You should read The Hunger Games!

Ma in Law:  Oh!  What's that about?

Me:  Well . . . um . . . it's like this world in the future that was somehow maybe destoyed or, I don't know, something bad happened and they have all these . . . districts?  And they have all these regulations and then they have this lottery where two kids from each district have to go and fight in these games, and, well, its basically these kids killing each other.  To win the game, you know?

*crickets chirping*

Ma in law:  Hmmm . . .

Me:  Oh, it was SO GOOD.

What can we learn from this?  We learn that Taylor should not write book reviews.

Who else is excited about The Hunger Games coming to a theater near them?

I was totally not into Twlight.  But a book about children killing each other while their nation watched on television?

Yes, please.

Alright!  Off to gather my mending and drive to the big city where fun and merriment awaits me!


  1. I loved the books and can't wait to see the movie.

  2. Taylor,
    Absolutely LOVED The Hunger Games, however, have a hard time trying to explain how awesome the books are to others, so I tried a new tactic. Those people I really wanted to read it were given the book as a Christmas Present. Killed two birds with one stone!

  3. It is so lame to try and describe the Hunger Games to someone. I think I explain it a little... ahem... differently than you, but I still feel like it just sounds weird. Which it is. But good weird. And people won't get that until they read the books themselves.

    Your afternoon crafting endeavor reminded me of this:

  4. The Hunger Games is an epic tale of survival of the fittest and familial love! Katniss will do anything to protect her sister. I loved this series so much but had no desire to read it when it was first published. The best book I never wanted to read!

  5. Loving the Hunger Games books, however, when I tried to explain it to someone, I think my explanation was alot worse than yours. When I thought about it afterwards, it was so terrible that if someone would've told me the same thing I would NEVER read the books. From now on I will simply recommend books on Facebook.

  6. ps your hair looks cute in that pic!!

  7. LOL on the Hunger Games review. I'm going to the midnight premier! When your children grow up, you'll be able to go these kinds of things. Neener neener.

  8. Love the books and am trying to plan a trip to the movie this weekend. Really hoping it holds up to all expectations! When describing the book, I always start by saying, This is not a feel good book.

  9. devoured the books. a little concerned about how all that gruesomeness will be portrayed on the big screen. Am thinking it might make me sausage, you know? Though I finally saw the trailer and it, um, may or may not have induced actual excuse is pregnancy...

    so glad you found the needle before a cubbies leader did!

    phone whiz, no bangs hairdo and big snazzy earrings. Are you sure you're from Ruralville? :)

  10. Wait a minute: The above commenter (Diana) said the Hunger Games are gruesome? Oh no! My 11 year old is currently reading the final book in the series, and I was resting in the knowledge that everyone else read it, so surely it's okay! Oh well. Too late now.

    Obviously I've not read it. I have this strange compulsion where I never want to read the books that "everyone's reading." I'm just rebellious that way.

  11. Perfect book review. I love the Hunger Games books too. :)

  12. Loved the Hunger Games books, my 13 and 16 yo nieces gave them to me to read. I cannot wait to see the movie, I will because I wont blow enough money to fill up my gas tank just to go to the theater. You should try The Uglies by Scott Westerfield. There are four of them and they are awesome.
    PS. Had to go steal your Hunger Games ecard and sent it on Facebook to my nieces.

  13. I totally understand your rebellion. I haven't read The Hunger Games either. And mostly for that reason. Also because "this isn't a feel-good book". When I read during these perilous times with 3 small children, it darn well better make me feel good.

  14. Did I miss a post where you mentioned cutting your hair? Cause it totally looks like you have short hair.

  15. I have to say, I love the hair also.

    You're like the fiftynintybillionth person to say that I should read The Hunger Games. Granted, you didn't say, must read The Hunger Games, but you sort of did. Fiftynintybillionth, I tell you. My Library has 6 copies of each book and NONE of them are available. Rat fink.

  16. I'm going to the new theater in the big town at exactly 6:40 tomorrow night to see what is sure to be the best movie ever. The Hunger Games books are amazing! I also think they can't be adequately described, but you just have to read them and experience them. Oh and at the movie I'm totally splurging on popcorn, because it's such a special event.

  17. I need a sewing aunt. Do you rent Auntie Datenutloaf out?

  18. Funny enough, I tried explaining the amazingness of the Hunger Games this morning and someone was like- "I would never read that." Hmm.. Their loss?

  19. I'm just thinking you ought to get out of Ruralville a little more often. I occasionally agree with the animals in the wild that eat their young, but watching kids kill each other for entertainment and food? No way! Now if it were for money ...

  20. I can't wait to see The Hunger Games this weekend! Woo! All I can say is that thank goodness I waited to read the books until all 3 were out because I HAD to read all 3 right after each other. Could you even imagine WAITING for the next book? Unbelievable! :D Yes, it is very hard to describe the books to someone else. Definitely an awkward moment when you tell them about kids killing kids to win a game.

  21. Umm...I feel a little out of place here so forgive me, I the only one who is greatly disturbed by getting entertainment out of kids killing other kids? I don't get it...

  22. I'm sorry, I was kind of joking the way I said that in my post. The book is really hard to describe, but it is really not about getting entertainment from kids killing kids. I am really bad at explaining that book, so the post was kind of written in a way that was making fun of myself for how I was describing it. The book is really quite good and interesting, not about being in favor of killing kids, but more a disapproval of it, I guess. I know a lot of people don't want to see the movie or read the book because the thought is horrifying, but it truly is so much more than that. Again, I am really not good at describing it. I have not seen the movie, so I am not sure what the movie is like.

  23. Oh, no apologies! I wasn't meaning to criticize. Your explanation was hilarious!

    It's just that I have asked many people who are anxious to see the movie and they have all said "it's about kids that fight and kill other kids for food" or something along that line. I guess I'm just hoping for someone to tell me it's not as depraved as that! :P
