Wednesday, March 14, 2012

God Will Understand.

We have been going to the big city a lot as of late.  My house is evidence of that.

messy house
Now, that's just sad.  That is a cabinet that holds lunch boxes, and in a morning-packing-frenzy, a blue stuffed bunny became trapped and was left there all day.

Do not ask me why there is a bunny there.

Have you met my boy?

LD kicking
He's odd.

Please notice the crayon and ruler.

messy house

Making mothers lose their minds daily.

So, yesterday we get home and there is a white rabbit on the loose.  The girls are really good at rabbit-catching, as all farm and ranch girls should be.

Sweet Pea used to be the rabbit whisperer.

sp catching rabbit fishing net
But it's actually Daisy Mae who does this task the best.

dm rabbit catching with fishing net
Daisy Mae just gets it done.  She does not shudder at the thought of picking up rabbits.  She just "mans up" and does it what it takes.  Just like her pa.

Sweet Pea might be like her ma.  Pray for her.

Disaster struck when I heard a rabbit start screaming.  Have you, dear reader, ever heard a rabbit scream?

Think of the worst sound in the world.  Then multiply it by a million.

I thought that maybe the rabbit's legs were broken or something.  Unfortunately, David was not going to be home until after 10pm that night.  I was going to have to call on a neighbor to come put the poor creature out of its misery.

Because this is my life now.  Have you heard?

But, I, Teller Maliblahblah:Rabbit-Medicine-Woman, discovered that the rabbit was not, in fact, in need of such drastic measures!  Go me!

One of the nets had a hole in it that we were unaware of.  When the girls put the net over the rabbit, the torn part snagged the rabbit around the neck.  This was strangling and scaring the rabbit, causing it to scream.

So, I, being the good farm wife that I now am, got a pair of scissors and loosed the rabbit from its deadly entanglement.

Then it ran off and is still eluding us at this very hour.  I wash my hands of it.

But, hey!  Let us be proud of me!  I done good.  Real good.


Let's do some COWs.  For this brings us merriment.

 Mindee's response to my awesome $20 fridge find:

You made very sure that that fridge has never been used to store dead human bodies or parts, right?

And, of course, I must give a COW to my Auntie Datenutloaf.

K. Have you ever heard of ACLs? Meniscus? Knee reconstruction surgery? MULTIPLE knee correction surgery? No bending all the way down and jumping up 4.2 million times to worship God – He will understand. No moving fridges, freezers, logs, or anything else that will damage a compromised knee.
Using bulldozer when kids are in another city – great idea!!!

It's a good thing my Auntie is not a worrier, is it not?

She's right.  God probably would understand.


Auntie is referring to my five knee surgeries and her general, ongoing fear of the safety of my children in the above comment.  It amuses me.

Alright!  I gotta get all gussied up.  For we are, once again, off to town.

Maybe we just move back there?  Thoughts?


  1. My hubs is having his meniscus repaired surgically next month. No "Getting Down" for him for a while.
    Loved all the cows. Moooo!

  2. if that blue bunny stuck in the cabinet ever starts to scream, you may want to run. fast. and far! or you could just beat it with the ruler until it stops...whichever!

  3. A rabbit scream is the worst sound on the planet... Even worse then the sound of a child vomiting in your bed in the middle of the night... Okay, maybe not.

  4. A rabbit scream is bloodcurdling. Yay you! And props to Daisy Mae - we had rabbits for a while and had the worst time ever catching them when they got loose. The net idea is genius.

  5. I, too, am a worrier. Specifically, I worry that if you move back to town, you won't be as entertaining. So please don't.

  6. i have heard the worst sound in the world and it wasn't a bunny (i did raise two so i know what they sound like)...i won't tell you what it was because it wasn't pretty, but it did involve an animal!

  7. I would like to adopt Auntie Datenutloaf. She is a bright gal. And fun. And sassy. Let her know I am available for all around/general niece like duties?
    gonna go with her advice on the song leading, for sure. You are going to need that knee for about 70 more years, give or take. No point in using up all the bends right away!

  8. Oh no! I just realized we both refer to The Big City in our blogs. Here's the deal: either you live in the same state as me and we're both referring to the same place OR there's two. It's kind of confusing... just like how there are multiple cities with the same name. A quick Google Search revealed there are 49 cities in the US named Greenville. yikes. I didn't see The Big City on the list... yet. Do you happen to live in Idaho, by chance? I am very curious if your town is bigger than Retirement Community (where I live). We have two population signs (on either end of town); one says 998 people, one says 1001 people.

  9. Two COWS? TWO? I am not being sarcastic in the slightest when I tell you that that is one of the highlights of this entire month. :) Thanks Taylor.


    My apologies if you can never shake the lingering fear of dead bodies in your fridge.

  10. I love your blog, Teller, and am always disappointed when there's not a new post.
    I followed your link to Mindee's blog and you do know what it says on her scroll bar, don't you?
    "Knock knock inhabitants in the fridge"

  11. Ha! Now that gets MY vote for Comment of the Week. I'll never look at my navigation bar the same way again!

  12. My favorite part was you YELLING at your fellow church people.

    You wanna know what it was my favorite part?

    Because I yell at my church people, too!

    And they wouldn't have it any other way!
    Oh, no, they would not!
