Tuesday, March 20, 2012


We have entered birthday mania over here.  Handsome Dude's birthday is March 23rd and Daisy Mae's birthday (along with my niece!) is March 24th.  We had a family party for Handsome Dude and Daisy Mae on Sunday.  Eighteen people came and I was undoubtedly the hostess with the mostess.  I am 30 now, and totally act like it.

Party for 18 people?  Nailed it.

Daisy Mae:  soon to be 8

dm 8th birthday
Handsome Dude:  soon to be 5

hd 5th birthday
Little Dude:  soon to be in trouble for something

ld march 2012
Also on Sunday, David started to build the chicken coop.  THE CHICKEN COOP!  GAH! Why am I so excited for this?   What does this mean?  What does GAH mean? Will I ever be able to socialize with city-dwellers again?  Probably not.  I'm too far gone.

david chicken coop
Don't lie, readers.  You just clapped and cheered for excitement, too.  Don't deny it.

Handsome Dude got a new bike from one set of grandparents and a new wagon from the other set.  I told him I wanted him to wear a helmet with his new bike, and he has equated that to: "I MUST WEAR A HELMET AS SOON AS I STEP FOOT OUTSIDE."  I ain't gonna lie . . . I kind of like it.

Any-who.  Handsome Dude needed to be a mini-David, so he took his wagon and loaded up the scrap wood from the chicken coop project, helmet and all.

hd hel
Could he be any cuter?  I ask you?  I love him.

Auntie Datenutloaf is here visiting and my girls will not leave her alone.  Sister Meagan also flew in, so my kids are in "auntie" heaven.  This means the aunties can come over and I can be left alone.  Daisy Mae gets about 2 inches from Auntie Datenutloaf's face and just grins for the entire visit.

We played a game called Chronology.  It's a game where you have to put events in order on a timeline.

Because we totally know how to party.

Anytime my girls would do anything, Auntie Datenut would look at me like I was God's gift to homeschool.

"Taylor!  Your kids!  They are SO smart!"

And from then on out, I was right by Daisy Mae's side, standing two inches from Auntie's face, basking in her praises.  And I shall now homeschool forever and ever and all peoples will rise and call me blessed and ask me for advice and tips and whatnot.

Or something like that.

I decided to go snap a quick picture of the chicken coop again, because, have you heard?  I am excited.

And, hark.  It is snowing on this Tuesday morn.

coop process in snow 2012
I think I shall call Auntie Datenutloaf and inform her that I am, once again, driving to the big city in treacherous conditions, such as these.

Perhaps the fact that Handsome Dude wears a helmet at all times now will bring her comfort?

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Happy Birthday to the youngin's. Chickens! Gah! Holla! :)

  2. I want chickens, but Colby says no... And he's even a farmer. Isn't that weird?

  3. Hi :)
    I'd write more but I just realized my movers will be here in two weeks.
    I'm going back under the covers to pretend it isn't so.

  4. The last time I hosted a party with thirty or so guests, the cake exploded. I blogged about it here: http://angelafehr.com/wordpress/2011/01/24/a-humbling-birthday-explosion/
    Also, there's a really funky chicken coop in the Hannah Montana movie. Yes, I have two daughters, why do you ask?

  5. Perhaps you could attach a face mask to his helmet? That would protect his glasses too!

  6. And how does a city girl get all e-dju-ma-kay-ted about raising chickens? Just curious . . .becaus apparently a lot of hipsters in cities are getting a few chickens for their yards. And I simply must keep up with the hipsters. (NOT!)

  7. totes impressive. good work.
    you are a super star homeschool mom.
    I'm not surprised your kids are so smart!

  8. I think moms should be presented with gifts on the birth days of their children. REALLY, we kept them alive for another whole year. Whom ever decided kids get gifts on their birthdays had it ALL WRONG.

    BUT, Happy B-day Maliblahblah kids...and Taylor, good job. May your offspring enjoy many more b-days because you did indeed keep them fed, clothed, educated, and carted to homeschooling field trips for yet another year after year.

  9. May I borrow Auntie Datenutloaf? Just for a bit?

    P.S. My birthday is March 28th in case you want to continue your roll of nailing parties.

  10. I wish I had a chicken coop and I live in the city!
    Is it going to be a fancy one like the luxury coops I see on pinterest? DO TELL!!!

  11. I was just discussing my desire for a chicken tractor with my husband this morning...

  12. Daisy Mae is looking so mature! Any you are the hostess with mostess!

  13. Happy, happy birthday to all!!
    Have great fun with your Auntie...family time is so good!

  14. Birthday Party: Yep, you so nailed it. Fantastic food! Good company. And yes, I love all things safety with four kids.
