Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Mediocre Tutorial on the Makings of a Wreath

I thought I would share with y'all how we made the burlap wreaths.  Because I know you have been drooling over them since I showed them to you and were desperately awaiting the moment when I would show you the light.

Get ready to have your socks knocked off.

Don't deny it, people.

burlap wreath
THAT is THE coolest wreath you've ever had the pleasure of looking at.

(Raise your hand if you can tell we are on spring break and I have a little bit of free time on my hands)

So, my mother found this idea via The Pinterest.  She finds some cool things on Pinterest.

Alright.  Burlap Wreaths.  Let's do this.

First off, this is the link to the blog where we got the idea.  Please do not think for one second that I could possibly come up with this idea on my own.

Because, I can assure you, I could not.

Materials Needed:

Wreath (we used a straw one)

Hot Glue Gun (my mother used tacky glue, but she is an odd duck.  See picture above)

Burlap (about 2 yards)

An ink pen (But you won't use the ink side.  You will use the other end.  Please try to focus)

1)  Wrap burlap around the straw wreath and glue it into place.  The piece of burlap will be about 3 inches wide and 60 inches long, probably depends on the size of the wreath form you are using.

2)  Cut many, many, MANY squares out of your burlap.  The squares should be about 3 1/2 inches.

3)  If it all possible, show up late to the crafting party so that your mother and aunt will have already cut out the squares for you.  Holla!

taylor mom wreath 2012
4)  Grab a pen.  Take the pen and wrap a square around the pen, so that the pen is in the center of the square and put a dab of hot glue on it.

dana mom wreath 2012
5)  Using the pen, stick glue onto the wreath form.

6)  Repeat 4.2 million times.

7)  The gal who came up with this idea used two different colors of burlap.  You should check out her blog for more ideas or if my FANTASTIC tutorial was lacking in the helpfulness department.

So there you have it.

burlap wreath
An astonishingly beautiful wreath made by yours truly.

You can put your socks back on now.


And you thought I only decorated with these fine beasts:

david's deer mount in kitchen
Perhaps I shall hang my lovely wreath on the deer's nose?


I have also made a coffee filter wreath, and it has brought delight unto my soul.

Plus it was cheap.

You can check it out here if you so desire.


  1. Love it! And I love, love, love, did I mention I love, the idea of putting the wreath on the deer's nose - it would be oh so perfect... plus it would give you and the lumberjack something to talk about - Like, "Why did you put that on the deer's nose"... lol
    Happy Thursday, and Spring Break!

  2. When I was a wee one, we made pictures of cherry trees (in pink blossoms of course!) with that technique. Using a little square of crepe paper though. I should try that with my son..although I suspect the whole house might end up covered in pink paper tufts!

  3. Yes very cute but can you host a crafting party that I could be late to ?? You never know I may try this it just might take me awhile

  4. Good job! Pretty soon your claims of "I'm not crafty" will become as valid as my previous claims of "I don't sew."

  5. I would hang one on the deer head to see how long it takes the Lumberjack to notice ! Then tell him your's was cheaper.
    I would go with the whole hog roast before the wreath making , even if I came in late for the wreath making.

  6. I made a bunch of those one year using Christmas fabric and gave them to relatives for gifts. Surely they're still treasuring them, don't you think?

  7. Alright. I´m not the crafty sort so you´re going to have to explain this to me.
    You were making a wreath, no?
    And the first thing you needed to get started was...a wreath?

    You should have just stopped there. A total time saver.


  8. I love it and I love that particularly attractive picture of you in this post in which you are leaning in a nonchalant elegant fashion towards your mother(?). And HD has on glasses!

  9. That tutorial was totally clear! My favorite part was the showing up late part. Because I'm not a fan of anything tedious. Unless I can chat nonstop, which I guess cutting squares wouldn't prohibit overly much.
