Saturday, March 3, 2012

Epic Chicken Coops and Gardens

David was reading my blog the other night.  Which is odd for him.  He was laughing.

Laughing, people!  Laughing.

The only other time he laughed whilst reading my blog was one time last summer.  I remember it well.  I was canning peaches.  Because, have you heard?  I'm super weird.  I had gotten all excited-like to hear his amusement, only to discover he was laughing at the comment Erin had made.  Oh, for the disappointment of it all.  So, when I discovered him laughing at something I had actually wrote, I had to go back and read the post to see what was so funny.  And while I was reading the post (of which I didn't find all that funny), I noticed a major typo that no one caught.


I was discussing my husband, and his general insaneness, and mentioned his WENCH.

truck snow winch
When,  in fact, I believe I meant WINCH.

A wench.

AKA:What I don't want my husband to have.

Normally, if I made a teensy-weensy mistake, you people are all up in my face letting me know about it.  You let me down, people.  You let me down.

But it's all good.


Today was another day full of homesteading fun.  I went on a tour of our lands with my wench-less husband so we could plan out our future garden and chicken coop.

I gotta admit, people, I am excited.  This garden is going to be epic.  I have great plans to make it look like this:

I'll probably even get that hat and everything.

I'm certain gardening will be a breeze and it shall cause me no strife.

I'm also pretty jazzed about this chicken coop.  I can only hope I will get over my fear of touching a live chicken.  David said I could paint the coop red.

RED, people!  RED!

I'm living the dream.

After he told me about my RED chicken coop, I got on the Pinterest to get some ideas, and oh my lands, there are chicken coops out there that are nicer than my house.

I am all a-flutter.  I am about to go and show my dapper husband all of my Pinterest finds.  I can only hope he will get the same twinkle in his eye as I have in mine.

Wish me luck!

PS-This is for
all thosethe two people who have read my blog for awhile and remember my great fear of recipes containing the horrific words "active dry yeast"  . . . .

Look at me with my big-girl-breadmaking-pants on!



  1. Bunnies, a garden and soon to be a chicken when can we expect goats?? You will soon have all the eggs you can use!! I can almost smell the fresh bread from here!! Yum!!

  2. :) Well, my DH wants to know what I'm laughing at almost every time I read your blog! Happy days for pretty gardens and red chicken coops! And where can I buy some of those big-girl-bread-making pants?

  3. I'm pretty sure Ryan is offended that you didn't work him into this chicken coop post. For shame.

    That bread picture made me salivate. I finally tried those copycat Olive Garden Breadsticks from The Pinterest last night. Super good!

  4. I would NEVER want to offend Ryan. Thanks for reminding me . . . I will add him post haste!

  5. I mentioned to my husband once that I had thought about getting chickens and he laughed. "Yeah, right."
    I was so relieved. I don't have to be just like his mother.

  6. You have made great strides in conquering you fear of yeast!

    One of your early readers....

  7. "You fear of yeast" = typo....

  8. I am curious as to your plans for keeping the wildlife out of the garden and the chicken coop. I'd love to grow some vegetables in more than a pot on my patio but the deer already eat the weeds on our hill and we can't have a wreath containing berries on your front door or we might come face to face with a bear. That's not to mention all the rabbits (yes we have rabbits here too, just not on purpose) and fox and chipmunks and groundhogs.

    Your bread looks fantabulous-good for you!

  9. I am very jealous of your chicken coop anyway, but now that I know it's going to be red? Color me green.

    Not only are you going to have fresh eggs, but I'm thinking it will also provide FABULOUS stories.

  10. I'm jealous of your fabulous looking garden and coop! I'm sure that it will look exactly like the pictures and will be a joy to care for! Please don't tell us if it's not like that because I also have visions of a beautiful, bountiful garden and farm critters that live in beautiful housing and I may be in a bit of denial of how much extra work will be involved. You should now officially be able to call this a homesteading blog as well!

  11. I wish my husband would find him a wench...then she could cook dinner and clean the house and raise that annoying short person...Leaving me free to play with the chickens and goats and work in the garden mahahaha.

    You should get ducks to go with the chickens too...Just sayin'


  12. I wish my husband would find him a wench...then she could cook dinner and clean the house and raise that annoying short person...Leaving me free to play with the chickens and goats and work in the garden mahahaha.

    You should get ducks to go with the chickens too...Just sayin'


  13. Wench - maybe we all just figured she was driving.

    Yummy looking bread :) Prettier than my version of putting everything in the bread machine and turning it on.

  14. David will be fencing it with "deer fencing." I believe it is 7.5 to 8 feet tall. A roll of fencing is 330 feet, so that is how big my garden can be! We will also fence a "yard" around the chicken coop to keep them safe. :)

  15. Hi Taylor, and if there are any chicken hawks (goshawks?) in your area, it would be a good idea to cover the hen yard with mesh or the like - look here:
    Because - alas - most hens are too dumb to run for cover under bushes when a hawk attacks ... How do I know? We lost all our hens, one by one, to a pair of chicken hawks who thought our lawn was a "ChickenHawk-McDonalds". And well, a chicken coop, however beautifully designed and adorned, should be easy to enter (for you, not for foxes and other predators) and easy to clean, because you will have to clean it every day (the smell of chicken poop, you know, is very rich in exotic perfumes like ammonia ...). How do I know? ...sigh.
    And one last thing: if I would ever ponder keeping some chicken again, I would build a chicken tractor and would not buy more than 4 or 5 hens (the egg supply is enough for a family, 5 hens produce an average of 15 or more eggs per week during the egg-laying season). Forget about a fence, no need for scooping up poop, you just have to move the tractor to a fresh spot of grass every day . Chicken tractor:
    Best wishes ! Lola

  16. Your bread looks great. David should forgive all your foibles when he sees that bread. :)

  17. Hey girl! That is exactly how my garden looks! In my dreams....glsdxto know your husband is wench-less!

  18. I am so jealous of your garden! Not so much of the chickens. I really want a garden but since we live in the big city and not in ruralville, I will just have to live vicariously through you.

  19. Do you actually like Ryan Gosling?

  20. Congrats on the bread! It looks delicious. I think it was about the same time that I read about your fear of active dry yeast that I started to confront mine. It really isn't so bad after all. Yay you!!
