Friday, March 23, 2012

Five Years Old!

Today is Handsome Dude's 5th Birthday!  He woke up this morning, ran around the house shouting:

"Happy Birthday to me!  Happy Birthday to me!"

Let us discuss some heartfelt memories of the boy, shall we?

1)  When the boy was 2 1/2, he was obsessed with me wearing this one pair of blue earrings.  Every day, he would run upstairs to my dresser and hide the earrings in his pocket.

hd 2009 blue earring
Then he would proudly pull them out and tell me to wear them.

hd blue earrings 2009 2
So precious.

2)  He has always been excellent with glasses.

hd broken glasses toddler
But this we knew to be truth.

3)  He was a joy to potty-train.

hd potty training
And he most certainly did not open his package of 9 new underwear and put ALL 9 pairs on at the same time, have an accident, and then weep for all the injustice in the world for having no more big boy underwears.

No.  Not my Handsome Dude.  He's easy going.

4.  He chucked a rock into the ribber, or river for the well-educated people, at Sister Meagan's big graduation.  And he sorta missed and whacked Daisy Mae in the head, causing a frenzy of Aunts, grandparents, and out of town guests in multiple vehicles rushing to the ER in a state that no one lived in, nor knew where the ER was.

5. He has brought me many joyous, public bathroom memories.

Such as this one from a post I wrote last year:

We had to use the bathroom before we left the library.  The bathroom routine for outings is getting a tad old.  I am with the boys in the same stall (lucky me).  Little Dude still needs to take off his shoes, pants, and underwear.  He still straddles the toilet backwards.  He still sings train songs.  And he still takes forever and a day to have a successful elimination.

Handsome Dude is a speedy little guy, yet his accuracy rate into the toilet is lacking.

I, myself, do quite well, and am a seasoned pro.

Well, this final bathroom run was about the 6th trip to the bathroom that day.  And I gotta admit, the excitement was wearing off.

So, as I got ready to go, Handsome Dude, my blessed son, shouted for all the world to hear:

“Look!  Here comes Mom’s big bum again!”


Sons.  Such a blessing.

6)  And, of course, who can forget the time he ran by me and shouted:  "Hi, Mom!  I not smell poop!"

Which, as you can imagine, turned out to be a tragedy involving poop that you can read about here.  But, hello, are you new here?  A lot of the tragedies going on around here involve poop.

7)  And don't forget vomit and pee.  But we shan't talk about such things today.  I'm gonna keep things classy.

Today we are just chilling out, doing school and the like.  Tomorrow, we will party hearty because it is Daisy Mae's birthday tomorrow.  We like to keep things hectic around here.

Before we go, I must share this photo from last weekend. Handsome Dude is refusing to participate in the singing of his own birthday song.  Because, have you heard?  He is stubborn.

hd 5th birthday cake upset
Perhaps the cake made him sausage?


Happy Birthday to Handsome Dude!

baby hd 2007
Handsome Dude’s Life Verse:

” . . . So be strong, show yourself a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires:  Walk in his ways and keep his decrees and commands.”

1 Kings 2: 2b-3a


  1. Happy Birthday Handsome Dude, have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love it. All of it.

    Happy birthday, Handsome Dude!

  3. Just clicked on your link about vomit and pee! Oh my life! Maybe you should have volunteered to clean the car after all, huh?!

  4. Happy Birthday Handsome Dude! This is the Year of the Glasses, I just know it!
    Do you know why I love your blog, Taylor? Because where else can you read a sentence like this: Perhaps the cake made him sausage?
    Have a wonderful time celebrating all the birthdays!!
    Cake makes him sausage = more for you! :)

  5. Happy Birthday HD! :) Keep up people.

  6. Five is one of my very favorite ages. Maybe because it is not three or four? I don't know, all I know is that five year olds are wonderful. It's going to be a great year!

  7. Handsome Dude and Squirt have the same birthday!

    How COOL are we?

    Well, maybe I should say our boys!

    Happy Birthday HD and Squirt!

  8. Still giggling at all those stories (horrified at the injustice of having no more underwears after accidenting ((yes, it's a word, thankyouvermuch)) in all nine pair).

    Happy belated birthday to both of your newly aged younguns!
