Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Training and Other Sundry Topics.

(Raise your hand if you are super impressed that I used the word "sundry".)

Alright, people!

Hold on to your pants!

We've got a lot of ground to cover.

Sundry Topic #1

Sweet Pea and Daisy Mae have signed up for soccer.

This is our first year venturing out into the wonderful world of kids' sports.

Two different practices each week.

Two different games each week.

Two different dudes to chase around and keep off the playing field . . .

The Lumberjack and I could not be more thrilled.

We can't wait!

And when I say we, I mean I, because that hunky husband of mine will probably not be done being an electrician in time to assist his lovely wife at aforementioned soccer festivities.

Silly Lumberjack, who is not a lumberjack at all, but is, in fact, an electrician.

What does he think he needs to do?

Pay the bills?


Any-who . . .

We got the girls' first practices scheduled and the Lumberjack informed them that they were clearly too out of shape to be playing any sport.

So, he decided he would be their personal trainer.

Would you like to know why I find this humorous?


I'll tell you.

Because my husband does not work out.


Sure, he burns a calorie here and there . . .

2009_9_08 025

But you would not see this guy at the gym.

He did go through a fitness phase back in February of 2008.

He read the book of one Cameron Haynes.

5 million (meaningless) points to anyone who knows what Cameron Haynes is famous for.

Cameron Haynes made him feel like a weakling.

So, the Lumberjack bought an elliptical trainer in hopes that by September-ish he, too, could be as awesome as Mr. Haynes.

And, in the spirit of fitness, the Lumberjack and I decided to forgo getting each other Valentine's Day presents and instead got matching Nike sneakers.

Isn't that cute?

For about 2 weeks, we were exercising every night.

That Cameron Haynes was about to meet his match.

And then it stopped.

The Lumberjack no longer had the desire to workout.

So, our elliptical trainer sits in our living room.

It is a lovely piece of accent furniture.

Sure, I pretend to use it.

Just like I pretend that I am still doing the 30 day shred.

The Lumberjack's fitness moods certainly don't last long.

But after a 2 year break from his fitness plans, he is back and ready for action.

And he has two lovely ladies joining him on his quest.

And one Handsome Dude who thinks he gets to go, too.

And one Little Dude who wishes his mother would put some pants on him so he could join as well.

The boys did not get to go.

They had to stay home with me.

They did not, I repeat, did not take this news well.

So, for two nights in a row now, the Lumberjack has been running when he gets home from work.

I told him that if I don't have time to exercise, he certainly doesn't.

He didn't seem to understand my logic.

I wonder how long this fitness routine will last?

He better not lose his spare tire before I do.

Sundry Topic #2

Handsome Dude has not lost or broken his glasses for over 2 weeks.

Sundry Topic #3

I don't know if I am using the word "sundry" correctly, but we are all just gonna go with it.

Sundry Topic #4

My house is still not finished.

Particularly my laundry room.

And I have a personal rule to not show any photos, or take any photos, of this hideous room.

I mean, what would you think of me?

But the Lumberjack, in all his new-camera excitement, snapped some pictures of the dudes in that hideous room.

Clearly the Lumberjack is not aware of my "let's not notice how gross the laundry room is and pretend it does not exist" rule when it comes to photography.

But, I have to admit, the boys look pretty cute.

Check out Little Dude.

Apparently, Handsome Dude is really, super hilarious.

Sundry Topic #5

The Lumberjack and his new, not-so-cheap, camera.

In yesterday's post, we discussed the fact that my main man has bought himself a new camera.

And he is having a grand time taking pictures "for the people."

Pictures like me cleaning a toilet:

Ooooh . . . . exciting!

And, a picture of me blogging, which I hardly ever do:

And, since the "people" (meaning you) love it soooo much, here is one of me getting something out of the fridge.


That Lumberjack sure nows how to capture a moment, doesn't he?

So . . . why did he buy himself a new camera?

The answer is:  Why not?

He had many reasons.

1)  He doesn't like our other one.

2)  Our other one is too big.

3)  He needs a camera with a high optical zoom so he can see large game from far, far away.

4)  He may or may not kill those animals that he finds.

5)  He would need to take a photo with him and the newly-dead animal.

6)  He is certain that when he goes hunting, I would want to keep the camera at home, so he needs his own.

I knew he was going to buy one.

He has been looking.

And when he starts looking . . . a big purchase is coming.

And, if history proves itself to be true, we will be the proud owners of a new truck sometime soon.

Sundry Topic #6

I have decided my blog is pointless.


Oh, well.

Happy Thursday!





  1. Oh. my. goodness. I'm gonna go with it was buy one get one free and you can't pass up a great bargain. We'd better hear from you soon!!!

  2. I can't believe you took that off just as I was making a comment. Now I'm gonna go with April Fools. Have a great one!

  3. HAHA! And it came off right when I posted a comment on it too. I'm betting it is an April Fool's Joke too!

  4. Your blog is not boring! To me it is rather funny!

    Good luck with #7!

  5. that is a joke, right?

  6. 1. Forrest Gump.
    2. Why would you be so mean and cruel to us all?? We NEED you, don't you understand? :) You are like a funny drug, and we need you all the time for a fix! Ha! LOL! That really wasn't mean to be creepy, I just love ya.
    3. That's all I have to say about that.

  7. April Fools on putting a stop to the blogging Right?

  8. I totally understand why you would be worried about the husband exercising. Colby started limiting his carbonated beverages to one (or two) a day and lost five pounds in one week. His pants are all baggy and he keeps bragging about it. I may have to force him to start drinking DP again. I do not want to be the fat one.

  9. I may have to put a stop to blogging too - seems I may be pregnant - yep, Bimlissa might have a child and sibling the same age...

    Wait - what was the date again?

  10. thelumberjackswifeApril 1, 2010 at 2:08 AM

    Haha! April Fool's!

  11. thelumberjackswifeApril 1, 2010 at 2:08 AM

    Yes! I decided that was dumb and removed it! I had a hard time committing to an April Fool's joke.

  12. thelumberjackswifeApril 1, 2010 at 2:10 AM

    haha! Yes, it was! You caught me. :)

  13. thelumberjackswifeApril 1, 2010 at 2:10 AM

    You caught me! I tried but chickened out. :)

  14. Ok, so I missed the April Fools joke. But- your blog is not pointless, in fact it is hilarious and provides my daily entertainment!

    I was almost certain I saw your Lumberjack and the girls jogging the other evening. And then I thought, nah.... but alas! it was them! I found it very cute for dad to be running with the girls :)

  15. Most of the truly enjoyable things in life are pointless.

  16. oops, lol, half my comment on yesterdays post was meant for this one, oh well...i love your blog!! :)

  17. Your blog is not's eclectic. Love it. And Handsome Dude's glasses. =)

  18. I agree with the others, your blog is not pointless. It entertains me and keeps me from doing the laundry as early as I should.
    I missed the April Fools joke, but I can so relate to you removing it. I have NEVER been able to trick anyone or pull of a good practical joke. I'm a terrible liar and I can't stand it when someone believes the foolishness and reacts badly.. I have to spill the beans immediately.

  19. Okay, I have no idea why most of my post is underlined. Please ignore.

  20. Why have a point in a blog? BORING!!!

    I knew it was for hunting!! I knew it!!!


    Where's my prize?

  21. You crack me up... I love the exercise bit. I always feel like such a blob when hubby makes time to run 2 miles!


  22. Argh! Why can a guy drink one or two drinks a day and lose 5 pounds yet I quit drinking them all together and my jiggle seems jigglier?! That is so unfair! Can anyone explain this phenomenon to me?

  23. I think most blogs are pointless...but they're fun. :) I think pointless blogs can be quite meaningful at the same time.


    I wanna be fooled....

    Your blog is not makes me feel normal.

  25. thelumberjackswifeApril 1, 2010 at 12:22 PM

    Boy, did I have the day! First, I decided to go with the "I'm pregnant " joke. Had that published for awhile, then changed it, much to my first 2 commenters confusion. I decided pregnancy was too obvious. I then decided to pretend like I was going to quit blogging. Which was even lamer than the first one. I had that "joke" up for a couple of hours. Then I just removed all jokes and reminded myself of what a dork I truly am.
    And I will never attempt to be an April Fooler again.
    It stresses me out, man. :)

  26. Your blog isn't pointless. I would say most of us would tell you how it brings a little smile to our faces every time we read a post or see a picture of Jason:)

    Good news on Handsome Dudes glasses! I feel so bad every time I look at my Big Guy squinting to see the TV knowing he has to wait another 2 weeks to see the eye doctor. They really should make indestructible kids glasses! I would pay extra for them:)

  27.'re hilarious! Did you see starbuck's april fool's? awesome! thanks for the compliment on my chillins...I love em'!

  28. Hi LumberJacks Wife : D
    thanks for visiting my blog...hope ya come bk! I like the word sundry...not sure how I would use it but it feels good when I say it sun dry, maybe thats why like drying out in the sun after a dip in the pool. there you go sun-dry!
    keep bloggin it's good for the soul. Its not pointless.

  29. Yes, five points! We love the word sundry. I love your porch. It rocks! I would so love to have one. I wish I was there to do the window coverings and plant plants for the view. I wish you had a garage and a workshop too. And a back house for the olde auntie. Blog is not pointless. It helps us grow with your family and not feel so far away. Hey LJ, how 'bout binoculars? I got some new nifty ones. I thot of a new name for your electrician. LJ aka Sparky the Hunter Dude. Miss y'all
