Sunday, November 7, 2010

A November Walk

A few evenings ago, the offspring and I took a little stroll amidst the lands that surround our humble abode.

(Now that was an excellent sentence.)

There's just not that much else to do.

Attention Smart People:  Could somebody please assure me that the photograph below is not a picture of a deadly snake's den?

Because then I would have to move.

And that may or may not be a bad thing.  I haven't decided.

The purpose of this walk was so Daisy Mae could lead us all to the super-cool-fantastic-secret pond she had found.

It was quite the pond, I tell ya.

But soon I got to thinking . . . an activity I do participate in from time to time . . . when did Daisy Mae go wondering about the vast lands finding ponds and stepping over the holes of anacondas?

And did I say she could?

You can't expect me to keep track of ALL four of them ALL of the time, now can you, dear readers?

That would be a daunting task.

You know those invisible fence things they make for dogs?  Do they work for children?

Please advise.

Oh, Look!  It's my manly-man-hunter's tree stand!

I know what you are thinking.

That's ridiculous.

And it is.

And what's even more ridiculous is he sits in that thing and texts me that he will be late for dinner.

My husband?  Late for dinner?





Sha-la-la-la-la-la-my-oh-my  . . . look at that boy, too shy . . . he ain't gonna kiss the girl

(Name that movie)


That was a lovely lagoon in that movie, was it not?

I don't want to brag, but we have a lagoon, too.

It kind of looks like that lovely lagoon from the movie . . . no?

But, wait.

Even though it may appear lovely in all its lagoon-ness, it is really quite . . .


This is my life now, people.

This is it.

Yes.  We have a lagoon instead of a sewer system.


Try to contain your understandable jealousy.

Happy Sunday!


  1. That was supposed to be dog, not dig.

  2. Do I understand you right that the "lagoon" is on your property? Is it something the kids or dig could wander into? And how does your husband get up into the tree? Miss ya!! =)

  3. The Little Mermaid, of course.

    Hope she doesn't swim in that lagoon of yours.

  4. Oh my goodness. Is that even legal? Don't they have septic tanks in Ruralville?

  5. I have to say: Why does Daisy Mae need permission to go exploring? I say that builds character! And is F. U. N...

    And, no. I do not believe that is a snake hole. Does it have little trails around it? I'm calling it a rodent den. Or, it could be a trap door spider hole. Remember my story about that one? Yoiks.

    Anyhoo. Have fun with those nature walks. They are the best!

  6. You are from Oregon.

    yes, yes, that's totally gotta be it!

    Please email me with my prize!

  7. You crack me up once again! Bless your heart!

  8. A lovely afternoon in Ruralville. In defense of wandering children, independent discovery is one of the main reasons to live a-way out there! Let 'em run, explore and find out about the natural world. They'll be fine. :) After they turn 5. Usually they can make basic safety type decisions at that age. Have fun!!!

  9. While reading this post I had a flashback to a game my sister and I played when we were kids... we used to scare ourselves silly playing something we called creature from the black lagoon. I think there may have been a movie by that name which we never saw but we had vivid imaginations.

    Also, on the bright side, if that is a snake hole your mice problem will be gone for good.

  10. The Little Mermaid (and I didn't cheat by looking at the other comments). This is my FAVORITE Disney movie!!!

  11. What a lovely lagoon! Not. Oh, you poor, poor dear. :)

  12. Uuuuuuuummmmmm....can you say cholera? I'm with Mindee, I cannot see how that can possibly be legal!

  13. Wow! I hate to say but it might be a snake hole... I love the tree where your husband hangs out.

    I wrote that with all periods, and then changed my mind. It wasn't strong enough.

  15. Oh wow. Being a city girl I am mesmerized by nature and just love love love to explore. That being said, i have a sneaking suspicion that sigh might put a little damper on any and all exploring urges :P. But no seriously, looks like a lot of fun and a lot of memories! It is a tad unnerving when you find out your kids go off without you isn't it. Forget the fence just get a collar and long chain, dog run type thing. People already pit kids on leashes in stores :). Kidding!

  16. Did I ever tell you about the time my brother and sister went skating on the 'pond' behind our house? You know people are always warning about skating on thin ice. Well, this 'pond' wasn't really very deep but......the water wasn't something you want to fall into. And the ice was thin. And they did fall in. And my mom was NOT happy about the cleanup. But it makes for an awesome family time remembrance when my brother and sister were actually knee deep in 'you know what!'

  17. I can't guarantee you that a snake does not live in that hole, but I can guarantee you a snake did not make it. Snakes can not dig (obviously), but they do tend to take over burrows made by mice or rabbits or such things. Yep, I am a former country girl now living in the Big City! :)
    PS - I love the Little Mermaid! And that is my favorite song from the movie.

  18. I feel like it is cheating when you put a picture of the movie. Although, I guess it is your game/blog/post/life so you cheat if you want. :)

    I do not like the yucky water on your rural prop. It frightens me.

    I also do not like to think that it is a snake hole. Perhaps it is that groundhog from PA. He finally got tired of working for the man and ran away to your sweet home. ha ha.

  19. Man, I totally want a lagoon. How romantic. And that one totally looks like the one in Little Mermaid. Except for all the cool sparkly overhanging trees and the singing birds. And, well, the mermaid. But other than all that...totally. Lucky lady.
    P.S. It's completely normal to lose your kids.

  20. Your opening sentence brought a tear to my eye - or it may have been the sewer- I forget...

  21. As for snake worries: put it off until the spring. Isn't it already to cold for them up there anyway?

    Yet, as you well know, I am suggesting something ridiculous since we just dealt with copperhead bites and our golden retriever.... but advice is always easier to give than get, ya know!

  22. Ewww - human waste lagoon??? Gross! BTW I sat behind you in church Sunday - I would have said hello but I got there late and you left early. Plus, I thought it would be rude to say anything to Lumberjack about his snoring during Jim's talk.

  23. Dear Taylor, Please visit my blog! Your tale has triggered a fond memory of my childhood! Thanks for the inspiration!

  24. We had a hole like that in our back yard and I was telling my husband all about it and how big it was and he said was it really big, like the size of a swingset leg after I moved it to mow?! Oh, duh... I am an idiot!
    We do not have a lagoon though.. wow aren't you a lucky girl!

  25. Ha! Ha!

    I had a pond behind our house that could have been labeled "Cow Sewage." But instead of labeling it . . . .

    We would go swimming. (Don't judge my parents too harsh, they didn't know.)

    Gross, and yet we all survived and are relatively sane adults. : )
