Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ah. The World Wide Web.

For many years, months, weeks, days, I have been hoping my husband would bring me home a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Tonight he brought home the next best thing:  The World Wide Web.

You know what happens when you don't have an Internet connection?

A lot.

Seriously.  You can get lots of stuff done.  Truly.  You should try it.

Could it be that the Internet is a colossal waste of time?

I might be on to something.


On to the questions and answers post!

I am going to try to answer them all, but not in one post.

That would be excessive.

From Shannon:

If you can do it without giving the names away, how did you decide what to name your children?

Sweet Pea's name was determined to be a short, one-syllable name.   Our last name is truly long and has 4 syllables, so we thought giving her something simple was the least we could do.

Her name was between Claire and the name we chose.  The Lumberjack made the final decision right after she was born

Daisy Mae's name is a strange name of which no one has ever heard of and lots of people think she is a boy.

It is 2-syllables, so apparently we no longer felt the need to be kind to our children regarding their endless last name.

We chose it because it was the only name we both said, "sure" to.

The boys names were the hardest.  I know I have shared this before, but Lumberjacks are uber difficult when it comes to picking out a boy name.

His contributions?





If you like any of the above names, I mean you no ill-will.

After I threatened to dress him in clothes from the GAP, he came to see the light and we chose sensible names for both the boys.

Who each have a 2-syllable name.

Fact:  Lumberjill has no beef with The Gap.  But Lumberjack does.

Even Funner Fact:  Thanks to Handsome Dude, we don't have any beef at all!

(That was an inside joke for peeps who have read this blog for a fortnight or seven.)

What’s your favorite “date” after getting married?

I thoroughly enjoyed our entire Cancun vacation.  I blogged all about it and you can find it starting here.

Is LucyFur being trained as a hunting dog?

I don't think this thought has even permeated my husband's mind.

Let's keep it that way.

From Namacura

Hola! What is your favorite holiday memory with your children?

For the love of Pete, Namacura!

It's Holla!  Not Hola.

Sheesh, Amiga. 


I really like decorating the Christmas tree with the kids. This may come as a shock to you, but my husband isn't the least bit festive.  So as the kids have gotten older, I have had more fun getting into the spirit of things.

Would you like to hear a story about my husband and decorating?

Each year since we wed, I have asked him to hang outdoor Christmas lights.  And he refuses.

He's such a snooty-pants.

One year, I called him from the store and informed him that this was the year he would be making his lighting debut. 

Me:  I am at the store.  I am buying lights.

David:  Whatever, Taylor.

Me:  How many strands should I get?

David:  Um.  Zero.

Me:  No.  We are doing this.

David.  We don't have any electricity on the outside of the house.

Me:  Seriously?

David:  Yes.

Me:  Fine.  But next year is the year.

David:  Whatever, Taylor.

So, I was distraught and dismayed and drove home.  As I was driving, I had an epiphany.

Yes.  An epiphany.

And as soon as I came home, I let him in on the epiphany, too.


David:  Yeah.  I can't believe you fell for that one.

Me:  How long would it take you to hook up the outside electricity?

David:  20 minutes tops.

Me:  Can you PLEASE do it?

David:  Taylor.  Look outside.  What is on the house?

He had a point, friends.  He had a point.

You see, dear readers, we were in the process of building our home.  And we had not a bit of siding on the house.  Just lovely white paper that read:


David:  Nothing says "Christmas" like illuminating "Tyvek."

I will have you know that I still have never had Christmas lights.

From Katie

Hmmm…real question…let’s see. What’s a funny dating/early marriage story that you haven’t shared with us?

When we were first dating, we were always leaving little gifts for each other on each other's windshields while we were at work.

These were nice gifts, man!

Like, I would get flowers and a gift certificate to somewhere.

I would like to state for the record that my windshield has been a barren wasteland for 10 years.

But that is neither here nor there.

Once during this era of mass gift-giving, I noticed David was a little miffed at me.

Me:  Is something wrong?

David:  Well, I think it was kind of rude that you didn't thank me for the flowers the other night.

Me:  What flowers?

David:  The flowers I left on your car!

Me:  I didn't get flowers!

David:  Well, I left them for you.

After many minutes of hurting feelings and bitterness, I had a moment of clarity.

Me:  David.  Did you know that someone else who works near me has the same exact car as me?  And she usually parks across the street.  Is that where you put the flowers?

David:  Oh.  Maybe.

Me:  Hmmm.

David:  Well.  At least she knows I love her.

From Vicki B

What were you going to major in at college? How did Mr. Lumberjack end up an electrician?

I majored in elementary ed and I did graduate with my degree.

Which thorougly explains why Daisy Mae writes the number that comes after 29 like this: Eo

Mr. Lumberjack started off in school to be a teacher as well. 

Then he went into computers.

Then he decided to throw caution to the wind and become an electrical apprentice for . . . wait for it . . .

$6 an hour.

Those were meager times, folks.  Meager times.

Good thing I donned a hairnet daily and brought home the bacon.


Alright!  That's all for tonight.  Thanks for the questions!

Happy Thursday!

PS- I was informed by The Musician's Wife  that I was nominated for this Blogging Contest of Top Mom Blogs, so if you would like to vote, I would be much obliged.

Attention Mom and Dad:  You must click on the words "Blogging Contest."  You will be redirected.  Do not be alarmed.  It will be ok.

I think I am around #88.

Thank you.


  1. I've missed you!! Thankgoodness for texting =)

  2. I voted for you! To make it easier for everyone to find, if you sort alphabetically it's on page 5 and #221 =)

  3. Missed you! Been dying to know how the dinner with the real estate agent went!

  4. yay! glad you are back! I missed reading.

  5. Yay! You're back! Voted for you and am just so happy you are back. However, I must agree that with no internet LOTS of things get done. Sad, no? Thanks for sharing your awesome answers. Also, how did the dinner with the real estate agent go? Did he have a place to sit? Were the fork tines twisted and pokey? :) (hahaha) Did you make your super duper yummy stir fry stuff?? Inquiring minds want to know....

  6. And thanks for voting!

  7. Momtothreecuties and MindyLou-
    The dinner went fine and I cooked and no one died. No, it was not the stirfry. I am sure the lagoon is legal or it would not have passed inspection :)

    My forks are still poky and we had "creative seating" :) ha!

  8. We too have never had Christmas lights. Scott's excuse every year is that it is too early to hang them up. Then when it is suddenly deemed an "appropriate" time, he says it's too cold and we should have done it earlier.

  9. Let's change the name from "Lagoon" which brings up images of Hawaii and mermaids, to "Humangoon" You may pronounce it hew-MAN-goon. ;)

    Glad you're back wasting time with the rest of us!

  10. You're back! And your st0ry with my question is so funny! Glad I asked!

  11. Well I'm stuck on the part about you never having outdoor lights. New house. New rules lumberjack. I bet you could light up ruralville so that it could even be seen from outer space. So glad you're back. I'll vote... You're top mom blog in my book!

  12. Dearest Lumberjill,

    Be careful what you wish for. My husband puts up a plethora of Christmas lights every year. People slow as they drive by and we get lots of compliments which is all well and good in December. But when the lights are still up two months later? And he spends his weekends doing anything other than taking them down? Well you get this: (which I have to say is actually one of my favorite posts for the year). And 2 1/2 week AFTER the snarky post? Well let's just say, you probably could have heard that argument all the way in Ruralville.

  13. Voted for you! And I too have never had Christmas lights on my house. But I finally talked the husband into buying them last year on clearance at Target after Christmas. So this year is the year! We will see if it ever actually gets done though!

  14. Voted for you. You're number 61 now. So much better than 88! No shame in that.

  15. I'm so glad you didn't lose internet for good. What would we do without you? I like your energetic writing. It inspires me to whip around the house and get things done.

  16. #53 now! I voted....glad you weren't gone very long. Hurray for LUMBERJACK and the amazing gift of the www for you!!

  17. I just "liked" you and you moved up to number 52! :)

  18. Kudos to Mr. Lumberjack for connecting y'all back to the www. Sshhhhhh, don't let husbands everywhere in on how productivity increases without the www!
    I am awed and amazed you managed to finish a degree while getting married at a young age and Mr. Lumberjack navigated his way into being a bona fide electrician. Those are huge accomplishments! If I lived near y'all, I'd beg and pay you to take over homeschooling my granddaughters.

  19. Oh Christmas lights...EVER???

    Now, let me just tell you. I know that you have four kids and all, but that would NOT sit well with me.

    My non-lumberjack TRIED to tell me we were not going to have Christmas lights. I told him otherwise.

    There is also such a thing as extention cords. ;)

  20. So glad you are back wasting your time on the Interweb! I voted for you and you are number 44 today! Once again I must ask you to remember us little people when you hit the big time..

  21. Oops... Holla! At least you knew what I was getting at. Hola!

  22. Oh how I love this blog!
    I cracked up about the flowers left on your friend's car!
    My husband gave me flowers this week - for the first time since we met.

  23. I voted for you! HaHa, there was a blog called "mommy likes vodka" or something like that- LOL - great mommy blog!

  24. glad you have returned! I voted for are my favorite.

  25. I bet LJ loves that you're so gullible. Especially about the mysterious flowers he left on your windshield. ha

  26. You are number 33! Look at you with your blogging self!

  27. Heather (nurse Heather)November 13, 2010 at 1:55 AM

    Yeah!! Now you are at #24 :)
