Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Tuesday Recap

Is it possible to create a recap based on a completely ordinary, pointless day?

I vote yes!

Speaking of voting, did you vote today?

(Shameless plug for good citizenship.  Holla.)

Today started off strange.  For some reason, all the planets aligned and my husband didn't need to leave for work until 7am this morning.  It felt like an odd, leisurely, Saturday morning out here in Ruralville.

Isn't it sad that 7am seems leisurely?

The boys were shouting and whooping and hollering because if their dad is home, this can only mean one thing:

Wabbles (waffles) and hunting shows!

Dear readers.  Don't pretend you don't love wabbles and hunting shows, too.

Much to their dismay, Wabble Saturday turned out to be, in fact, Normal Tuesday.

 And their dad did not even have the decency to put their boring, mommy-ish toast in the toaster, and off he went and abandoned them so he could go to work.

Oh, the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

And snot.

Then the girls had piano lessons.  And I went to the grocery store. 

No one asked me if I was pregnant nor if I was an unfaithful wife!


And just wait until I tell you what happened when I took all FOUR children with me to vote . . .


They were angels.

Look at me and my patriotic self!

We came home.  We unloaded the groceries.  We cleaned up the dog poo.

We have 20 acres for the dog to freely run and poo in and she chooses to do her business on the front steps.


We had lunch.

Clearly my homeschooling skills are amazing, as I already have my 2 year old voting.


He knoweth not how to wipe his nose or use the toilet.

We'll cover that next semester.

I told all the kids to smile for a picture and Handsome Dude, in the spirit of Handsome Dude, decided that was not to his liking.

And he turned completely around and refused to participate.

I find his stubborness endearing.

That Handsome Dude.

He's coconuts.

We did school.  It went great.

We cleaned the house.  It looks great.  Kind of.

I exercised.  I don't look great.

The kids played outside.

Hello, November 2nd!

I took a bath.  It was both lovely and a horrific invasion of my privacy as I was interrupted by each child no less than 7 times.

But I savored every moment of it.

Even if my kids will need counseling when they are older.

We ate dinner without any issues.

And now we are watching Toy Story 3.

And I enjoy Ken.

See?  A weirdly normal and uneventful day with no mice in my car.

I will leave you with the conversation my 4 children had when Toy Story 3 was coming on.

You are so very welcome.

Sweet Pea:  Tinkerbell!  Tinkerbell!  I love you!  I'm a fan!

This is the Tinkerbell that appears at the beginning of each movie from the Wonderful World of Disney.

Daisy Mae:  Who are you talking to?

Sweet Pea:  Mom.  I think Tinkerbell is a great actor.  She's in like, so many movies.  Peter Pan.  Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure . . .

Handsome Dude:  Stinkie-bell?  Who's Stinkiebell?

Daisy Mae:  The castle!

Handsome Dude:  Why is there bieworks? (fireworks)  Where's Woody?

Little Dude:  Huh?  Snack?

Sweet Pea:  Toy Story 3!  WooHoo!  WooHoo!  WooHoo!

Daisy Mae: You are giving me an head-ick.

Sweet Pea:  I can't wait to see Ken's heart underwear!!

You can see why we made the choice to yank her out of school and homeschool . . . no?

Little Dude:  Snack?

Daisy Mae:  Mom!  Handsome Dude is standing in front of the TV!  I can't see!

Handsome Dude:  Where's Woody?

Little Dude:  Snack?



And so, dear readers, this is Lumberjill signing off to make a snack for my precious Little Dude and company.



  1. "You are giving me an head-ick"...PRICELESS! Must use this one next time my Best Guy wants to um...yah..you know...(wink wink)..."Sorry honey, tonight I have an head-ick"...

  2. It was a super nice day today for Nov! Holla for good kids at the voting booth! And double holla for no one asking annoying noneoftheirbusiness questions! Lucyfur is SUPER cute. Have a fun night watching Toy story! :)

  3. I glad you had a good day, Taylor. :)

    Marla @ www.asthefarmturns.wordpress.com

  4. Too funny, we also watched Toy Story 3 tonight. Love Ken and the Mr. Potato Tortilla.

  5. I am totally with you on the whole Ken thing...he was hilarious. Sounds like you guys had a good day!

  6. Normal is the new wonderful. ha
    I'll never know it around here, I'm afraid. :)

  7. Sounds like an almost perfect day! And Lucy-Fur is dang cute!

  8. Young children all talking at the same time, mixing words and meanings, yet somehow coming to concensus - Snack!
    Love it.
    Laughing . . .
    Congratulations on a nice, normal day. Good thing you have it on record - you'll want to remember it acutually happened. ;)

  9. But what I want to know...is did you cry at the end of the movie?

    And with a dog that cute a little poop on the porch is okay isn't it?

  10. snack? If I keep saying it will someone make me one?
    dang it.

  11. What a fun, uneventful life, you faithful wife you!

  12. You can't make this stuff up! Glad your days seem to be getting better!! Happy hump day!!

  13. Sounds like a good day.
    My Tuesday was quite nice as well.
    Until the toilet overflowed.

  14. Me and my husband took the kids with us to vote last night too. My two year old little boy thought we said we were going on a boat. As we were walking in he said he wanted to ride in the blue one. So needless to say...he was sorely disappointed when all we did was vote! He cried the whole way home saying he wanted to go fishing.

  15. Sounds like a really good day :)
    I spent way too much $ at Costco, then went to vote and was in and out in less than 8 minutes - whoop!

  16. One of my favorite quotes, "Normal day let me be aware of the treasure you are." Sounds like you all had a great day to me!

  17. Sounds like such a sweet day. Voting with four kids in tow is commendable. You deserve a medal. Or a sticker. Or a Starbucks in the red cup. Red cups are out according to my daughter who is in the know when it comes to the important stuff in life. I hope your Wednesday is as happy and uneventful as your Tuesday!

  18. I am super impressed that you voted WITH your kids. And hey - at least the dog is pooping OUTside. It could be worse.

  19. 7 am is leisurely....sounds like a excellent ordinary day! If I am not mistaken your children's colored cups are from IKEA....the same ones grace our cupboards.... I (heart) IKEA!!

  20. Your normal day was so much more exciting than mine! I watched Season 4 of The Tudors, took MS to get new cleats (sorry...he informed me they're called "boots") and lunch, then let him wash his own clothes! gotta love it when they get older!

  21. Wow, I took 2 out of my 3 grocery shopping yesterday and everytime I say I am never going to do that again. I can't imagine taking 4! Holla for you Taylor! Holla!

  22. I took my 7 year old with me to vote. I had to remind him to stay with me at my divider thingy. Some people are very private about their voting. Right?

    We haven't seen the movie...yet.

    Tinkerbell IS a good actress. Love it!

  23. Only YOU can make a boring Tuesday funny! I am proud of you for working out! What a successful day... can you kindly drive up to my house and pick up dog poo?

  24. I can't wait to see Toy Story 3! I didn't make it to the theaters, but I will be picking it up the next time I find myself in town. (Which will unfortunately be soon, as the cupboards are bare around my place!)

  25. What a cute pic of your puppy! Sorry about his bathroom habits, though :) And good for you for voting with all the kids in tow!

  26. Woohoo...I totally enjoyed this post down to the last drop! Yep, completely entertainin' right from the dog poop to the headache! Ya ever think maybe ya have too much fun sweetie??? Heeehehe!

    God bless ya'll and have the most amazing day!!! :o)

  27. I'm just glad you had a normal day.
    With no mice.

    Our day here is pretty normal too. I need a nap, so yes, everything is running smoothly.

  28. 4 kids to voting!?! You go girl! And I am so pleased and refreshed with your normal, had-to-go-to-town-nothing-crazy-happened-it's-a-beautiful-fall-day day! Phew! Here's hoping today is another repeat of glorious normalcy for ya.
    Also, I just took Levi to vote with me and he also was SURE I said "boat". He kept asking where the boat was and how long we got to go on it. He was disappointed. Until the nice voting lady gave him candy. Then all was well. The end.

  29. Totally loved HD's refusal to face the camera. Very endearing. And someday you can explain to your precious girls about eye candy. Then when your boys go on those long elk hunting trips with LJ, you and the girls can have a Girls' Week where you curl up and eat junk food, paint your toenails and watch lots of movies with eye candy. ; )

  30. I love this post. One day, years from now, when all the little Lumberlings are off at college or home with their own children, you'll have this post to remind you of these regular, ordinary days which will pass by quicker than you can imagine.
