Friday, November 12, 2010

Daydreams and Denim Jumpers

What a day for a daydream.

What a day for a daydreamin' boy.

And I'm lost in a daydream.

Dreamin' bout my bundle of joy.

(Name the music artist)


It's time for the COW (Comment of the Week)

This week's winner is my real-life friend MindyLou.

I’m sorry, maybe I’m mistaken, but I thought this blog belonged to to Taylor Mali-blah-blah, the city girl who likes coffee from the yummy little place downtown and jewelry from the awesome jewelry store just down the block from that. NOT the home-schooling-makes-her-own-soap-and-detergent-girl-without-internet. Ha! Just kidding. I still love you. But really, are you feeling okay? If the next time I see you you are wearing a denim jumper, I may hurt you. I draw the line there. Will miss you here in internet world. Please come back soon! PLEASE!!! I need you!! xoxo, Sweet Sugar Pants MindyLou

Don't worry, Mindy.  I am worried about myself, too.


Thank you for voting for me in the blogging contest!  I was around #200 when I first discovered I was nominated and now I am at #30!  Also, thank you to whoever nominated me.

If you haven't yet, and wouldn't mind, could you vote for me?

It would be uber fantastic.

Click Here.

(Once you find my blog, you click on "like this blogger")

Happy Weekend!


  1. Heather (nurse Heather)November 13, 2010 at 1:57 AM

    #24 now actually :) Glad you are back to the blogging world!

  2. Do you believe in magic in a young girls heart? I love this band...Lovin' Spoonful.

    Its so nice to have you back where you you name THAT song : )

  3. I just wish we could vote more than once!!!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. I voted, and it appears you can only vote one time?
    What a move up!!

  5. Ooooh, I just moved you up to #21!

  6. You're tied for #20!!

  7. I used to wear denim jumpers all the time when I was a classroom teacher...not in 8 years I forgiven?

  8. I voted, and you're now at #14! Go Taylor!!!

  9. Um, what if your denim jumper has interchangeable collars that are also reversible and there is an appropriate one for every season & holiday. Are those back in style yet?

  10. I voted when you posted this, and now I just went back and tried again. But it's smarter than me and won't let me vote twice.
    But you're at number 11!!

    Impressive :)

  11. Hey! I voted for you the other day and checked around on the other *popular* type blogs also on the list and I have to say there is a very real reason why you are movin' up so quickly. Taylor Mali-blah-blah, you are a gifted writer, with a topic you are passionate about, can see humor in most anything, have a unique voice that carries well even over the www and you never resort to raunchiness for a cheap laugh!
    Holla, LJW. Holla.

  12. YAY!! Finally!! I've wanted to be the COW for just, ages!! (Where is a brother/husband/funny sister to interject rude comment right here??) And, I agree with diana at home, who may or may not be my real life sister, that you are good at it, and funny, and we all love you........*tear*. That's right. Around here it's a family affair. :)
    Um, where do I pick up my award?

  13. yo, Sista! Real life COW status comin' right up for ya, in a matter of mere months, eh? Say 'Mooooo.'

  14. Are folks not seeing the priceless hilarity in Gerald? I cracked up. Did you know also that your ggg grandpa's middle name was Gerald? Another top blog, I says.
