Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Flowlers and Questions

Handsome Dude brought me a "flowler."

Hmmm . . . I can't put my finger on it, but for some reason, this picture makes me want to find his glasses.

Check out my messy house.  Holla!


I was thinking of doing a Questions and Answers post next week.

So, if you wouldn't mind, could you please leave a question here in the comments section?

The question can be about anything you can think of and can be for myself or for Sir Lumberjack.

Just be specific if the question is for him, please.


That's all I got!

Happy Thursday!


  1. Hola! What is your favorite holiday memory with your children?

  2. If you can do it without giving the names away, how did you decide what to name your children?

    What's your favorite "date" after getting married?

    Is LucyFur being trained as a hunting dog?

  3. When will you be coming back to visit me at my blog? :) Just missed your cheerful presence!

    Hmmm...real question...let's see. What's a funny dating/early marriage story that you haven't shared with us?

  4. The main path through your floor is clear. I consider that success!

  5. What were you going to major in at college? How did Mr. Lumberjack end up an electrician?

  6. That is totally NOT messy... and your mess makes me feel so much better about mine- so holla back at ya!

    How long do you think you will homeschool the children?

    and how do I potty train my 28 month old ?

  7. If you ever have time to read (which I hardly ever do) what types of books do you like to read? (By the way, I cannot remember if I have ever recommended The Hunger Games to you, but such an AWESOME book and series).
    If you had all the time in the world to do whatever you want (and money was no object) what would you do?
    If you could go wherever you wanted to go where would you go (and why)?

  8. Hmm, I'm curious about time management. Between taking care of your 4 children, homeschooling, laundry, cooking, house stuff, etc. how do you get any sleep? Do you get any sleep?

  9. Does the Lumberjack cut down your Christmas tree himself every year? If so, will you be using one from your own home in Ruralville this time? I have a feeling you have some fun tree hunting stories...

  10. I have oft wanted to do a Q & A post, but I chicken out in fear that no one will leave me a question.
    So I will surely leave you a question:

    Why does your youngest child not look like his siblings? Do they have the same father?

    Kidding! Kidding!

    How about, what do you and LJ do in the evenings after the kids are in bed?

  11. I realize that is up for misinterpretation. I am referring to G rated activities only.

    Or possibly PG, PG-13, or R- rated activities, if you are watching movies only.

  12. Did you and your sister get along growing up?
    Is there a story that illustrates your answer?
    Surely you have a story.
    I'm betting you have a story.

  13. 1. Are you happy with your choice to home school the little ones? Is it more or less challenging that you thought it would be?

    2. With Christmas right around the corner (yes, it really is), do you plan out a budget of how much to spend on who or do you just shop as you go along?

    3. Tell us one obscure fact about yourself that we would never know by looking at you.... For example -(you know this one, but most don't) I can make spectacular cakes, make homemade breads and marshmallows; but buy hard boiled eggs as I find that too difficult. So tell us something quirky about you.

  14. Why did LJ stop playing Mafia Wars? Or did he finally get his own Facebook account? I have to admit, I was a bit confused for a while as to why you were so into that game. Then I found out it was your husband hijacking your account to play. It made more sense then ;)

  15. I want to know from the Lumberjack: What advice do you have for newly married guys on ways to show their wives that you care, appreciate and otherwise adore them?

  16. You've probably already answered this somewhere in the blog, and if so, just refer me to a link but...what made you decide to move to Ruralville?

  17. Have your girls starting borrowing "your things" and then go crazy when you ask to borrow something of theirs? (your girls may still be a little young for this one so if they are...)

    How often do you and LJ have a "date night" (no kiddos)?

  18. Do you write letters to Santa?

    When do you put up decorations?

    When do you allow Christmas music to start being played/sang in the house/car?

  19. messy?? ha! that looks immaculate compared to mine at the moment!! *lowers her head in shame* i find it hard to keep my house clean when trying to keep my breathing under control from panic attacks all morning!! =( happy thursday to you!!

  20. Hey! Here's a question: Can you forgive a bad friend who stopped reading your blog (not just yours, but all blogs) but is now FINALLY back and ready for more? I have SO much catching up to do! Congrats by the way on getting your own domain name! Someday I too hope to wear big girl blogging pants. :P

  21. Heather (not the nurse and not living in ND)November 4, 2010 at 5:18 AM

    Hi Taylor! (I'm yelling at my computerish devise now)

    1. Do you and the LJ fight or have arguments over stupid stuff? If so, I will require an example.
    2. Are you ever going to share with us what two things you are not allowed to blog about? Inquiring minds need to, nay must know!
    3. If you weren't a super awesome stay at home mom/homeschool teacher/dog trainer/cook/maid/supervisor/task master, what would your dream job be? What would the LJ's dream job be?

    That is all. Over and out!

  22. Do you have a lawn to mow? And if you do, who does it?

  23. Hi Taylor! Here is a question for you and LJ, who in the Bible do you relate to the most and why?

  24. My questions:
    1) Why are the pictures on your blog suddenly bigger? Are you getting all fancy pants on us?
    2) What is the liquid Taylor? What IS the liquid?

  25. I am terrible at coming up with questions. I'm sorry. I'll try later. :)

  26. why is buying a house so much work? I am exhausted. Why do they want to see my third grade report card before they give me a loan?
    When are you guys coming to visit?
    What is your favorite recipe, for like, food?

  27. what's the gender on the 28 month old? for clarification. I'm never nosy. :)

  28. If that is your messy house then I don't know if we can be friends.
    Are we friends? I always thought of us as friends, even though we've never met.
    Can we be friends? Even though my house is about 78 times messier than yours?
    What is your favorite line from a movie? (That is for each of you.)

  29. Is it better to make your own playdough (for mere pennies) or to buy it and not have to do all that mixing? Where (if anywhere) in your home is playdough allowed? What has led you to this determination?
    Do your children brush their teeth willingly, or do they give frightfully reasonable arguments for why they shouldn't have to? (i.e. "these are baby teeth and they are supposed to fall out") Do they like the denitst? Why/why not? Wait . . . I remember the hair salon . . .I'm guessing it's like that. ??
    LJ: What is your favorite ice cream? Does music really sooth a wild beast? How many wild animals can be 'harvested' from your very own woods every year? Why DID you take T to Old Navy last weekend? Is your wife the best wife, the wife to whom all wives aspire? Holla
    Is that enough questions? Maybe enough for next time too?
    What is an appropriate baby shower gift for a woman who already has 4 small children? Plane tickets?

  30. Do you like beets? And if so, or even if not, how do you get the beet stain out of the carpet?

  31. I have a question (and an answer to one of the questions above): How do you convince a 3 and 1/2 yr old who's just been potty trained that she can't go commando the rest of her life, she needs to wear panties under her pants, dresses...etc?

    Here's an answer for Kelli, above, on the potty training issue: you don't train them. They decide to or not, when they are downright ready. ""They'll wee-wee on the linoleum, they'll wee-wee on a chair, They'll wee-wee on the carpet, They'll wee-wee anywhere, BUT NOT in the potty, because that wouldn't be naughty." Or at least that's what I just went through. Good luck, Kelli!

    You house is spotless compared to mine!

  32. Holla!

    You have NO IDEA how much you make me laugh. I have no questions for you at this time.

    But my home computer has been broken for a month, and I've not been able to have my daily dose of the Lumberfamily's goings-ons. And things have been slightly miserable... I could have used a chuckle.

    Now I have a computer again. (One without a fried motherboard, which is key in computer function.) And now you can make me laugh again.

    (By the way, VERY impressed that you excercised your patriotic duties with 4 kids in tow. I refused to even bring one of mind and demanded my husband rush home from work to help. Look at you! Inspiration, I tell you!)

  33. No question...just a comment.

    THAT is not a messy house. Come see mine. You'll feel better about your own.

    I'm done now.

  34. If we cannot observe four children 24/7 then can we please have a fence around water or gulches they may fall into? Please? May want to call your county (state) animal control but it may be too cold out for snakes. worried in SoCal

  35. I have a question for the Lumberjack....

    What should I get my husband for Christmas? seriously, do you have any ideas?? I have no idea what to get the hubby.

    And obvi, Taylor, you can answer as well.
