Thursday, November 18, 2010

Racks and Antlers

Since I am a seasoned hunting wife and all now (ha), I thought I would give you all some more tips.

You're welcome.

To further illustrate how seasoned I am, I will have you know that I seasoned elk meat yesterday and simmered it all day in a delightful Elkish Taco Soup.


Perhaps I should have a giveaway to my house for dinner one night! 


Today's lesson is all about photography.  And you all know how awesome I am at photography.

So.  Clearly you are in for a treat.


If your husband shoots a buck, he's going to want his picture taken with it.

Not just any picture.

An epic picture.

I will now show you all my attempts along with the reasons why each photo was deemed unacceptable.

Learn from my mistakes.

LJ (short for Lumberjack . . . keep up, people!):  How many points do you see?

Me:  Huh?  Points?

LJ:  Tips on the horns.

Me:  8

LJ:  You need to see all 10.  Try again.

LJ:  Most of the rack is missing.

Me:  Rack?

LJ:  And my head isn't all there.

LJ:  Rack!

In fairness, at this point it was quite dark and I could not see my husband, nor the carcass.

And I was holding LucyFur with one hand so she wouldn't go lick the deer and his exit wound.

Because she desired to.  Oh, yes.  She did.


Me:  I think I got the whole rack!  Yay!

LJ:  Dude.  Now he looks tiny.

Me:  Huh?

LJ:  You gotta make him look huge.  Get down on the ground more.  Change your angle.

Me:  Ok.  But this is getting gross.

Me:  Ha.  It looks like you are using the horn thing for a nose picker.

Me:  Now it is poking your eye out.

LJ:  Better.  But I can't see all the tips.

Me:  Can we pretend?

Me:  Sure.  This is the picture you choose to "smile" in.  But in all your family portraits you look disgruntled.

LJ:  This is good.  This is good.  I just want the rack to look a little bigger.


LJ:  Perfect, hon!  Perfect!  You are the best!  I am so proud of you!

And there you have it.  Simply put, make the rack appear bigger.  You will have a happy husband.

Lest any of you are confused or snickering, the rack refers to the antlers.  Thank you.


In other news, my sister saw Joyce's question yesterday and she would like to have a guest post to answer the question about our sisterly relationship while growing up.

So that will be interesting.

Happy Friday!


  1. Wow, nice rack! And when I say "rack" I mean......oh never mind.

  2. Dang! Everytime I read your blogs, I just about die laughing! You totally crack me up! Thanks for all the laughs! :)

  3. I haven't laughed that hard in a while! I can just see him posing for the picture and then asking to see the picture over and over again.

  4. The smile comment cracked me up. So, what's for Thanksgiving dinner at your house? Turkey or Elk?

    I will look forward to the sister post. I have found that younger sisters remember things differently than the older sisters do. : )

  5. I love the one where he's "smiling" haha!

  6. Well, you haven't lived until he guts that deer or elk and your little two year old boy knocks on the door with the head in his hands cuz he wants to "show mommee."

    And, yea, we have stacks of those same testosterone fueled, man grimacing head-holding pics too. Wait until the boys are old enough to hunt. Phew. Your life is only going to get more exciting.

  7. Elkish taco soup? Eeewww...sorry but eeewwww.

    Why didn't LJ smile? There were 10 points on that rack, I would think he would be grinning from ear to ear! BUT, maybe he has to have the serious hunter image. I'll bet that's it.

  8. The Elkish Taco Soup sounds yummy! Isn't it amazing how hard it can be to take a picture for someone else when they have that very specific picture etched in their mind that they want?! I hate it when that happens. I've gotten very good at discribing the minute details of the picture I desire so my husband will take it properly. Or asking good questions so HE gets the picture he wants.

  9. I love that the expression on his face did not change one bit from picture to picture (except the one with him smiling) Next time you need to make him change it up a bit, make different faces, throw some thumbs up or peaces signs in there or just anything different.
    I can't wait for your sister's guest post. Does your brother still have his blog? Maybe it will become a family thing.

  10. I totally sympathize with the picture-taking episode. And we have also had extensive discussions at our house that involved racks and spreads and then we measured and compared and discussed some more. (Just for clarification, my rack was neither measured, compared or discussed. Thank you.)

  11. Nice buck, LJ!
    Taylor, even as a seasoned hunting wife myself, I can't get the trophy picture right on the first try either ; ) However, when it's me holding my buck's rack, the hubby takes one shot & proclaims it's good! Go figure.

  12. Don't you mean Elkselent Taco soup?
    Get. It?

    The nose picking comment killed me. and, ew.

  13. Elkish taco soup! You are too much! And I love the photography tips. It's shotgun season here so, I'm sure I will be able to put them to practice. :)

  14. Too funny!
    Do more points make the Rack bigger?

  15. Oh, I liked the nose picking picture myself. It took real talent to get that shot just so. hehehe.... Reading your blog makes me so thankful I did not marry a hunter. I just have to take pics of dump trucks, bulldozers and backhoes.

  16. Yes. Your rack is impressive. Good job. ;)

  17. YOU ARE ME! or I AM YOU!

    Or we are some kind of twins in a really bad club.

    And of course, the one picture where the rack looks just delightful, is the one where my husband looks like he's about to go postal on my camera lens. You know, macho...

    Nice rack LJ, by the way!

  18. Rack enlarger photographer, just another job title you can add to your list.

  19. I would really like a way to make the rack appear bigger.
    Alas, I believe it is an impossible task.
    But you, dear woman, have done a wonderful job with this photographing of dead animals. I would have been barfing all over the poor beast, adding insult to injury and probably NOT making said husband happy.

  20. Hilarious!
    I am so glad I never got called for photo duty.

  21. I think that every time I comment I only tell you how much you make me laugh. I never say anything new or interesting.

    So. Today I'm telling you the same thing: your blog is the only on that actually makes me laugh out loud. And then my husband comes down stairs and tells me I'm a dork.

    And thus I'm forced to sneak readings of your blog. Sigh. Worth it, though. Because if I'm sneaking blog readings, I'm able to sneak other things at the same time.

    Like Hershey kisses for breakfast...

  22. You are a dutiful young wife to put up with such shenanigans. :) :) Your LJ has a lovely smile. whaaat? :)

  23. This cracked me up. What a wifey! :) My Mom calls herself a hunters widow this time of year. Makes me thankful my Hubby does not hunt.

  24. I was definitely laughing about the picking his nose. Yes, I live in a house with 4 males. Just sayin'.

  25. Ha! This made me laugh. You will learn, of course, that you do not smile when posing with a conquered animal. Trust me, I've tried to get one out of him.
    Here are some of husband's archery deer:

    So much to look forward to! Great post :)
