Monday, November 1, 2010

More Candy!

You are all going to be sorely disappointed in me.


I had geared myself up for attempting one of the creative ideas for boy costumes you all so graciously suggested to me last week.

But, then, on Saturday, pigs started to fly and The Lumberjack suggested that he take me to Old Navy.

Shopping at a store other than Cabelas . . . on a Saturday . . . during hunting season . . .

Color me perplexed.

I want you all to think about what on earth this could possibly mean and get back to me post haste.

Anyways, as I perusing the aisles I noticed warm, delightful, already created costumes for . . .

wait for it . . .

$5 Each!

So I bought two monkeys and called it good.

The boys were thrilled beyond words to be dressing up.

Don't be fooled.

Those are tears of joy.

Anyways, we went to my in-laws house after church and then to my parents house after that for a fun-filled day with lots of food, visiting, candy, and no-nap fun.

My parents had just returned from their vacation and were trying to catch up on things and happenstances.

And now, dear reader, I present to you:

Goober Parent Update: Guest Post Edition

Lest any of you are confused, the guest post I am referring to is the one I did last week at Our Front Door.

Mom:  I read your blog and couldn't ever see the post about the flowers.

Me:  Did you click on the link?

Mom:  What link?

Me:  The link in the post.  That takes you to the other blog?

Mom:  You have a different blog?

Me:  No.  But I guest posted at a different blog.

Mom:  Well I didn't see where to click.

Me:  It said, "CLICK HERE" and was highlighted.

Mom:  I didn't have my glasses on.

Me:  Ok.

Mom:  Can you just find it for me?

So, I get her all set up to read the post.  And she reads it.

And that is that.

Mom:  Grant!  You need to read the post.

Dad:  I tried.  I can't find it.

So, I go through the same conversation with my dad.

Mom:  Sure!  You laugh now.  Why couldn't you see the humor then?

Dad:  Leave me alone.

My sister:  Gosh, Dad.  Couldn't you have at least thought to yourself, "This will be funny in a few years."

Dad:  Be quiet.

Reading . . . reading . . . reading.

Dad:  What is going on?  What is this Our Front Door?

Me:  It's a different blog.

Dad:  Well, I was supposed to be reading your blog!

Me:  I guest posted.  On a different blog.

Dad:  Why?

Me:  Because she asked me to.

Dad:  But you still have your blog?

Me: Yes.

Dad:  I can't keep up with you people.

And that concludes this edition of:

Goober Parent Update:  Guest Post Edition.


Back to the costumery.

Sweet Pea went as a cowgirl.

My ma-in-law sewed her that vest about 4 years ago and my sis-in-law made her that stick horse.

With her own bare hands.

You can see why I am such a disappointment.

I forgot to get a picture of Daisy Mae alone in her costume.

Tough break, Daisy Mae.

Tough Break.

Handsome Dude.

Thrilled to be a monkey.

Little Dude, also as a monkey.

Group shot:

Yes.  I have mad-photography-skills.

Or skillz.

Whichever you prefer.

So, we took them out for a wee bit of fun.

The boys thought this event was uber fantastic and love all neighbors and all people and all things.

Yes.  They were confused and shouted,

"Truck or Treat!"

But people got the point.

David and I decided Little Dude had the right idea.

He looked like a chubby, clumsy monkey . . . always tripping and falling on people's doorsteps.

Kind neighbors would give him a candy and he would just stand there with his bag open and say:


And they would laugh and giggle and comment on his cuteness and give him more.

Then they would set the bowl inside their house.

And he would push past them to get:


That monkey would reap 4 times the amount of candy per house than his less imaginitive siblings would.

But, at least he shared.

Happy Monday!


  1. Sounds like an excellent Halloween! Make sure you "confiscate" any good candy for your self. Not that I do that.

  2. Awww--being buttered up by the Lumberjack!!! Cute costumes! And I love the banana in Little Dude's pocket--perfect touch!

  3. All their costumes look great. Glad you had a great weekend.

  4. Oh Taylor. I am sitting at work, literally LOLing. People are staring.

    Had I known that having you guest post would cause your parents such deep consternation, well . . . I would have done it sooner.

    Your kids looked adorable. I thought of you when I saw a little girl dressed in her pajamas who proudly told me that her costume was "Pajama Girl." I'm glad you were able to get more creative than that. $5 is awesome!

  5. It was definitely a fun Halloween, albeit slightly dramatic. Handsome Dude was tired, Little Dude was a total ham. The girls were on a mission. And after you left, I had sticky-ness all over my hands and in my hair.

  6. I always look forward to reading about your Halloween adventures!! We lost Caden last night while trick or treating, it was quite traumatic...I will have to share that story with you!

  7. You have the cutest little family : )

  8. It sounds perfectly wonderful.
    I love the costumes.
    Super sweet.

    But my fave is the parent update.
    I double love it.
    I'm still laughing.

  9. $5! Dude! If Old Navy wasn't 30+ miles away, and the gas to/from said store wasn't more than the cost of the costume, and I didn't have to take 4 children with me...I would hop in my imaginary non-gas-guzzling can and go shopping for some deals like that!

  10. Old Navy $5 costumes - FOR REAL?!!!
    I'm with LD - More Candy! I didn't - I mean, the boy didn't get enough chocolate and NOT ONE peanut butter bar :( I'm headed out for the post sales on candy - I mean, costumes.
    Loving your parent update - mine sound almost the same. I have to email them the link to my blog each time they want to read it so they can open & click.

  11. Your parents are priceless! I am SO glad that you got to purchase costumes and proud of LJ for taking you to Old Navy. Don't question things like that, just go with it! Maybe it was because, I don't know, he loves you?! =) I am also glad that you got to go trick or treating with family in an actual neighborhood instead of "tick or treating" out in rural-ville with all the deer. I'm not sure what they would've filled the kid's bags with but my guess it would not have been even close to candy.

  12. Hey, glad you did Halloween up right, dressed my youngest as a monkey too, well we actually had two costumes a frog and a monkey, so we went Trick or Treating Saturday with friends and then Sunday we hit our neighborhood. Check out my blog today I gave you a shout out.

  13. Those be some mighty fine trick or treaters. Can you believe not one 100 Grand Bar for me to confiscate, uh, share from the granddaughter's loot? But one neighbor had great candy for the kids, and get this, a bowl of Lindt truffles for the adults. Score!!!

  14. Hmm....does LJ have some sort of animal head that he needs to hang in the house? Maybe he's jockeying for a really good spot above your bed or something. Aren't I full of nice ideas? I'm just here to help.
    I want Brian to take me to Old Navy! Husbands should share these things with each other.
    And your parents are total goobers! I love it! Makes for some good comedy!

  15. I love your parents! At least they try to keep up. All the kiddies looked cute. Why didn't you take a picture of that pig flying?!!!! ;)

  16. Love the monkey suits, but hope you got to go to Old Navy to shop for you as well????

  17. How is that picture staying on the mantle? It's halfway off!
    This reminds me that I was not explicit in my directions for clicking to MY guest post today, which means MY parents will never read it either.
    Funny story? I was trying to write the post and my husband was like, "What are you doing?" I said, "I'm trying to write a guest post! It's due tonight! Can't talk! I'm on a deadline!"
    To which he said, "That's not a deadline, that's a social event."

    Then? I poisoned his potatoes. Not. He just can't keep up with these people either. Sigh.

    My son kept giving people dirty looks for more candy. His friends just ran inside everyone's house. He didn't say trick or treat, he just ran for the entrance.

    Good times.

    Cute little animals. And, um, cowgirls and Alice?

  18. I hate to tell you Taylor, but all of the cool parents neglected to take pictures of their kids this year.

    But, yours are cute anyway!

  19. Parents are weird. It's universal. I guess that means we're weird, too. Crap.

  20. I love the monkey much so that my little monkey wore the same thing last year! It was an awesome one since it was warm and snuggly. Not that it matters, but I just thought you should know we have the same taste in monkey costumes. It bonds us I think. :)

  21. Yay for you! A new fan! ME!

    I found you through Mindee and have spent waaaaay too much time familiarizing myself with your old posts before commenting so that I can say its nice to meet you!!

    Ah, the joys of technology and family. My family is very technologically advanced so I hear from my mother more often than not about my blogging dry spells. She has her own blog and my 90 year old Grandma has been emailing since 1996. What a crew we are. . . .

  22. Hey, I don't know, we always referred to deer sign as "Raisinets".
