Monday, February 28, 2011

The Post in Which I Throw Caution to the Wind.

I do believe I am about to share with you all the bestest post ever.

Just you wait.

Ok, probably just me, Sister Meagan, and Auntie Datenutloaf will love it.  But you can all humor me.

My mom and dad would like it, but they won't figure out how to watch the tricky video.

Sometimes, its hard being goobers, you know.


Last night before bed, we were reading books, which we do upon occasion.

Sweet Pea was reading by herself.  She has deemed herself too good for the rest of us.

Daisy Mae was reading to Little Dude and I was reading to Handsome Dude.

Sir Lumberjack was out in the frigid cold plowing our inches upon inches of SNOW.  Because, apparently, Ruralville didn't get the memo that it is MARCH.

Any-hoo . . .

Daisy Mae was reading Little Dude a book called "Five Little Ducks."

No need to comment on my superb photography skills. 

I am aware that I am fantastic.

So, as she was reading him this book, I notice that Little Dude is getting slightly emotional.

If you are not familiar with the idea behind "Five Little Ducks", allow me to give you a quick summary of this story.

In the end, all the mother ducks babies are gone.

She calls for them, yet none of them come.

So, mother duck is sad.

(This is the point where Little Dude loses all control)

But, take heart!

They all come back in the end!

Now, my Little Dude is the sweetest boy in the whole world.  I am sorry, but it is true. 

Little Dude was so worried for this mother duck.  And each time we read it, he would cry!

And, I am the meanest mom in the whole world.


Because I allowed Daisy Mae to read that book to him about five times last night.  And I also videotaped him in all his misery.

But he is just so darn cute.

So, I thought I would put on my big-girl-blogging-pants and upload the video for you to see the preciousness that is my son.

Warning:  This video is almost 3 minutes long.

I don't blame if you don't want to watch it.

And, yes.  I am aware about the breech in security.

The astute reader might pick up on a few of the childrens’  factual names.

But for the sake of how darn precious this video is, I just had to share it.

So, after today, just go back to pretending you don’t know what their names are.

Alright!  Happy Tuesday!

PS-Let me know if this is not working.  When I preview the post it looks like it will work, but when I publish it, it looks like I don't know what I am doing.

PPS-I don't know what I am doing.

PPPS-And, please.  Don’t make fun of my voice again.  You big meanies.


  1. Oh, this is sweet, I've never known a child this young to get so emotional.
    What is wrong with your voice? Sounds normal to me! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Most precious thing ever.

    And your kids totally adore you. Just look at how they hang off of you, such precious gems. (If you have one on each leg as you try to walk, that totally counts as exercise.)

  3. This is precious! Your kids are so cute! And I don't see anything wrong with your voice. Who was making fun of your voice? Tell Cokey that I can't get through "Love You Forever" without absolutely losing it and my kids make me read it over and over again so I know what he's going through.

  4. awe.... it made me want to cry too.... that was way too sweet

  5. Oh my... poor Little Dude. And you kept doing it over and over. I do have a confession to make, it did make me laugh. It was just to precious. Miss all of you!

  6. One of my favorite parts about having kids around is torturing them. I'm sorry, but it's fun. Little Dude just proved this and he was darned cute doing it!

  7. OH my gosh the VOICE!!!....just kidding.
    I'm sorry. You tell me not to do something and, well, I must. Your voice is fine. Geesh.

    Anyway, that is beyond precious. How do you survive without the cuteness killing you?

  8. Poor little Cokey! My 4 year old son was like that about a library book too, except we had to banish it from the house after one reading. It was about a bear getting on a train, then going into hibernation on the train as it went across Canada over and over. And he didn't see his friends for the whole winter because he kept waking up in the wrong place. My son cried and cried and got so upset about the bear being away from home. Poor little duffer!

  9. what's wrong with your voice? or are you talking about the fact that you sound like you're twelve?? nothin' wrong with that! :o) your kids are just the cutest thing!! poor little son used to cry every time we sang rock-a-bye-baby. we would barely start singing and he would pucker up his little lips and cry...and as soon as we stopped he would quit. and we used to do it all the time, too, just cause it was so darned cute...mean parents we are!!

  10. I love it and play it at his wedding reception! Your voice is soo ha just kidding, what is wrong with your voice? I think it sounds fine. You can read to me anytime!

  11. Just you wait, Henry Higgins, just you wait!

    That's going to be stuck in my head all day now!

  12. I'm in my 50's and I still cry when I read The Velveteen Rabbitt.....pretty much EVERY time. I couldn't read it to my kids, because I get so choked I can so see why Little Dude gets sad.

  13. I really hope you know I'm kidding. I would never try to find you and I really find nothing wrong with your voice.

  14. That is so cute.

    I think I'm closing in on you! The very first time I read your blog, I decided that you were from one of two states (from pictures and the way you talked about things around you) and now I think I was actually right on one of those. I also now know 3 (possibly, maybe I made up hearing the third name) of your kids names. Don't worry though, I will never actually stalk you because of that voice. I mean, if you stalk someone you are need to like everything about them and that voice is, well it's just wow!

  15. Okay, you might be the teensiest bit cruel. And I might have done the same thing if I were you.

    It was seriously so sweet that I was tearing up. I wanted to reach through the screen and squeeze him.

    And Sweet Pea! That stinker!

  16. That is so sweet! Poor little guy. Like I said before you have a great voice. :)

  17. Your children are SO adorable. :-) And, I SO totally don't blame you for doing that over and over. I would too. :-) So sweet!

  18. Aww, he's got such a sweet, tender heart.
    But the rest of you-- watching and laughing, how cruel!

    I'm starting to think that he doesn't have the same father as the rest of the kids. Ever heard that one before? ;)

    And I used to think I was special b/c I knew your kids' names. Now you go sharing 3/4 of them with the whole interworld.
    I'm feeling less special now.

  19. When my nephew was about that age, he would watch Homeward Bound and tear up every.single.time.
    He is now 19...AAANNNDDD now I am going to go cry.

  20. oh that was so sweet!!! and so cruel of the rest of you to giggle and laugh and read it again!! and I SO would have done the same thing ;) and tell Handsome Dude he looks VERY handsome with his glasses on!! :)

  21. Awwwwwwww! Poor bud, he reminds me of my 2yo, who BAWLS every time he hears his little sisters bear sing a song. It's so hilariously adorably sad. Precious!

  22. Thank you for my needed daily dose of adorableness :) He is way too precious!!

  23. My little Dude is the same way. He broke down into terrible tears, hiding his face, when the lady took away the little girl's toys and burned them on Santa Paws. Seriously, we had to go watch Snoopy to cheer him up.

  24. Oh my gosh - I can't even hear their voices (or yours for that matter), but the whole scene just makes me do one of those AWWW Poor Baby things in which I have this overwhelming desire to hug someone. So my poor kid is getting squeezed to death as a vicarous hug for your precious kiddo.

    I am smitten!

  25. Precious!

    I'm old. But, that is beside the point. Short story is that when I was very young (about your little dude's age), I would cry every time through "Are You My Mother?". So, Little Dude isn't alone in having empathy for book characters. :-)

  26. OH MY!!! That video is adorable!!!!!!! I dont know whether to laugh or cry... bless his little heart.

  27. So precious! He is too cute! You maybe slightly mean, reading the book to him five times. Possibly excessive, I'm just saying. Ha!

  28. Mom and Dad aka The Goober ParentsMarch 1, 2011 at 1:49 PM

    Is it really necessary to torture our grandchild? Perhaps Little Dude needs to spend some time with Grams and Pop-Pop reading less emotional books.

  29. I'm gonna say
    You have your children reading to your children.
    Good work!

    And, yes, Cokey-da-bear is wee precious.

  30. This completely made my night! How stinkin' precious!

  31. I came back to watch it for a second time because that boy is just precious! And I had to show it to the rest of my fam :) I hope he gets some happy stories too! What a sweetheart!

  32. So I cried twice tonight. Thankyouverymuch. Once when my littlest guy, who is 9, cried about the new neighbors leaving their little dog shivering out in the snow this morning (he saw it on the way to the bus this morning- still upset about it tonight), and then now watching your little dude being sad for the mommy duck. So so sweet. Almost more than I can bear. Thanks for sharing! :)

  33. Awww, what a sweetie!
    Mark my words, 20 years from now when you look back on that precious sight YOU'LL be the one crying!

  34. That was totally mean and absolutely hilarious! Thank you for sharing, poor mama duck and poor Little Dude!

  35. I'd love to watch the video but am on my moms computer and there is no sound. It's possible my mom is a goober : ) I come by it honestly! I'll watch it once I'm back home. I am sure it's adorable-how can it not be?

  36. That is so precious! I remember having to walk Clayton out of the theater and calm him down when he was about 2-1/2. We were watching "Elmo in Grouchland" and when Elmo couldn't find his blanket, Clayton was beside himself with grief!
