Monday, May 23, 2011

Latin and Bison and Velvet.

Hold on to your pants, folks.

We've got a lot of ground to cover.

And not one bit of it matters in the grand scheme of things.


 The three eldest graduated from Awana last week.

My poor Handsome Dude . . . his glasses broke mere seconds before going on stage.

Are we surprised?

No, we are not.

The poor lad was all turned around and cross-eyed and full of bewilderment while being commended for his achievements.

Daisy Mae finishing up her 2nd year of Sparks.

Are you confused on what this so-called "Spark" is?

You are not alone, dear reader.

This was Sweet Pea's shining moment.  She has been waiting for this plaque for three, long years.

She stood up on that stage, held her head high, and was trying her hardest not to grin.

Are you wondering where Sweet Pea's glasses are?

They are lost somewhere in the hotel from Jason's wedding. 

Are we surprised?

Yes.  We are.  And feeling quite poor, might I add.  And a little like we need a better game plan in the glasses department.


The girls had a friend stay the night this week.  They spent all day preparing and playing "church."

Their church was called, "A New Life."  They had the lesson and then the congregation (and by congregation, I mean, myself and the rabbits) had to stand and sing songs.

Daisy Mae was the "music" and just hummed loudly whilst sitting atop the 4 wheeler.

The girls had even made us little homework books to take home and work on.

The church service ended abruptly when the girls switched to singing songs from "High School Musical" and Little Dude decided to grace us all with his pants-less presence.

Classy, Little Dude.



Handsome Dude is growing up fast.  Perhaps it is because he eats about 10 slices of bread a day.

He has taken to riding a bike, sans training wheels, and is quite the speedy little guy.  He loves it if I take him up the road to see the bison.

Yes.  I have bison on my road.

Do you?

He absolutely loves this shirt his Aunt Lisa found for him:

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can guess why.


I spent the entire day on Saturday getting all of my curriculum sorted out for next year's homeschooling adventures.

And I use the term "adventures" quite loosely.


I was super excited to get a smokin' deal on the Latin curriculum I was purchasing.

I saved like $25 by finding it on Ebay!

This excites you, too, doesn't it, dear reader?

So, yes.  My kids might be from Ruralville.

However, they will be those hoity-toity kids from Ruralville who live near the bison and the nudist resort and can speak Latin . . .

and refuse to pull their pants up all by themselves.


Look at me and my bad, homeschooling self!

Don't pretend you aren't impressed.

David:  Why are you teaching them Latin?

Me:  I don't remember.  But the book I am following said to, so we are doing it.

David:  Sounds good.


I am kind of, sort of liking living in Ruralville.


I know, I know.  Tis shocking.

But we have had such lovely weather these days and I have been able to sneak out of the house and walk up and down the driveway, enjoying the sunshine and pretending that walking for a half hour a day will solve all of my swimsuit issues.

My genius phone has an app for recording your distance/calories burned.

Plus, my I can listen to Pandora whilst feigning to work up a sweat!

I love it.

Hmmm.  Maybe I don't love living in Ruralville.  Perhaps I just love my phone.

Something to ponder.


Whenever Little Dude is in the process of being disciplined these days, he just wails over and over again:
"But I LOVE you!  I Cokey!  And I LOVE you!"

Nice try, Dude.


Daisy Mae asked if there were cars back when David was born.


What did the boy mushroom say to the girl mushroom?

"Why don't you like me?  I'm a Fungi."

Get it?

Do you get it?

Do you?


Yes.  That joke was uber dumb.


Little Dude asks me daily if I have a baby in my tummy.

Perhaps I should up my walk to 35 minutes, instead of 30.



That's crazy talk.


The other day I saw an elk.

Fascinating, I know.

I noticed the elk was in velvet.  Naturally, I had to inform David post haste that the elk were in velvet.

This was not news to him.

However, I found it most enjoyable to prove to him that I do, in fact, retain bits of information from his endless, dronings-on regarding the mysterious ways of wild game.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who knows what I mean when I say the elk are in velvet.

I am full of meaningless points today, aren't I?


David and I might go on a D-A-T-E tonight!

Woo Hoo!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Happy Monday!


  1. In the first lesson of the Latin it explains why you should learn it (it's talking to the kids).
    PS: there are very good reasons =)

    Does his daddy have the same shirt?

  2. Glad you are home. I'm surprised how much your kids lose/break their glasses. Do YOU have to pay for them when they are lost/broken every time?? I think I would give them an incentive to keep up with them.
    Of course, who am I to say anything?? My son has lost his camera 3 times, TWICE on vacation in a matter of 48 hours! (But we found it and have it safe and sound here at home!--YEA!) You can read all about it in my blog.
    Glad you are home and have a fun DATE!! (DATE??? WHAT IS THAT??) :)

  3. We don't get charged for repairs because we go to a rock star optical center.
    We do have to pay for new ones when they are lost. Our insurance does not cover glasses.

  4. Elka are in velvet whwn their antlers are covered in a soft velvet like fur I believe it happens when they are growing them in each year

  5. I actually know of this velvet of which you speak because I too am married to a Carhartt wearing, hunting man. Our heads are full of quite interesting information such as this, it is our lot in life.

  6. This post made me laugh. I just love weekends at the Lumberjacks. If my daughter comes to be your live in help I'm coming too : ) She doesn't speak Latin but she does wear glasses so perhaps she could help you in the eyewear department.

  7. I don't know how you keep from losing your mind with the glasses.

    I am SO jealous of your bison next door. I dream of owning a bison ranch. It's a constant conversation item around here. My husband has actually taken it to be his own dream too, which doesn't happen very often... I love it.

    Ruralville is SO lovely, I don't know how you could not like it. Of course, I feel the same about my phone--I'm happiest of all when I have service in whatever backcountry spot I am in. :-)

  8. I can sympathize with the glasses thing. I have the same problem over here, except it's my husband that keeps losing his glasses. It's amazing how much he sometimes reminds me of your little boys. : )

    I know about the velvet thing, and I try to listen when my hunting husband drones on endlessly so that I will sound intelligent in his field of expertise when I speak to him. Now I'm also having to learn about muscle cars because my teenage boys are enthusiastic about them and condescending to me when they talk about them. What I want to know is, when are they going to learn about nail polish and shoes, etc. for me? : ) I feel a blog post coming on!

  9. That was a fun post!
    there you ahve it! Short and sweet!

  10. I am not really suggesting this for realz, but a friend of mine bought contacs for your grade school age son (about second grade, I think) because he kept breaking and losing his glasses. I'm sure Little Dude is desirous of a baby brother or sister and is not meaning that you look as if you have a baby in your tummy! :)

  11. Oh the baby tummy comments. It's so hard to take those in stride no matter how innocent. I had to sit beside my husband's grandmother (who had alzheimers) 8 weeks after I had my baby. She asked me every five minutes, for over an hour, when I was due . OUCH. I would just smile, point at the baby across the room, and say I was already done. I can't remember if I ate a pound of chocolate or did 200 sit ups that night, but it was probably both. : )

  12. Velvet is furry antlers and Carhartt has something to do with hunting. I'm a peaceful city dwelling Bambi-lover and I still managed to raise a lover of all things related to guns, hunting and fishing! I think it must be on that Y-chromosome somewhere!

    Good going on the EBay purchase. Have you seen this website yet? It's a vegetarian site but apparently vegetarians must homeschool because it has some of the best deals EVER!

  13. I know what elk in velvet means. YAY ME! I wont answer, because everyone else said it.
    I'm nothing if not original.

    Congratulations to Daisy Mae! I barely squeaked through sparks. I don't remember getting an award like that. I know I didn't get a big bear for my vest when I graduated cubbies. Or maybe I don't know...because I desperately needed glasses back then, but my parents didn't figure out my blindness until I was in second grade. Either that, or they were trying to save money.

    Boo to new glasses. I have an eye dr. appointment on thursday. I broke my glasses. Lame.

  14. I have a little exhabitionist at my house too. Playing church sounds like fun. I took Latin in high school and still use what I learned.

  15. HD loves the shirt because it is "na-ronge" or something like that. His favorite color, of course. :)
    So glad you love your phone. Details like that are serious quality of life indicators.
    LD is asking for a new baby. He does not think you look like you are gestating at this time. So . . . I can say from personal experience that the transition from 4 to 5 is far easier than from 3 to 4. Let LD be a big brother!!! ;) don't hate me. please.
    Latin = understanding language. I never took it as a class, but wish I could have! The benefit to your children is enormous. And do not be surprised when HD and LD know it more quickly than the girls.

  16. Maybe Handsome Dude could give me some pointers on the whole losing-of-the-eyewear deal, 'cause I seriously want some new glasses. I just cannot bring myself to buy new ones when I have a pair that work. Just some simple instructions on how to damage these will do just fine if he is still perfecting his modus operandi. Holla, H.D., Holla!

  17. I pray my future children don't need glasses. Wow.

  18. Debra D. deserves the COW. This comment made my day.
    I love the story about LD's reaction to discipline. My 2 1/2 year old sings "Jesus Loves Me". =)

  19. We do not have bison on our road, but we have car thieves. hahaha
    I should probably not joke about that, but...I can't help it.
    I am surprised that elk are in velvet this time of year...I would think linen was more appropriate.

  20. What a fantastic biological education the kids are getting. Elk can be dangerous if they are in rut. Tell them they are very priveleged to be able to see bison, uh buffalo. and why. I grew up with Latin and I didn't know it at the time but it made spelling and understanding words easy for my entire life. Learning another language is also so much simpler with a Latin background. It can only help them. In the 60s all the Catholic masses, prayers, and all the songs we sang in choir were in Latin with the English underneath so it was effortlessly ingrained throughout all grammer school. It's a win!
