Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Story of Us, part one

Lately, I have noticed that I might be confusing some of you.

Perhaps I am not as thorough and concise as I believe to be?

If you are a newer reader of this blog, I most likely make no sense.  You have probably already stopped reading this blog.  You are probably not even reading this post. 

Such a shame.

And, so, I thought I would do a quick meet and greet.

Sounds fun, doesn't it?

Hi!  My name is Taylor.  I am 29 years old.  I married David in July of 2000.


We were both 19 at the time.

Our first house was built in 1917 and was 700 square feet.  Together we ripped out all the flooring and discovered beautiful hardwood floors.  We refinished them, did some painting and other lovely fix ups.

We thought we were something else.

We were both going to college to become teachers and were working.  Instead of having children, we got ourselves two Golden Retrievers:  Jack and Mabel.

jack and nemo

They were the world's naughtiest dogs.

Awhile later, my husband decided that being a teacher was not his calling.


This was the beginning of the end, dear readers.  The end of the David as I knew him.  You see, readers, David and I did everything together.  We shopped at the mall.  We both enjoyed The Gap (but could only afford Old Navy clearance), coffees, restaurants, and movie dates.

We both even, dare I say it, visited the tanning booth and highlighted our hairs.

Oh, yes.  WE did.

I had a dream, people.  I had a dream that my husband and I would teach at the same school.  We would both look hip and cool in our Gap clothing, highlighted hair, and bronzed skin.  After school, he, looking dapper, would walk down to my classroom to get me and we would go out to dinner and talk about our days.

But, no.  My dream died when David told me he wanted to be an electrician.

Starting out into that field is really hard because no one wants to hire anyone without experience.  His only offer was to work for this guy for $6 an hour.

Lucky for us, I had a sweet job, that required me to wear a hairnet, that made me about $9 an hour.  Yeah.  That's right.  I was the money maker at one point in time.

Towards the end of my junior year in college, I found out I was pregnant.  It was our first month of trying "Natural Family Planning" and I had assured my husband I knew exactly what I was doing.


I was debating about dropping out of school, but decided I would regret that for the rest of my life.  So, I soldiered on.  This was the year of student teaching . . . you know . . . where you go to  the school as the teacher but don't get paid?

I was at the school Monday through Friday from 7am to 6pm.  In order to keep my health insurance at my sweet hair net job, I had to work every Saturday and Sunday from 530am to 2pm.  I was exhausted and did not have days off. 

Plus I was large.

But I did it!  And 11 days after I finished up student teaching, our daughter was born.

baby kate

Going from a busy school and working schedule to staying at home full time was a hard transition for me.

David and I had a hard time adjusting as new parents.

He thought I was uptight.

But I still think it is unacceptable for anyone to suggest super gluing a baby's mouth shut.

If that's uptight, then fine.  I am uptight.

To be continued . . . .

(PS-If you are confused about something on this blog, just go ahead and ask me and I will try to answer it soon)


  1. What a hard working gal you were and still are. I don't know how you did all that while pregnant. :)

  2. So what happened to your lovely 2 dogs that you did have? I love reading your posts everyday they crack me up the perspective that you have on life and how you take it just with a grain of salt. :) your wonder woman and mom for sure

  3. I love this!!! Thank you from those of us who dropped in late. BTW, go you with that work ethic! I am tres impressed!

  4. We still had them at this point. You'll have to keep reading to find out what becomes of them . . . ;)

  5. Nope, no confusion yet, you may carry on with Part two.

  6. Ooooh. This is fun Taylor! I may have to steal this idea next time I get writer's block.

  7. You were destined for life in ruralville...you worked too hard and LJ knew you could cope with peach walls, the 'pond', animals, and little boys : )

  8. Just goes to show that you can never trust a boy who highlights his hair. Just sayin'. : )

  9. You are a maniac. I can't imagine never having a day off while being this pregnant. It would kill me. You are more woman than I am!

  10. Wow. He pulled a big switch-a-roo on you. :)

    I'm looking forward to Part II.

    Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com

  11. Looking forward to the rest of the story! Even though I wasn't all that confused ... I could get that way easily! Superglue?????

  12. Thank you so much for your story from a newer reader. Looking forward to part two. I got a suggestion from an older sibling of my niece to put the baby out on the porch during his cartoons, lol.

  13. I'm loving this Taylor Refresher Course! (I would love it more if the internet wasn't down at work and I could read them during lunch instead of when I get home! :)

  14. I read this post and all I can think is:

    LJ went to gap?

    You BOTH tanned?


  15. I want more of the story! Can't wait for part 2, 3, & 4....

  16. I've been missing for a while...bet you haven't noticed...
    Anyway, I always wondered about your "story" so glad to decide to rejoin on a day that you start in history, maybe there is a chance I will catch up :) Hope you are all doing well. I gave up FB for lent and all my other onlineness suffered too. Just getting back into the swing.

  17. Look at the smiles on both your faces in the wedding picture! It's so beautiful.

  18. I would have to add or tans. lol

  19. and perhaps a few years YOUNGER at the time . . .

  20. I love serial stories!
    Thanks for the refresher.
