Friday, May 27, 2011

The British are Coming!

Is anyone doing anything fun for Memorial Day Weekend?

I have shocking news:  We are NOT going camping.  I believe my dapper husband is loading up his chainsaw in the early morning sun (or, more accurately, chilly downpour of rain) and heading to our old house to perform some long-overdue demolition on the garage there.

Here is a super old picture of that garage from when we lived there, about a year and a half ago:

2009_9_08 021

Things to Notice:

1)  David is wearing Carhartts, and wearing them with pride, I might add.  You can tell from the emblem on his rear.  Not that you should be looking at his rear.  For shame, readers.

2)  Handsome Dude is "helping" unload the wood.

3)  Venturing out into the woods to chop down numerous amounts of trees for to heat the house is an activity that will resume this summer.  I am trying to contain my excitement. 

However, I know I shall get a splinter.  This discourages me.

4)  Oh!  Yes!  The garage!  Do you see it?  It's in way bad shape.  We keep hoping the snow fall will collapse it.  But, alas.  David must do the deed himself.

So.  I will be home with the bambinos tomorrow, which will be a rarity for me.  Not.  (Or Sike-for Erin, my just-pretends friend.  Holla, Erin)  I think I am going to clean out closets and toy boxes.

This will result in me getting angry.

I will try to remain patient and not get mad when I discover the hidden unknowns and mass devastation that I am certain to discover in my kids' rooms of doom.

But it probably won't happen. 


My girls write about 6 plays a day.  They cut out pictures and tape dolls to straws.  They make play books.  They write letters to their friends inviting them to  attend.  Then they journal about their experiences.  And they write notes.  To each other.  And they share a room.

Now, I want you to all close your eyes for a moment and just imagine with me how much paper is in my house right now that is considered absolutely precious and must not ever, under any circumstances,  be thrown away.

The thought of it just makes me feel so forlorn.

But that is neither here nor there.

Let us move on.

I have grossly neglected my Comment of the Week feature on this blog.  To make up for my rudeness, I shall award it thrice.

Oh, yes.

I said thrice.  Feel free to sneak that fun word into your next conversation.  It's a word that's sure to impress.

COW #1 goes to my Auntie Datenutloaf on the post Gentle, gentle!:

Yes, I remember when you got you iPod – LJ was showing it to me and what it said but the screen was too small and all I saw was Taylor is a ho and thot he was very rude icks dusting.

(She is speaking of my Ipod that my husband named "Taylor the Hottie.")

COW #2 goes to JoAnn on the post The Hot Tub Party Bus:

Okay so here’s my deep dark secret: My mom (idiot) (not really) (you’ll see why I’m calling her that in a sec), decided it was a good idea to pull out a giant tupperware container of my old barbies and let my 2 and 3 year old sons play with them. They no longer owned clothes. They had morphed into a barbie nudist colony in that box. Okay, well one barbie was wearing clothes, a hot pink spandex body suit. She had been roller blade barbie.
So I walk in the room and have a small heart attack when I see Q holding a few nude barbies, and then he asks if he can take a nap with them. I say “NO!” and he says, “Why not?” and I say, “Because look! They have sharp feet! They could poke you in the eye while you sleep!”
I made my mom hide them back out in the barn and guess what toys he’s always requesting now when we visit? BARBIE!
I have decided to never tell my husband about this incident.
The End.

COW #3 goes to Debra D:

Maybe Handsome Dude could give me some pointers on the whole losing-of-the-eyewear deal, ’cause I seriously want some new glasses. I just cannot bring myself to buy new ones when I have a pair that work. Just some simple instructions on how to damage these will do just fine if he is still perfecting his modus operandi. Holla, H.D., Holla!


Thank you all for the ideas you put in the comments this week.  I am excited to try some of these easy dinner recipes out.  In fact, I am trying Erin's recipe right now.  Seriously.  It's in the oven.  Right now.


Oh!  I almost forgot to tell you!  We sold our mice-infested Honda!  Ok, ok, the mice were evicted and the car was clean and all fresh smelling when we sold it. 

Hold on to your pants, people!  I might be getting a minivan.

Or not.

It just depends on what Mr. Lumberjack finds on The Wonderful World of Craigslist.


Before I say goodbye, I wanted to share with you all a conversation I overheard my girls having with their friend last week.

Friend:  Did you know there are still princesses?

My girls (who are clearly sheltered):  There are?

Friend:  Yes!  And one named Kate just got married!

Sweet Pea:  Did you know that we are at war with England?

Friend:  Yes!  I know!

Daisy Mae (a storm of fear and sorrow is welling inside of her.  You can tell by the volume of her voice and furrow of her brow.):  What?!?

Sweet Pea:  Yes!  And we will probably lose.

Friend:  Yes.  We will.

Daisy Mae:  WHAT?!?

Sweet Pea:  And when we do, the King and Queen of England will rule over us.

Friend:  Yes.  They will.

Daisy Mae is beside herself with grief.

Sweet Pea:  And when they move to America, they are going to make us bow down and worship them.  And we will have to be their servants.

Daisy Mae:  I just want to DIE!  I just want to DIE!  I can't believe this!

Sweet Pea:  It's true!

Friend:  It is.

Daisy Mae is crying and wailing and stomping and yelling.



Oh, yes.  That was a fun one to try and sort out.

Happy Weekend!



  1. Kids are so funny on what they discuss. When my kiddo was five her and a friend were in the back seat of our car discussing politics and how much they disliked Obama. Was trying hard not to laugh at them, it was so cute. My husband is gone for the whole weekend, so we are having a movie night tonight, slash campout in our basement. Tomorrow we are going to hit the new cupcake store in town and head up north to visit the inlaws and my friend for the day. Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. You are still not permitted to use the word "sike" (read: psych).
    The sun has set on that term.

    Hope the meal turned out okay. If not, you can blame my sister. She gave me the recipe.

  3. That conversation is cracking me up!!!! I can so envision it =) Quick tip - take pictures of all the papers and projects that they don't want to part with and then print them out for them and let them keep an album. I read it in a magazine.

  4. You know...during the winter, when you're burning aforepictured wood, can't you sneak in some of the paper that really, really doesn't need to be saved until the return of Jesus? I mean, you really must get a handle on this paper thing. You have so many more years ahead of you. Many, many, many fun-filled years.

    You can thank me later for reminding you of this fact. :D

  5. YAY! I WON I WON!

    I'm going to spend Memorial Day Weekend feeling like crap wrapped in a basket of tired. What does that mean? Even I don't know. Alls I know is that I'm ready to be DONE. One week and three days before I meet my new baby!
    But enough about me, lets talk about minivans. GET ONE! Surely you need one. Also, I am beyond excited about the fact that you have disposed of that creepy mouse honda.

    It freaked me out.

    A lot.

    Because of the rodent poop.

    As for the paper...can't you just let them start a blog on your computer or something, and tell them it's saved for eternity on the internet. I see the big drawback as being you will never see your computer again, and therefore we would never hear from you again...hmmm...ETCH A SKETCHES! But tell the girls they have memory chips in them, and every time you shake them it saves it. HA.

  6. Your girls and their notes and their plays and their 'paper' make me think of mine...don't throw them all away : )

  7. I can imagine how much paper you have at your house because I know how much my little princess goes through and there is only one of her. With two at your house, oh my word!! The last time I cleaned out Princess' room I had 3 trash bags full of trash to throw out. I have this little trick where I put the papers she wants to keep (that would be all of them) in a nice little stack and tell her that they are going to be put up in a special place. I have a whole file box full of work from this child, so trust me there's plenty that I do keep. The nice little stack kind of falls into the trash bag when she is not around. It's a great system. Princess would keep everything if I would let her. Princess wants everyone to come over and watch her sing and dance.

  8. Have the girls drag out all the paper people and take pictures of them. Then when they find out you tossed them you can point out that you'll always have the pictures.

    Cleaning kids' rooms makes me angry too.

  9. The convo made me giggle. "We will have to be their servants." No wonder she was frightened. hahaaaa

    I don't know why anyone goes camping on Memorial (in our neck of the woods). It always rains and that just seems miserable.

    Good luck cleaning the rooms of your bebes. I always find it easier to do when they are not around and fighting every decision to rid ourselves of a little bit of this and that.

  10. War is a fairly serious subject, I hope they are reassured that probably won't happen here. It's precious what the kids do. They are like their mother regarding the plays but you didn't have as much writing - your plays were always musicals. ha. It's very creative of them. I'm wee impressed!

  11. Oh my heck. I am in fits over that War With England conversation. Your poor kid... I would be wailing too!

  12. Oh man. I just bahaha'd at your poor daughters emotional reaction to a fictional war...and I don't feel even a little bad. Okay, maybe a little. ;)

  13. Tell Daisy Mae that we have to bow down and worship the English royalty up here in Canada. It's not so bad! :) Holla!
