Friday, May 6, 2011

Sweet Pea and Screamer

There were 7 -ish deer in my yard this morning.

How do you like them apples?


You may or may not recall that Little Dude has a bunny.

And daily he recites:

"My bunny's name is Screamer-I'm two-I'm this many!"

And he shows me 5 fingers.  He's a confused lad.

Anyways.  Screamer is a little punk.  He has escaped about 4 times since we got him.

One time our neighbors found him and brought him back.

And I use the term "neighbors" quite loosely.

Fun Fact:  My neighbor carries a beer bottle in each of her heavy-duty, work coat pockets.

Does yours?

Let's move on.

When Screamer goes missing, we don't tell Little Dude.  This is something his frail little heart needs not to know.

Well, today the girls spotted Screamer happily hopping about.

Since Daisy Mae decided to take something out of her sister's hands, throw her to the the ground, and start pummeling her, I needed to take full action and put the little miss in a time-out instead of sending her out on the bunny rescue mission.

Not that a child of mine would ever hit.

Perhaps she just needed a nap.

Sometimes I need a nap.

And, without further ado, here is Sweet Pea's adventures in trying to capture Screamer.

Step 1:  Scatter lettuce on top of a table (?) in hopes of luring Screamer.

Step 2: Don your bestest blue headband with a flower and walk with a sense of determination and purpose.

Step 3:  Steal your dad's fishing net.  Attempt to capture Screamer.


Step 4: Cry and wail and mourn when Screamer scampers away.  Be comforted in the thought that you are wearing an uber cute headband.

Step 5:  Give up and go inside to play with Play-Do.

I hate when my kids want to play Play-Do.  It always turns into a disaster of epic proportions.  But since the poor chicky-babe had just been taken down in Daisy Mae's fury and had to deal with Sneaky Screamer, I permitted it.

And, as a result of this weakness on my part, I have Play-Do ground into my floors and a broken camera.

You may ask, 'Taylor!  How did your camera break?"

Well.  I don't know.

But these were the last pictures taken on it.

GoshDarnIt, she's cool.

Let us have a moment to mourn the loss of the camera.

And hope someone, somewhere, can fix it.


I wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day.

Sir Lumberjack said I get the entire day tomorrow to do anything I want.


But . . . I don't know what to pick.


It shall rain here, I assure you.  And I don't want to do something alone.

Are you kidding, silly readers?!

I only get to see this hunk of burning love on evenings and weekends.

Yes.  It's true.  I like him.

So.  What shall a family with 4 well-behaved children do on a Saturday?

Please Advise.

Happy Weekend!


  1. By chance is your neighbor a teacher? Just sayin'.

    As far as what to do with your children, shouldn't you just go huckleberry picking (isn't that your favorite activity?).


  2. Wait! What happened to the bunny? Please tell me he is safe!

  3. Huckleberry picking for sure. And when you get home with full buckets all around you can give one another a big ol' high five! (Seriously! A high-five, you know, to congratulate each other! What else would I be talking about here? Your dad reads this blog.)

  4. I think you should laze around in the morning whilst drinking lots of coffee, find a girlfriend to accompany you to the new Jane Eyre movie, and then have LJ & the kids take you to dinner somewhere yummy that accommodates well-behaved children.

    That's what I would do if I didn't have a baseball game to attend, followed by a women's luncheon at church and then the donning of tires at Costco. I am dying to see that movie...

  5. Since we can't afford to go all the way to my parents, they are meeting us halfway between our homes. We are bringing food, and having a picnic.

  6. Daisy Mae took her down?
    My question to Sweet Pea (as well as to my own Sweet Peas) is why did you let her do that to you? Defend yourself! Get her back.

    Aren't I a prime example of a good mama?
    Go ahead. You can take notes if you want to!

  7. the teacher comment made me laugh

  8. I'm with Lisa, what happened to the bunny??? I am sad about your camera, I would be heartbroken if mine was broken. Maybe this will lead to a shiny new camera for Mother's Day. Hope you get a new one, or yours gets fixed soon.

  9. Sounds like new camera shopping followed by bunny hunting may be in order.
    You're leaving us hanging with not knowing if Screamer came back!

  10. Christina-you made me laugh with the high-five comment! :)

    And maybe my neighbor is a teacher . . . hmmmm . . .

    Screamer is alive and well, but still scampering about and not in his cage. He's pretty quick and hard to capture.

  11. Glad screamer is safe...

    And glad to hear that my girls aren't the only ones who get in all out physical fights...

    I'm just shallow that way.

  12. I read this like, two days ago, and didn't write a comment. I'm a bad bad bad friend.

    I thought it was hilarious though. I love the scattered lettuce.
    See? Now I have a moment to comment...about lettuce.
