Monday, May 9, 2011

Quirky and Charming

I trust you all had a good Mother's Day, no?

Our Mother's Days are always spent with extended family.  This year, my husband suggested that we should plan for Saturday to be my day to do whatever I want.

Does anyone else have a hard time with this whole "picking out something special to do" concept?

Oh, for the stress.

What is worthy enough to be called a special Mother's Day activity? I spend more time fretting over what I might think would be fun.  And nothing sounds fun.  But staying home sounds lame.

The saddest part in all of this, is that, in the end, all of the plans centered around me getting my favorite ice cream cone:

Moose Tracks in a waffle cone.

Bear with me on this post.  I like to be sneaky-sneaky with my whereabouts so that no one knows where I am from.  But, I also like my friends, the "local readers" to know what I am talking about. I am sure you all find it annoying.  But let's pretend, for kicks and grins, that you find me quirky and charming.

The best place to get this certain ice cream cone is on a certain river at a certain gas station. 

Nothing says Mother's Day like a gas station.

There are also many hiking trails and such nearby, so I thought a hike and an ice cream cone sounded delightful.

Problems with river plan:

1.  It is 90 miles each way.

2.  Diesel is $4.19 a gallon.  We get 14 miles to the gallon.  That is too much math at this hour in the morning, but trust me, the answers are not favorable.

3.  There is most likely snow all over the hiking trails.

4.  It was raining.

5.  Handsome Dude had spent the morning dealing with a wicked stomach bug.

Perks to going to the River:

1.  I really, really, really like that ice cream cone.

So, we went with plan B.

We drove into the town from whence we moved from (remember . . . I am quirky and charming, not annoying).

Local Readers:  We went on a hike on that one hill that everyone from wherever it is we are from knows about.

Fun Fact:  That hill is like a couple of hundred feet from my old house.

But that is neither here nor there.

Ok.  As soon as we got out of the car, I kid you not, all of the rain clouds moved away.  Gorgeous blue skies came out.  We even, dare I say it, saw THE SUN.

Ok.  That was like the best shot out of like 10.  Do you know how hard it is to get four kids to cooperate?

And, yes.  Handsome Dude is not in the picture.

He was feeling a bit contrary. 

Does this surprise you?

Perhaps it was because he had a stomach bug and, yet, his parents were dragging him all around that darn hill.

But, what can you do?  3 out of 4 kids were feeling fine.  That's about as good as it gets over here.

Speaking of Handsome Dude:

That boy will not stop growing.  He just recently got all those clothes.  And they are already looking too small.

Yes.  I am aware.  There is a hole in his jeans.  What else is new?

Yes.  I am aware.  His shoes are on the wrong feet.  What else is new?

He insists that shoes are more comfy that way.

We made it to the top!

Did you all remember that my one request for Mother's Day was a Moose Tracks ice cream in a waffle cone?

Don't lose heart!

Immediately after our hike we went out to ice cream!

Daisy Mae enjoying huckleberry ice cream.

I am full of too much bitterness towards huckleberry picking to enjoy the ice cream of the huckleberry nature.

Little Dude enjoying Moose Tracks.

When Little Dude eats ice cream, he holds the cone still and just shakes his head back and forth.

Cause he is a goober.

Check out my husband's pants.  Those are his "hiking Carhartts."

Ha!  Oh, I crack myself up.

No one probably thought that was funny.  But I did.

As soon as we sat down for ice cream, it started raining and hailing.  Our hike had impeccabble timing.


On Sunday, we went to church and then had David's family and my family over.

And poor Little Dude developed a fiercer bug than Handsome Dude's and spent the evening with a fever, vomitting, and having his loving relatives avoid him like the plague.

Poor baby.


Happy Mother's Day to my Marmie.

Here is a fairly recent picture of me, Sister Meagan, and my mom.

My Marmie is tons of fun and I hope my kids have as lovely memories of their childhood as I do of mine.

Hmmm . . .

I wonder if my mom would have forced one of us to take a hike with a stomach bug?

Things to ponder.

Happy Monday!


  1. glad you had a good mother's day!! i do not like "stomach bugs", they are not my friend...i love the pics on the hill, beautiful!!!


  2. let us all hope that bug was squashed and no one else gets it. Thanks for this post, now I want ice cream!

  3. Sounds like a perfect way to spend Mother's Day. Of course, I'm assuming that the LJ was in charge of cleanup duty.

  4. I would say that God shined His light upon you guys during that hike. I'm glad the day was a success. Hope the kids are feeling better today.

  5. that last shot is beautiful. i like it almost as much as the glamour shots one. and you and your quirky and charming self did a very good job keeping this non-local reader in the dark about your location. all i know is that it is gorgeous and the gas stations have really good ice cream. happy mother's day.

  6. I doubt your mother would have forced you on a hike when you had a stomach bug, but on the other hand, she did make you wear shiny garbage bags and post for a glamourshots photo, so that's probably equal. : )

  7. Sounds like a fun Mother's Day weekend...except for the stomach bug that is. Princess is 6 and she still insists that it's more comfortable to wear her shoes on the wrong feet. Yummy for the ice cream! Hope everyone gets to feeling better and that you don't get the tummy bug.

  8. Sounds lovely! (Well, except for the tummy bug....) I miss your mom, she's the best. Tell her I said hello :) Moose Tracks is fabulous and I think you were very charming, not annoying!!

  9. Okay, I have failed. I was watching for the clues you were dropping so that I too, can experience this magical icecream.... but I failed to pinpoint exactly WHICH gas station you might be referring to. Oh well, I still enjoyed the story. And I do think you are quirky and charming ;) Quite.

  10. So glad the sun came out for you guys! So sorry about the stomach bug! At least if he had to throw up you were outside and no carpet was involved at that time. I hope the bug leaves you all alone very soon!

  11. Hey there! I know the place you speak of, and I find it quite satisfying to be one of the "cool, localites" who knows what you are talking about. :)
    I can't believe how awesome your timing was with the sunshine. Sun, right?? I'm sure that's what that bright warmish thing in the sky is.......
    And I hope the bug stops making the rounds soon so you don't get it. Happy belated Mommy's Day!

  12. Yes! The pressure. Doing nothing is a luxury. Sleep is a luxury.

  13. Very nice day for LJW.
    A busy mom I know made a very nice dinner for her family ('cause for sure they weren't gonna do it) so she could honor the sweet children who gave her the blessing of being called "Mother". I thought it was a very nice idea. And a perfectly good excuse when you have to take care of your family anyway.
    Your hike = great idea. So nice for sun.
    I totally noticed the hiking Carhartts before you even mentioned it! I am clothing oriented like that.
    And may I say that though growing leaps and bounds, and ill, Handsome Dude is indeed, wee handsome. You have very nice genes that you have passed on.
    Good work.

  14. I'm glad you saw the sun...that is a beautiful setting! I'm sure you are making wonderful memories for your own children. Glad you had a happy day and hoping that stomach bug ended with child 2!

  15. NO WAY! WOWZER! AMAZING! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Moose Tracks ice cream. So much that, yes, I had to capitalize ALOT! I save the pb cups and some of the fudge swirls til last, therefore, I don't think I could ever eat it from a cone. . It is the most bestest thing in the whole world. I just finished a half gallon yesterday. I treat myself to a half gallon once in a while. The view from your pic was amazing.....just perfect. Thank you for sharing.

  16. Hey Lumberjill...your Mom is passing VERY good genes on to you. She looks wee handsome for a Mom of a Mom with 4 kids (did you notice how I studiously avoided saying "for someone her age?"). At least you've got that going for you!

  17. What a lovely day! Love the pic of you and the three kids. Isn't it weird how we can go completely insane, and wish for nothing else than a few hours to ourselves, and then we get a few hours to ourselves, and we miss our kids?
