Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Mayday! Mayday!


I'm joining in on Joyce's Hodgepodge today.

Fun Fact:  Joyce is my "just-pretends" friend and we are playing Words with Friends together.

Joyce is a force to be reckoned with in the Words with Friends department.

She is kicking my hiney.

But that is neither here nor there.

Let's move on to the questions, shall we?

1. Have you ever been served breakfast in bed? Do you enjoy that? If someone were serving you breakfast in bed this coming weekend what would you hope to see on the tray?

The only time I remember being served anything in bed was in the hospital after I had a baby.

I've always been a dainty eater.

I would like to submit that the hospital stay after having a baby is the best thing ever.  Especially when it is your 3rd or 4th baby.

I mean, who wants to go home?  Home is where dishes, dust, laundry, and other children exist.

No, sir.  Bring me my coffee, help me to the bathroom, and fetch me some food.  Yes.  The hospital life is for me.

Ideal breakfast for me?

I really, really love oatmeal.  A good bowl of oatmeal. 

2. What is one piece of advice you would give a new mother?

Do not be alarmed when you are given the ginormous pads and special gauze underwear when you are in the post partum rooms at the hospital.

Embrace them.

You have no other options.

3. When was the last time you wanted to scream? Explain.

Today.  And I'll gladly explain:

I have been to town the last three days in a row.  This is excessive for a hermit, such as myself.  When I go to town, I have to make multiple trips to the bathroom with my precious boys.

You all know how well that goes.

Little Dude still has to get undressed.  And Little Dude still like to rub the toilet seats and all things toilet-ish while he attempts to make a successful elimination.

Then, Little Dude needs help getting dressed again.

While I am helping Little Dude put his pants back on, he is constantly rubbing my face and cheeks.

"I love my Mommy.  Mommy wee handsome."

And while I appreciate the fact that the boy thinks I am handsome, I cannot help but wonder what on earth he is spreading onto my cheeks as he is praising my beauty.

It makes me want to scream.

4. Can you hula hoop?

Does this blog have a purpose?

 5. What is something people do in traffic that really bothers you?

I am a pretty relaxed kind of gal when it comes to the road.

My husband drives me INSANE though.

You have heard me mention his refusal of using 4 wheel drive before.

Guess what else he refuses to use?

Windshield wipers.

"But, Taylor.  They are just so annoying.  And I hate it when they make that screeching sound."

I try to reason with him.  But it is no use.

"Taylor.  If you get going fast enough, the rain will just start flying off the windshield fast enough and you don't need the wipers anyways!"

This is the man I chose to father my children.

I have only myself to blame.

 6. What do you do when people don't admit they're wrong?

I usually send the people I deal with to a time out and make them say that they are wrong.

7. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word 'fun'?

Huckleberry picking . . .

If it was Opposite Day.


Fun=kids in bed, full bowl of popcorn, Diet Pepsi, my husband, and a funny tv show that my husband won't fall asleep during.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

I was informed this week that there is a tradition on May 1st.  Apparently, boys are supposed to leave flowers on the door steps of the girls they like.

I would like to report that I am 29 and 3/4 and I have never received a flower on my door step on May 1st.

In fact, I don't think I have ever received a flower on my door step on any day.

Perhaps my mom led me astray when she told me glamour shots were all the rage?

I think I need a flower.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. ginormous pads and gauze underwear made me lol :)

  2. I agree with you...I loved my hospital stays after delivering the babies. People bringing water all the time, with crushed ice! Being all alone with sweet sleeping bundles of preciousness and not having to worry about someone else needing a snack, having to go potty, taking them out to play, or prepare any meals whatsoever. And those undies. What can you say until you wear them. You cannot appreciate their wonderfulness until you are in the post partum situation.
    Maybe you need a hockey goalie mask or a catcher's mask for when LD goes potty. I definitely could not deal with the wiping hands on my face. In fact, Eliana knows how crazy I am at her tender age and when I am helping her get her undies on at home but it's before she's washed her hands, she closes them into little fists so she doesn't get her potty hands on my shirt or whatever if she needs to "hold on" to me for a second. Are my kids gonna need major therapy or what?

  3. I enjoyed reading your post, I actually had to chuckle a bit too at your thought to what your little dude is spreading on your cheeks. That sounds so adorable while frightening at the same time LOL.

    Um... what are huckleberries?? never heard of them, sure I could always google them but where's the fun in that eh?!

  4. It's funny with the first baby, you can't wait to leave the hospital with your precious cargo and leave as soon as possible. The second, you are still excited but take all the time they will give you. By the third, you are willing to pay extra just for another day with a private room and bathroom:)

    Love Words with friends too!


  5. Oh Taylor, you really made me LOL on this one too!

    The panties, well, we don't get those here in Canada, I don't know if I should be happy or sad???

    My wonderful honey does not like windshield wipers either, what's with that? Lots of fun in winter and the nice slushy crap and you can't see a thing... So I tell him, "honey, I can't see anything" and he says, "well that's ok, you aren't the one driving"... That's ok though, I still love him LOTS!

    As for the "toilet" hands... Ok, at the Dollar Tree, they have these packages of antibacterial hand wipes, it is perfect, you can carry a pack in your purse and wipe his hands with it before you help him put his pants back on. Voilà, clean(ish) no toilet germs on your face!!!

    Have a great day, and thank you for the amazing posts, you make my days!

  6. oops, forgot to close the italics!

  7. I thought about the after-baby hospital stay for question #1, but I don't think I could have expressed it as hysterically as you did.

    I'm so glad you joined in the Hodgepodge because you always have such a funny take on things!

  8. My guess is that no one brought you flowers 'cause they heard about how your dad feels about THAT subject. :)

  9. I am more than 29 and 3/4 (way more but we won't go there) and have never gotten a flower on my doorstep on May 1st or any other day either. *sigh*

  10. " “Taylor. If you get going fast enough, the rain will just start flying off the windshield fast enough and you don’t need the wipers anyways!”
    This is the man I chose to father my children.
    I have only myself to blame."

    Having to wipe away the tears from laughter...

  11. hhhmmm... i do not believe i have ever had flowers at my doorstep on may 1st, or any other day in may or any other month for that matter!! :)...i have been served breakfast in bed, though!! more than once, actually. it is quite fun and i do enjoy it...it doesn't happen nearly often enough!!! the LJ sounds a lot like my husband (the windshield wiper thing), he only turns them on if there is like a torrential downpour and can;t see anything. I turn them on at just a mist in the air...i have issues, i know...

    have a blessed day...

  12. Love your idea of a fun day. Sounds like heaven. I would go nuts if my Hubby didn't use windshield wipers. Of course he wouldn't be able to stand it because every time I feel like he is going to wreck us I grab the door and sound like I'm having an anxiety attack. It really bothers him and I'd do it a lot more without windshield wipers.

  13. My four and a half year old also thinks that he must get undressed to use the bathroom. Especially if he has to sit down. Not so fun for his preschool class when he comes running back into the room sans pants.

  14. If you start to read LJ Wife long enough, you will certainly learn about huckleberries and how much she loves them. Sometimes you don't need to look up information as much as wait for it to come to you. And LJ Wife will definitely deliver!

  15. I am so so so with you on the staying in the hospital as long as you can. So long they have to kick you out!
    Because I, for one, enjoy getting meals brought to me and sleeping and talking on the phone with no interruptions.
    I believe they should have LONGER stays for moms who are having their 3rd or beyond!

  16. I am sooo looking forward to delivering this baby #3 in 8 weeks-ish, just so I can have a staycation at the hospital. I've already looked up my insurance maternity benefits and I can stay as long as the doc will let me! Yahoo! Do you suppose I could get a mani/pedi or a massage while I'm there? lol....
    No seriously, I knew after #2 that there was NO rush to go home and to just lay there and let them take care of me. It's an expensive vacation, and painful, but the long term benefits from it are good. :) Meaning the baby, of course.
    On a separate note, the whole bathroom germ thing is still freaking me out. Instantly put some hand sanitizer on those little fingers, then you won't come away with some strange disease on your face. :)

  17. Ginormous pads and gauze underwear? I'm NOT having children. I just decided!

    On a lighter note, that Glamour Shot is fantabulous! I'll have to see if I can find mine to post! :-)

  18. My husband says the SAME thing! {"don't worry about seeing, you're not the one driving"': OY OY OY.

  19. And you didn't mention that those ginormous pads have no sticky tape on them, so they don't stay in place, but if they had sticky, they wouldn't stick to the gauze but rather to ....oh never mind. It's horrible!

    Where in the world is my flower? 45 years old and never heard of that tradition but willing to go viral w/ it.

  20. You're so right about the hospital stay after your 3rd child! I asked if I could stay a little longer, but they refused.

  21. I love it when you join the hodgepodge. I hope you have a wonderful Mothers day and all your little lumberjacklings treat you like a queen!

  22. if ruralville were not so far away, I would leave flowers on your doorstep. I'm not a boy, but I do like you. And this blog.

    And I concur: The hospital is the BEST place for mother's of multiple children. I had my third with a midwife and she sent me home like two hours later, and then my mom showed up an hour after that and dropped my other children off. There was absolutely no breakfast in bed after that delivery. That is why the first thing out of my mouth when I found out we were having a *super surprise* fourth baby, was "I'm going to the hospital and I'm getting an epidural." A wise choice.

  23. You should also have told new moms to swipe a box of those ginormous pads because after the birth of each child, moms lose more and more bladder control. Hence a sneeze or a laugh at said children will send a mom back to the dresser for new underclothing.

    Just sayin'...

  24. Your husband is hilarious! As for #3, you are a very brave woman. Lysol makes wipes that could easily be carried in a purse for just such occasions as wiping down public toilets. And Wet Ones for wiping down one's just admired handsome face. I cringe for you.
