Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sista From a Different Mista.

I would like to welcome you back to the segment on this blog known as:

"It was bound to happen sooner or later."

In our first edition, I showed you The Lumberjack's new toy . . .

Today's Edition:

Well, I'll be darned.

  We've got ourselves a bona fide wood burning stove.

If you haven't read this blog for awhile, The Lumberjack, who is, in fact, an electrician, loves to fall trees and chop wood and things of that nature.

But when we moved to Ruralville last summer, he was dismayed to discover there was no wood-burning stove.

When we moved here, a little something inside of him died.

And now, here are the pros and cons regarding the wood stove . . .


*Our house reached temperatures in the 70s yesterday.  This was a far cry from our constant 62 degree temperatures we've maintained all winter long.

*The Lumberjack can now be a Lumberjack again.  His life is full of promise and purpose.


*I shall have the duty of keeping the home fires burning again.

*I shall have sap in my hands and sap in my hair.

*I shall have to stack wood.  I shall get splinters. I shall hate it. I shall complain.

*And I most likely will whine.

Oh, well.  At least now if the power goes out, we will have warmth.  And perhaps I can learn to cook on it.

I know!

Just to further weird you all out, maybe I shall cook my homemade laundry soap atop my wood burning stove!

Yes.  That would be splendid.


My parents came over this weekend and we took a walk across our vast lands.

Little Dude and my mom.

Little Dude insisted upon wearing his helmet for the entire walk.

Made me proud.

Look at our beautiful "Lake of Shining Waters . . . "

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can remember what this water really is.

Hint:  It's nasty.

The Dudes.

They were fighting terribly over who got to hold their dad's deer call.  But then as soon as I told them I was taking a picture, they struck a pose.

And then they promptly went back to fighting.


And, in the most exciting news of all, I have a new sister-in-law!

Alex, the Lumberjack's older younger brother, got married this weekend!

Remember Alex?

And, yes.  That is Holly looking terrifed as to what she is getting into in the background.

Holly is now offiically a Maliblahblah.

Holly! What were you NOT thinking?

Gird up your loins, sista from a different mista!

(oh, yeah.  that was cool)

Here are some fun, Maliblahblah family moments you can look forward to participating in:

Applesauce making with the cheerful patriarch himself.

Applesauce making happens every year.

And you will do your share.  And you will like it.

But don't even think you will look as snazzy as I do whilst making applesauce . . .

Holly.  You know Jason.  Everyone teases Jason endlessly.

Poor Jason.

Not me.  I never tease him.  I'm his favorite.

Rock sliding on garbage bags.

Good times.

2009_9_07 140

Hiking numerous miles into mountain lakes.

Uphill.  Both ways.


2009_9_07 184

Making fun of Jason's idea of a beach towel:

2009_9_07 207

Making fun of Jason for doing Jason-y things:

2009_9_07 005

Parachute camping:

Alex almost killing us by collapsing the parachute:

2009_9_07 221

Oh, goodness.

Such crazies.

And now, Holly, you are one of us.

It's ok.  Time will ease the shock.


Alright!  I must go load up the bambinos and drive into the big city for Handsome Dude's eye appointment.

I am sure no disaster will come my way.

Happy Monday!



  1. Maybe they will just hang out with Holly's family instead. Alex can be the brotha from anotha motha.

    I think Anne-with-an-E would be proud that you see your sewage as a Lake of Shining Waters.


  2. Yay for wood will never want to be is SO warm and comforting.
    Cooking on woodstove........a non electric crock pot . Everything tastes better cooked on a woodstove....except the laundry detergent and things you shouldn't taste.

  3. Jealous of your woodburning stove! In our next home we're adding one, they are so efficient! Good luck in town, and may the force of all things good and right be with you. ;)

  4. love the woodstove!!! we heat our house with wood, wouldn't have it any other way :) our heating bill for the entire winter? $0.00!!!!!! and its such a cozy heat. give your pack the job of bringing in wood everyday. and get little dude a small sweeper brush and dustpan... he can sweep up after them :) and don't be surprised when the dudes burn their hands the first season you use it :( happens to everyone.

  5. I'm glad I no longer have to think about you sitting in a 62 degree house. Congrats to your new sil...always good to add girls to a family!

  6. Anne of green gables!! Love it =). You should have bought a plane ticket instead of a stove...

  7. uuummm.... your lake of shining waters happens to be sewage, no? yuck!! looks like holly is in for some good times!!! :) glad you will be keeping warm from now on!!!

  8. I look forward to the craziness!! I have seen a taste camping already.....hhhmmm, I am not sure what I was thinking??!! haha
    I am happy to have a new sis too!! =)

  9. Heather (not the nurse and not living in ND)May 2, 2011 at 3:09 AM

    So does that make you Taylor of the Lake of Shining Waters? Anne with an "e" would never have it!

  10. 1- I may need lessons in wood stove useage...strike that, I will need lessons in such. Wanna come teach me?

    2- Holly just married into the Maliblahblah family so that she could be your sister-in-law, because you are cool like that. ;)

  11. P.S. Thanks for the Jason picture! I haven't seen it in a while and it made me laugh all over again! : )

  12. Congratulations on the new sil! It was smart of you to not let her know the real story until after she sealed the deal. No backing out now!

    I'm so glad your temperatures are above the 62 degree range. I got cold every time I thought of that!

    You have a gift for looking on the bright side if you can not only view your sewage puddle as a lake of shining waters, but also take a picture that makes it look that way as well!

  13. A new exciting!! I'm sure she will be a trooper just like you! Any good wedding stories to share??
    And I'm sure LJ's life purpose has returned, and there is a new spark of life to him. Who knew wood stoves would do such a thing?

  14. Splinters? That's not right. Pioneer Woman waxes eloquent about soft deer skin gloves. You definitely are entitled to a pair. Isn't that lade a cess pool or something of that sort?

  15. Just stay out of public bathrooms! :) Congrats to Holly and welcome to the madness! Do you blog?

  16. The Maliblahblah family continues to grow! Congratulations!
