Thursday, May 5, 2011

Trippy Thursday

This week has been one of the most busy weeks ever!  And since I use this blog to record our daily lives, I thought I would share with you all the exciting happenstances.

Lucky you!


On Monday, the kids and I drove into the big city to see a new opthamalogist for Handsome Dude.  His eyes just seem to be doing so much worse and I decided it was time for a new doctor.

My dad, of whom I oft make fun of on this here blog, met me there and waited in the waiting room with the three other children during the 2 1/2 hour appointment.

Holla, Dad!

You should have seen the look on my dad's face when I gave him the instructions for how to take Little Dude to the bathroom.

Me:  Dad.  If dude has to go potty, you need to take his shoes off, his pants off, and his underwear off.  Try to convince him it is okay to leave his socks on.  He straddles the toilet backwards.  He likes to sing and rub things.  Do not be alarmed.  It's all part of his process.  You may have to remind him that he is supposed to be peeing.  He likes to randomly flush.  This does not necessarily mean he is finished.  Be vigilent!  Make sure you are listening for the peepee!  Then he needs to get dressed.  And he will need help washing his hands.  Ok?

Dad:  *crickets chirping*

Me:  Perhaps you should just have one of the girls help him?

Dad:  That I can do.

Turns out Handsome Dude is extremely far sighted.  He has strabismus and whole bunch of other things that I fear I cannot spell.  The glasses he is currently wearing are not nearly as strong as they should be.  So, he will be getting new ones.


And I am sure nothing bad will ever happen to them.

Fun fact:  Handsome Dude has worn glasses since he was a mere lad.

Ah.  The glory days.  When he could not move. 

After the appointment, the kids and I took a picnic lunch to a park near the doctor's office.

It was lovely. 


 Even though I homeschool, I take my girls in to get their state tests when all the other school children in our state need testing.  As I was practicing with Daisy Mae earlier in the week, she was not reading as many words per minute as she should have.

Daisy Mae stresses me out with reading.  She does odd things and I can't figure out why.  She reads the word "then" as "when", amongst other things that I shall not go into, because no one really cares.

But!  The point is I was a tad worried that I was failing the poor child and I did not know how to help her.  That is the bummer about homeschooling.  I'm all she's got.

If she does not score high enough, then they will ask me to take her to a little class to help her get caught up in reading.

This was music to my ears.  I told David that I was relieved that she would be getting some help!

So, we went in for the tests.  And wouldn't you now it, but that little punk read twice as fast for them and read above and beyond what she needed to.

So.  No extra class for her.  Poor me.

They gave the girls free kids meal coupons for Applebees.  And, since I am a glutton for punishment, I took all the kids BY MYSELF to the Applebees for lunch.

(Handsome Dude, in the spirit of Handsome Dude, was hiding)

Look at my sweet Daisy Mae!  When she heard she was going to town for a school test, she put on her fanciest, black velvet, Christmas dress.

Look at my Sweet Pea!  She is getting too cool for things such as coloring crayons and goofy smiles in pictures.

The kids, believe it or not, did great and were not rude, loud, or anything of that nature.

When we were walking into the restaurant, I was holding Handsome Dude.  He was feeling a tad contrary at the moment and was unwilling to walk.

Sometimes he finds walking to be inconvenient for him.

So, I was holding him.  And, out of nowhere, I just totally fall.  Like really bad.  And this older man came running and all I remember is seeing his arms just come over me, almost in slow motion,  and he lifted both me and Handsome Dude up in one big, graceful move.

He made quite the fuss over me.  It would appear as if I had a damsel in distress moment.

I couldn't stop laughing.  It was pretty embarassing.  And now I have a big scrape on my leg.

And it hurts.  Poor me.

But-good news!  I decided I could say that we survived our first year of homeschooling and the girls are where they should be.

See!?  I'm not screwing them up after all!



Wednesdays, if you remember, are our crazy busy days.

Leave the house by 8am.

Drop girls off at piano at 9am.

Do all my ad matching at the local Walmarts because I am being a faithful steward of my money.

Pick up girls at 10am.

Feed everyone a snack in the car.

Try to ignore the fact that the inside of my car is a disaster zone.

Hit the dollar store to kill time.

Handsome Dude has swim lessons at 11am.

Feel bad for the girls as they look longingly at the pool.

Handsome Dude done with swim at 12.

Rush to my parent's house for lunch and naps.

Discover someone used an orange Sharpie on my mom's counter.

Whoever invented Magic Erasers is a genius.

Nap time.


School work with girls.

Notice that Daisy Mae has become a casualty of Crazy Wednesday. 

Sister Meagan stops by.  She tells me to check out my dad's computer set up downstairs.

And so I do.

I don't know if you can see it very well, but he has his laptop propped up on the treadmill.

Sister Meagan and I found that to be fantastic.

Notice the pictures he can gaze at to his right whilst he is working up a sweat.

Oh, yes.

My senior pictures.  And a lone glamour shot of Sister Meagan.

And just ignore the random twig.  This is how Mother decorates.

Here is a trippy thought readers:

My dad could be on that very treadmill right now.  Reading this blog.  Reading about his treadmill and laptop while on his treadmill reading on his laptop.

See?  Trippy.

Alright.  Enough of that.

The kids had Awana and I had a meeting at the church.

My dad, of whom I just made fun of on this here blog, texted me this picture of Handsome Dude:

Lest any of you are confused, my parents are Awana leaders.

A)  Do not pretend you are not impressed with my dad:

1.  Knowing his phone could take pictures

2.  Taking a picture

3.  Texting me that picture

B)  My Handsome Dude was sick.

Poor baby.

And he is still sick.

Poor baby.

When he is sick, he is so sweet and quiet and sleepy and snuggly.

It's a shame he doesn't get sick more often.

I kid!  I jest!

Alright.  This post has gone on long enough.

Happy Thursday!

PS-I am thinking about exercising today.

I repeat.

I am only thinking about it. 


  1. I meant to say fell. okay, have a happy day!

  2. Oh goodness what a busy week you have had already. I didn't know you feel in Applebees, um it's kinda funny, but hope you're okay.
    Also, you had better be more than THINKING about exerising. =) I say this with much love, I promise! I look forward to hear about your workout to see if you liked the pilates.

  3. Isn't it wonderful to get occasional affirmation that we homeschoolers are not totally ruining our children? I have to schedule my boys for testing next week. I'm not looking forward to it.

    I understand what you mean about your child being cuddly and sweet when sick. Mine are at their best when sleeping. I encourage them to sleep a lot. I wonder if that will affect the results of the testing? : )

  4. Don't you just hate (sort-of) when kids magically behave or do what they are supposed to do for total strangers? I think they do things like that to make us look stupid.

    BTW, God is merciful. Obviously you are doing something right with those kids...or else God's angels are tutoring them on the sly.

  5. This is Holly. But not the same Holly who left you the first comment. So see, same name, different Holly. Let's move on. Can you ask your mother to do a tutorial on her mad decorating skillz? I can't seems to get my twigs just right.

  6. Just wanted to let you know you have the funniest blog around!! Did you know that?? Did you doubt yourself??

  7. Just reading about this exhausted me! Wow.

    And I would totally fall when carrying a child. Actually, I think it's happened before. So terrible.

    Good job on the homeschooling success, Taylor. You go girl! :)

  8. It's a good thing I have the next 90 minutes free for a nap because just reading about your week has exhausted me.

    I'll take a nap for you too. I think you need one.

  9. I remember the state testing days, oh yes I do. Wasn't that long ago I was a homeschooled individual myself (see, there is hope for your children...just look at me...errrrr, ehhhhh, mmmmkay) and I LOATHED testing days. LOATHED. Hated. Despised. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. It probably had nothing to do with the fact I mispronounced my own last name in front of a teacher on the first day. Awesome. Good thing she never knew about it...I think I'm over it now, but seriously. I think you should give your kids some icecream for going through the torture.
    And can I just say, your little man in his glasses sitting in the Bumbo seat??? That is the most adorable picture I have EVER seen! He looked like a little grown up! So cute!

  10. Give Carson my love...I hope he feels better, really soon!

  11. Homeschooling success! Yahoo! You are not a total failure after all! ha ha ha...just kidding...geesh. ;) Here's hoping that your Friday is slow and boring and full of sunshine!

  12. You are such a blessing to me! You always make me smile! And of COURSE you are a home-schooling success! I always said that I did it because character was more important to me than academics! It sounds to me like you have an excellent mix of both!

  13. I have my laptop propped up on my treadmill, too. This is so I can watch Grey's Anatomy during my nightly run. It makes the miles go sooo much faster.

  14. P.S. Josiah had strabismus too! 3 eye surgeries! :) Those little boy glasses are a pain in the patootie!

  15. I'm tired just reading about your week.

    I totally get your mixed feelings about sick kids, especially the boys. My daughter, on the other hand, has always been pretty crabby and emotional when she's sick. Quiet and cuddly would be much preferred.

    Your dad is a rock star. I just hope he doesn't slip and fall while leaning over trying to listen to his iTunes on there...

  16. My 4 year old daughter is also extremely far-sighted and has strabismus. She only got her glasses 5 months ago though. She is doing amazingly well keeping them on her face. I have no idea how she sees out of the things though. They are the thickest little lenses I have ever seen and when I look through them all I see is a blur. They seem to be helping though! I have been told by the opthamologist that they will just be for short-term and that she will one day have perfect vision...we shall see.

    And yes, whoever invented magic erasers is amazing!

  17. Sorry about your sick little man. I hope he gets better very soon. But, on the bright side, he probably won't lose his glasses while he's being still, quiet, and cuddly. :)

  18. Dude. Your kids rocked the test. That would mean that you, yourself, their very capable teacher mother, also rock. Very good job, Woman! So now you can like quit for the rest of the year, right? kidding. . . kidding.
    Living in my own Ruralville, I can identify with the many (exhausting, expensive) trips to town. Three in a week is bad enough, but on consecutive days? Killer. And I bet you went in for church Sunday, so it was probably four days in a row, huh? Wow. You are made of tough stuff. Tough enough to wear Carhartt ladies ranch apparel with no apologies. Here's hoping for a quiet couple of days in a row.

  19. Just reading the post wore me out, I don't know how you all survivied the madness!

  20. Taylor, you do amaze me with your energy! Congrats on the testing - it feels good to get that kind of confirmation when you are unsure if all of the hard work is really worth it. And falling down?? Ha - I did that this week too! Fortunately for me, however, I wasn't out in public having to face humiliation - wow, pretty humbling huh? Hope you have an excellent Mother's Day - you are an awesome Mom!!!
