Sunday, July 24, 2011

7 Cheeses Made of String.

Is it normal for a 3 year old boy to eat 7 string cheeses in one sitting?

I think not.  And yet my own son accomplished that very feat this weekend.

You may ask, "Taylor!  Why did you allow your son to feast on such a high number of cheeses in the string form?"

And I would say: "I didn't!  It was that darn Uncle Alex!"

Remember Uncle Alex?

here it is sorry it took so long. i did have any internet access

But that is neither here nor there.

We went camping this weekend?  Are we surprised?

No we are not.

It was a gorgeous and warm weekend for it.  The kids made a delightful sand castle with Uncle Alex.


I want to know how Uncle Alex has such energy?  It's all I can do to get us to the beach.  Then I plant myself down in my chair and repeat:

"Mommy is just going to sit.  Mommy needs to rest.  Mommy does not want to get wet.  Don't splash mommy."

Over and over and over . . .

I am not waterproof, you know.

Anyways, camping was fine and splendid with only two children throwing up.  And only one of them was mine.  Holla!

We had lots of fun on the water.

Daisy Mae created her own boat . . . complete with a pink life-saving feature.  She is ingenius.

And I don't think I used the word "ingenius" correctly in that sentence.  But who cares?  Not me.

Here is my husband ready to do a sweet jump off the dock, him being the stud muffin that he is.

He is smiling, yes he is.  This is because his sister is about to join him so they can do some more sweet tricks, like back in the old days.  You know.  Some cool bro/sis action.  You can't beat that.

I would have snapped a picture.  But, alas.  Battery failure.  It would have been epic.  They were twisting and turning and whatever it is one does to show off whilst bonding with your sibling on such contraptions.

May I remind you that I am not waterproof, so I do not partake in the sweet tricks.  Nor would I want to impose on the bro/sis water sports dream team.

In the days of yore, I used to go on the tube.  And I have never been dumped off the tube.  I hold on to it with a Vulcan death grip because I refuse to get my hair wet.

And my hair isn't even that cute.

But you can imagine what it looks like when it is wet.

And I am not sure of my use of the phrase "vulcan death grip."  Nor do I know what such a death grip is.  But do I care?

No, I do not.

Remember how my husband suffers from "sleeping immediately upon sitting" syndrome?

I just had to snap this delightful photo of him this weekend.

Mere seconds before I snapped this picture, he assured me that he was awake and would not be sleeping. 

Oh, yes he did.

And I told him he would sleep and he said he wouldn't.  And I was right and he was wrong.

So, I took this picture and texted it to him.

Because I like to be right.

And I was.

So, I hope you all had a delightful weekend. 

What did you do?

You can share it with me.  Or not.  The choice is yours.

Happy Weekend!

PS-Would you mind praying for my cousin's baby?  Her name is Abigail and she was born about 4 weeks ago  at 26 weeks.  She is pretty sick and could use your prayers.  Thank you!


  1. I think Uncle Alex gets his energy from all that sugar he looks to consume.

    As for the string cheese...My 3yr old will eat cheese all day long, and has her one special names for cheese...Mummy cheese (blocks of cheese that need to be cut) Daddy cheese (individual pkged slices of plastic tasting stuff daddy insists is really cheese) and of course Baby cheese (any cheese that comes in a bag fave)...This is her naming system so we just don't argue and go with it....fortunately the other thing she will do all day long is drink watered down juice and scoff what ever fruit she can find around the lucky me all that cheese eating does no slow or clog "anything" TMI?? you asked about 3yr olds and cheese lol.

    Your weekend looks like it was lots of fun...Since my hubby works weekends ours are always boring and the same, housework and child chasing Saturdays and then Church child chasing and more housework Sundays....I live for Monday's because it is a Daycare day and I get to work in my studio..I *heart* my work.

    Blessings Kelsie

  2. Looks like a fun time was had by all! And I found your "Vulcan Death Grip" comment completely appropriate - as that is what I used to use when I went tubing back in the REAL days of yore...
    By the way, were any glasses lost or maimed during this weekend adventure?

  3. Sometimes I fall asleep on the couch in the middle of the day while my 3 and 4 year old are very much awake and when I wake up, thy usually have consumed 3 or 4 string cheeses a piece. I am going to have to put the string cheese on a higher shelf in the fridge, or stop falling asleep in the middle of the afternoon when my kids are refusing to nap. But it is more likely that I will move the cheese.

  4. Why, yes! Handsome Dude's glasses were MIA at the beach for a few hours. But a friendly fellow beach goer rescued them.
    Holla, friendly fellow beach goer!

  5. Oh, dear! I will never look at string cheese the same way! :)

  6. Bless you and your little campers! This weekend, I went to the movies with my mom and sister (Sat.) and went to church and lunch with my friends (Sun.). I did walk from my car to the mall in the heat, which is as close to camping as I get.

    In all seriousness, I will be praying for your cousin's little one. (I will even post in as part of Prayer Monday!)

  7. Every single time you post the picture of Uncle Alex, I chuckle. That vest is sweet! Who is the woman behind him in the picture, nervously chewing her nails?

  8. The vest was Daisy Mae's. The story is here:
    The woman . . .his wife, Holly!
    ha! :)

  9. We went to the lake on Friday and Saturday to see my husbands family. Today we fixed our car and went to see Captain America. Praying for little Abigail and all your family.

  10. Such a hilarious post :)

    And since I know you really want to know, on Saturday my husband and I, residents of San Diego who should know better, took the baby to the zoo along with approximately 1.5 million tourists. So that was crowded, sweaty, and fun.

    Will definitely keep your cousin's baby in my prayers.

  11. I will be praying for little Abigail, which by the way is my favoritest name in the whole wide world. I am seriously ticked at my son and daugther in law for not having a girl because that would have been her name. Cause they love me and I told them it didnt matter what they named her, I was gonna call her Abigail, lol. I have created a couple of cards this weekend, and watched movies with my husband, and watched tv with two of my nieces. Vulcan death grip, good one, I do know what that is cause my husband is a trekkie.

  12. laughing at your weekend. I can relate to the sitting and sleeping. Add a book and it is almost instant. Rocking a baby even less time. I am praying for your cousin and the baby.

  13. Just sent up a prayer for Abigail and for her parents.

    7 string cheeses in one sitting? Well, I'm waiting for your follow up post that lets us all know how THAT turned out! Holla, Uncle Alex!

    I'm still following H.D. and his many adventures with his glasses, trying to find a way to get rid of mine so I can replace them! I don't know if I want to sleep on the ground to accomplish this, but I do like the way H.D. covertly loses his glasses while having fun with the family. I will have to give this a try. Next, maybe he can help me come up with a way to get a new cell phone....

  14. “Mommy is just going to sit. Mommy needs to rest. Mommy does not want to get wet. Don’t splash mommy.” Uttered those very words myself back in the day when the kids were young hot n tots.

  15. I was at the lake too. I love the tube - it's worth getting your hair wet.

  16. I would enjoy tubing more if hubs was not such a thrill seeker. I do not mind getting my hair wet. I had a fantastic weekend in the mtns with girls from my college sorority. We are still fun : )

  17. I think it sounds perfectly reasonable that a smallish boy would consume so much cheese! Especially when helped out by a largish boy!

  18. And I will pray Abigail and your family.

  19. For the first in many weeks we were able to do nothing Saturday. It was beautiful. Sunday we had the usual two church services. That's my fun filled weekend. My daughter does not like string cheese, I think she is weird.

  20. Praying for baby Abigail and her parents. Although our babies were born at 33 weeks, I learned in through our NICU experience that there are many other babies born earlier that do well. We became friends with a couple whose baby was born at 27 weeks and although she was in the hospital for a long time, she is doing great now. We'll keep those prayers coming.

    Alex has so much energy because he doesn't have children of his own. It's always easier with other people's kids. He can hand them back over to you when he's done.

    As far as the string cheese goes, maybe he's going through a growth spurt and needs the protein. He was just getting all handsome on that string cheese, wasn't he?

  21. I just couldn't help but laugh when you talk about your husband having “sleeping immediately upon sitting” syndrome because my family has the same thing! We call it the Ray Syndrome and ours isn't exactly like yours but everyone with the "Ray" blood as we like to call it can't say awake past 8 or 9pm without falling asleep unless we are up and moving about. It is true for the whole family and I really think it has to be genetic!

  22. That is the most awesome sandcastle ever. I'm in complete awe. And Uncle Alex is quite the cutie.

    p.s. I'll keep Abigail in my thoughts. (And you too.)

  23. Prayers for Abigail.

    My husband also suffers from SASS (Sit-and-Sleep Syndrome), usually it strikes him whilst in the church pew. But when one gets up at 3:45 AM EVERY SINGLE DAY, one deserves some leeway I suppose.

  24. My Hubby suffers from that exact same syndrome! And here I read your kids had a stomach bug of sorts?!? Guess that answers my question in your other post. Hmph.
