Monday, July 11, 2011

Group Photos

After our anniversary trip, we went to pick the kids up from David's parents.  The children always have a grand time with their grandparents.

You can't go wrong with a big, green tractor.

The kids got in a mood once we arrived.  Do you know this mood?  The "oh, I forgot I am extremely tired from all the fun I've had and now I am going to give you the stink eye and throw myself on the ground in a fit of fury simply because I need a nap"  mood?  So precious.

Luckily, they fell fast asleep on our drive home.  And our drives home are never short.  Makes for good napping.  To add to the excitement of the day, we decided to drive another 40 minutes away to where my parents were camping to visit them for the evening.  It was so pretty where they were camping, so I decided to try and get some decent pictures of the children.

It did not go so well.

That picture was taken before they realized I was taking a picture.

Once they clued in, this is what I got:

Look at Little Dude.  What a punk.  To further aggravate him, I decided to add the girls to the mix.  For kicks and grins.

What beef does Little Dude got against me?

Oh, that one is just . . . precious.

Notice how Little Dude has not cooperated once.

Come on, kids!  Mama needs a new blog header.

Little Dude:  For the love of everything, Mother.  When will this end?

2 out of 4 isn't so bad.

Three cheers for Daisy Mae (black shirt)!  She has looked at the camera the entire time!

That'll do, kids.  That'll do.

And as you may have noticed, I attempted to upload one as a header.  I couldn't get the good one because Sweet Pea's head is too high.  So the mediocore one will serve as this blog's header for awhile.

Nothing but the best for my blog.

It started to get chilly and we all asked David to build us a fire, because David is the go-to guy for all things wood/fire/camping-ish.

My kids are learning the tricks of the trade.  The boys got into the back of the truck, unloaded the wood, and then brought the wood to the fire pit.

Daisy Mae helped David get the fire ready.

My legs look just like that when I wear shorts, too.

We had a lovely time visiting with my parents and Sister Meagan.  After dinner we decided to go for a walk.  It was so lovely, we decided we should have a group photo to capture this memory in time.

David set the timer on the camera and then ran like a champ to join us.

After he did that, a teenager was riding his bike right by us.  Foolishly, we assumed he had noticed out group photo dilemma and was going to offer to take the picture for us.

Instead, he looked right at David and said, "Wow.  I didn't know cameras could do that.  Later."


Happy Monday!



  1. Haha. That last bit made this entire blog post. How helpful! :)

    Marla @

  2. And just think...some day you will be the mother of FOUR teenagers : )

  3. Oh, I despise the retraining sessions after leaving the kids for a night. After the buzz wears off from all their excitement while we were gone, they are ornery! Sigh...I'd rather they be terrible and rotten for us than for others, though, so I'll take it. Family pictures. Why do they have to be so stressful? Bribery comes out in full force when we take them! LOL

  4. how'd you get the photo issue fixed?!?!

  5. Daisy Mae is getting so grown up! And I love how you're wearing your hair in the family photo - looks like you guys had a good time :)

  6. Too funny. I love your stories and seeing your various attempts at family photography.

  7. My favorite part is the gum in HD's mouth.

  8. we just took family pictures on Saturday, and I was SO DONE with my kids. They were terrible. TERRIBLE I SAY!
    I feel your pain.

    Shel wants to come visit your in-laws. He is obsessed with green tractors...and red tractors...any tractors.

  9. Thanks for stopping by my place. (from JoAnn's) So nice to meet you. Trust me--the goofy pictures will mean the most when they are all teenagers.

  10. your dad has very long fingers

  11. I kind of love the crazy pictures. Just think how many laughs you'll have in later years. :)

  12. Okay, so I have to your Momma's hair naturally that dark? Cause it is just soo dark and is very pretty, but your and your sibling's hair is much lighter (like your dad's?), right? Sorry Taylor's Momma if it's rude to ask, you can just ignore me. :) And that is a pretty good family picture for kids that were cranky a short time before that. Oh! And your hair is really cute like that!! Hope your anniversary trip was wonderful!

  13. Those are GREAT pictures. I love pictures where the kids are being themselves. That being said, I've been known to resort to bribery to get my kids to all at least face the camera at the same time. :-) I rarely resort to bribery, so I consider it acceptable to do so on the rare occasion. :-)

  14. Great pictures! No one is crying, therefore the picture taking is a success! : )

  15. Yes and No. :) I always remember her hair being that dark. She used to have my color as a teen, but as she got into her 20s, it turned that dark color. I know she does dye it to keep out the gray, but she just matches her natural color, I think. :)

  16. The LJ has a small teensy weensy smile on his face! Holla!

  17. How come I'm laughing instantly at YOUR uncooperative kid in a photo shoot, but it takes me at least a week to laugh at MINE! Just think, though, not only did you get a blog header, you got a whole blog POST from your efforts. Kudoes!

  18. I love the new picture...hey 3 out of 4 ain't bad!!
