Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Awhile ago, I found a blogger named JoAnn.  She writes the most lovely, beautiful, and hilarious posts in the whole, wide world.

Imagine my shock (and nervousness) when she asked me to guest post for her.  It is a different kind of post for me.  I didn't even say holla! once.

Would you mind stopping by JoAnn's blog and visiting me over there?  I would be eternally grateful.

And while you are there, take the time to read some of JoAnn's posts-I'm sure you will love her!

Besides, she will oft include this picture of her husband in her posts:

He looks . . . fierce, does  he not?  He's definitely got a passion for dodgeball.

Alright!  So please please come and visit me over there and say hi.  You know.  So I don't feel like a silly goose.

Click here

Attention Mom and Dad:  You must click on the highlighted words that read :click here."  Do not be alarmed.  You will be taken to a different blog.  But it is still me writing.  I promise.

Thank you, I appreciate it!


  1. Taylor,

    I read, and enjoyed it very much. Great writing--and a wonderful answer to a difficult question :)

  2. Beautiful job Taylor! Loved the post, love your blog, love you.. In fact, I want to be you when I grow up..............Oh yeah...too late.

  3. Wow...that was an amazing blog post that says so much that I needed to hear today! I love staying home with my children (most days) but feel like everything I do is so mundane sometimes. Thank you for reminding me that I am doing the work of the Lord by raising my children to love Him and follow Him. And thank you for the reminder that it isn't all about me or my "needs." Great post!

  4. You made me laugh and cry, Taylor. God bless you and yours x

  5. Stopping over from Joanne's blog to say job well done! I loved the post. And that photo of Joanne's husband makes me laugh every time. Nice to meet ya ;-)

  6. Taylor,
    What a beautiful Post! Great job!

  7. I loved it-left my comment over there.

  8. I'm stopping over from JoAnn's blog. I loved your post! (I left my long comment over there.) I am looking forward to reading more!

  9. I think most of my blog posts could be categorized under "God is good in spite of me" so I loved your post. I so do not need another blog to read but I think I'm subscribing!

  10. loved it! you do know that, AT THE TIME, glamour shots was cool. i always wanted to do it (though secretly). i hoped they would magically make me beautiful!

  11. thanks taylor. You are so wise and hilarious, and that's a winning combination in my book. I'm so glad you shared your heart, we all needed to hear it and be encouraged by it!

  12. Loved your post Taylor - thank you for the great reminder!

  13. Wonderful post, Taylor. :)

    Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com

  14. Great job! If only everyone would realize they are where they were meant to be.
