Friday, July 8, 2011

Neener Neener

I took the Fab Four to the beach yesterday and had some pictures to show you.  However, my computer is insisting on giving me grief again.

Can somebody please tell me why this keeps happening?

So irksome.

Today is our 11th Wedding Anniversary!


As each year passes, I realize how much I regret my bangs.  Oh, well.  What can you do?

The girls gave us a present today and it was really sweet.  They had found a framed wedding picture that I had misplaced and got it all spiffed up for us.  I would show it to you, but alas:

My computer has picture-uploading-itis  today. 

You may say: "Taylor!  How did you get the wedding picture without the attractive, eye-catching, gray block on the bottom?!"

Copy and paste from an old post, my dear friends.  Copy and paste.

Could this blog be any more professional?

Anyways, in a bit here I am about to head off into the city to drop off the four children with David's parents for THE NIGHT.

Pray for them.

And pray for their toilets.  They don't know what's about to hit them.


We are going to a H-O-T-E-L.  Oh, be still my heart.  So exciting.

In honor of our anniversary, I thought I would leave you with a random list of nothingness about David and I.

Please.  Try to contain your excitement.

1.  We were given a pig as a wedding present.  A live one.  This was exciting to David, as he was into all things 4-H and whatnot.  Sadly, it was butchered and we had a plethora of pork (gag me) in our freezer for many moons.  One night, David decided to fry us up some ham steak (double gag me).  Lucky for me, my decorative candle that I ignorantly placed on the oven had melted and dripped wax into the burners.  Imagine my luck when the ham steak caught fire and we had to take up the invitiation from my dad to join him at his house for dinner!  Did you know my dad is a superb cook?  It's true.

2.  We have probably caught and killed at least 100 mice in our homes.  Because, clearly, we are super clean peoples.

3.  We used to eat ice cream for a snack every night.  100 (meaningless) points to whoever can remember what we eat now for our much healthier snack. 

4.  Every time David gets a new pillow, I steal it and give him my old one.  This reminds me, it is time for David to ask for a new pillow.

5.  David would sleep on the floor if it meant I was quiet and he could sleep.  This is how I acquire the pillow.  I promise silence.

6.  Our first date lasted less than an hour.

7.  When he first told me he loved me, I told him he couldn't say that yet because it was too soon.

I'm such a delight.

8.  David and I have been playing Words with Friends against each other on our phones.  And guess what.

I caught David cheating.

You can cheat on Words with Friends.

There's an app for that.

9.  When we were first married, we never purchased coffee, because we never drank it enough to use it.  We couldn't eat bread before it went moldy or drink an entire gallon of milk before it went sour.

I am happy to report that we quickly found the solution to those quandaries:

Are you wondering what they are looking at in the picture?

So am I.

Now we put on two pots of coffee a day, eat about 3 loaves a bread a week and drink about 3 gallons of milk a week.

10.  The first meal I ever made David and I in our first home was . . . wait for it . . . baked potatoes with toppings.  Toppings like . . . canned chili.

It was surely a meal that impressed.



Try not to jealous as I head off kid-free . . . again.

Which reminds me!  We need to do the COW!

This week's goes to Mindee:

I was going to tell you about the best novel ever written. You would have loved it. You would have laughed, cried – it’s life changing really.

But then you had to flaunt your kid free status and say Neener Neener so I’m keeping it to myself.

Well, Mindee . . . not get all "flaunty" again, but . . .

Neener Neener.


  1. Taylor! I love reading your blog - you always make me laugh and your kids are adorable. Happy anniversary to you and David!

  2. Popcorn and Diet Pepsi!
    Hope you enjoy the kid-free night in the hotel.

  3. Kid free again? Having grandparents in town is a HUGE bonus. In fact, I must admit, I asked my in-laws if it was okay with them before we decided to try and have another kid. LOL I wanted to make sure they were still game for helping!! Thankfully, they are game for having all three of our sweet, juicy babies.

    You now eat popcorn, M & Ms, and I think drink sodapop after the kids go to sleep!

    I want more details about this "less than an hour" first date!!! Did you give them in your recap of your life, and I forgot? That happens sometimes. I have children, and as you know, they suck your memory (and eat lots of bread, drink lots of milk, and make us need coffee).
    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Here's to many more years of cooking Elk, rearing rugrats in ruralville, and wearing sexy Carharts for your man!

  4. Popcorn!
    I am jealous of the kid free business. We just celebrated our 13th in a hotel WITH the kids. We were in the midst of a move. Now we are in our new place and don't have a babysitter yet. My I.O.U for an anniversary date may be delayed for a while. Sigh.

  5. are you using an iphone to take these pics?

    if your problematic pics are from an iphone (or possibly another type of smart phone), it is because when you transfer them to the computer you can compress them. compressing them causes this problem.

    popcorn and diet pepsi. though you would be happier with popcorn and a diet coke. you just don't realize it yet.

  6. Happy Anniversary!
    I love hearing your stories! They make me want to share stories with you...and hopefully make you laugh like you make me laugh. :)

  7. A big DUH! moment...I thought it was MY computer not downloading your pic! And what did you do on your first date that made it less than an hour?

  8. I'm so glad you chose that comment for the COW because I believe it was the best one! It made me laugh!

  9. Happy Anniversary to you! Have a great weekend. :)

  10. Happy Anniversary! I too remember when me and my husband poured out at least a half gallon of milk all the time because we couldn't ever use it up before it soured and I remember throwing out bread because it went moldy before we could use it. Glad we found a solution to that problem too! I often look back at pictures of myself and regret the bangs too. I think we all do!

  11. Happy Anniversary David & Taylor! :)

  12. I remember when I used to be able to sit down and drink a cup of coffee while it was still HOT. I even remember when I wasn't chemically dependant upon coffee to survive the day.


  13. Happy Anniversary!

    But really, Taylor, way to flaunt your kid free status to Mindee. Now we ALL have to suffer from your neener-neenerism and...Alas! We may never know about the best novel ever written. Makes me wanna flaunt my kid-free-empty-nest status, but I won't, all for the greater good. Hope the in-law's toilets are still flush-worthy!

  14. Yeah, well, I totally WANTED to take my kids with us for our weekend getaway. Totally. So there.

