Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Great Rabbit Evacuation of 2011

So, I was enjoying my morning cup of coffee and perusing my comments from yesterday's post, when I came to some comments  that made me worry a bit more about the soon-to-be-coming plane that would be dropping the spray meant to kill the tree-killing moths.

Remember?  The moths?  Jungle?  Snakes?  Bears?  Do you people listen to me?


Interruption:  Thank you for the comments you leave!  I know it takes extra time, but it is always appreciated and they make me smile. 

That was not a shameless plug for more comments.

I promise.

I looked at the clock.  8am.  I was informed that the plane would be coming between 8 and 9am.  Therefore and henceforth, I decided I needed to fret about the rabbits.

Oh!  I'm sorry!  Did I not tell you?  We have 14 billion rabbits on our lands.  Such a blessing.

So, I gathered up my troops:

and we rushed outside to begin The Great Rabbit Evacuation of 2011.  It is no small feat to move 28 billion rabbits from their outside hutches to cages in the garage.

Especially when these are the troops working with you:

You know.  I try to be patient with life, but sometimes, I just have to admit that I never imagined myself  running around like a crazy person transferring 56 billion rabbits from inside to outside hutches.

Daisy Mae is almost as excited as me.  Daisy Mae informed me that she HATES living in Ruralville.  She likes the city and pedicures.

Tough break, Daisy Mae.

Tough break.

Speaking of Ruralville . . . I hate that word.  Why do we call my home that?  Whose idea was that?  Let's change it!  Because we can!

All in favor?  Say aye!

We are supposed to be talking about rabbits.  Focus, people!

Have you ever tried to move a rabbit?  They are so bouncy and fluffy, it's really quite vexing.  Gives me the peepee shivers and I just want to drop them.  Don't you worry, dear readers, I did not drop any of them.  I was a good farm and ranch wife today.

I'm pretty sure that during the evacuation, the 56 billion rabbits doubled again to 112 billion rabbits.  That's what bunnies do, you know.

You know what bunnies don't do? 


Ask me how I know.

Daisy Mae is just killing me here.  She is looking into the rabbit hutch and thinking to herself:

"How on earth did I become the caregiver to 224 billion bunnies?"

Kind of like how I look at my children and think:

"When did I have four kids?"

And, since I know Daisy Mae is entertaining you as well , here is another gem of a shot:

I need to get that girl in for a pedicure STAT.

Sweet Pea is like the Rabbit Whisperer.

She neeedeth not a pedicure.

So.  We rescued all 448 billion rabbits and then headed inside to take cover from the plane of doom.

Now, just so you all know, the plane was not spraying our lands.  Just our neighbors.

This plane provided joyous entertainment for the children.  It took about a half an hour and they had a great time watching it fly all around the house.

Sweet Pea:  That would be a FUN job!

Me:  Yeah.  You could be a pilot when you grow up!

Sweet Pea:  I mean, that's almost as cool as a zookeeper.

Me:  Yup.

Sweet Pea:  Can anyone do anything they want when they grow up?

Me:  Yeah, for the most part.  You have to work hard at it though.  But if you want to do something, you should go for it!

Sweet Pea:  Oh!  Did you always dream of working at the hospital?

Me: *sigh*

Yes.  She is referring to my not-so-brief stint as a kitchen worker at the hospital. 

This job included a hairnet, nametag, and standard, uniform pants that would only button at my rib cage.


It was the job I had to take in order to get me through college.

Yes!  I did go to college!  And, yes!  I did finish!

I am a very well-education stay at home mom/rabbit evacuator.

So, we waited several hours and then we went back outside to begin the rehoming of all 896 billion rabbits.

Want to know what happens when you put rabbits in the garage?

Unforunate, no?

Alright.  I must sign off.  For I am making


Works out well since I am just feigning to be on Weight Watchers.



  1. Heather D (not the nurse and not living in ND)July 28, 2011 at 11:09 AM

    I asked my husband if we could get a rabbit and he said no. Boo! Taylor I tried!

  2. I have one rabbit. He lives in my yard and under the semi trailer of the tire center next door. And that's just the way I like it.

    And from one rural kid to another, even girls who have the tough break of living in Ruralville (or insert new name here) deserve a pedicure in the city once in a while!

  3. I knew rabbits multiply quickly, but oh my goodness!

    I'd take one, my daughter would be thrilled. But alas, we already have too many rabbits in Australia. And I think it would not survive my dogs for more than a minute.

  4. Good job protecting the ever increasing horde of bunnies from the nasty planes spray/dusting...Amazing what us "newly rural generation farm wives" will do...I currently have our newest addition curled up and going to sleep under my chair...You will have to come visit my blog to see what manner of animal it is lol.

    Blessings Kelsie

  5. That picture of Daisy Mae (saying she hates ruralville) is totally mini-Taylor - I mean, that expression???? It's YOU girlfriend! Now it seems to me that one would absolutely HAVE to HAVE a college degree to be a Mom living in the country with a husband who climbs poles and 4 children who lose glasses and underwear and 896 billion rabbits. Well, maybe I should have asked what you majored in.....

  6. I too had rabbits in my younger day...a white one named Boo (white like a ghost...get it?) and a black one named Stinky (black like...well, you get the idea). Well, Stinky had babies and then promptly ate them...I gave her away before she could even *burp*! Good thing, she would have exploded eating 896 billion babies! Gross, I know...but it's who I am!

    We watched a fire fighting plane refill while we were on least a dozen times. It was the most exciting part of our trip...not so much for the guy who lost 30 acres of land but crazy fun for us =o) Side note: When they scoop up their water, do they also scoop fish? We looked for signs for a fish fry but never saw one. Gross, I know...but it's who I am!

  7. I can tell you are a very well education stay at home mom/rabbit evacuator. bahahaha
    I was the same and babies on end. It is the best job though. ;)

  8. Daisy Mae cracks me up so hard I get the peepee shivers.

  9. when does the selling of those bad boys actually commence?

  10. Mom and Dad aka The Goober ParentsJuly 28, 2011 at 2:21 PM

    Please tell Daisy Mae, Grams will rescue her from the Hare-Um and take her for a pedicure!

  11. and Aunt Meg will join!

  12. Daisy Mae is such a good kid though! She's doing the work, doing her part! I love her.

  13. When you one day escape to my big city bring Daisy Mae : )

  14. We had two rabbits, then we had four, then we had twelve, then we had thirty... they never stopped multiplying!

    Soon, the cute black and white rabbits were allowed to run free and soon we had brown and white rabbits. The wild rabbits and the domesticated rabbits are now happily living as one large gaggle of rabbits.

  15. Well, there is one bright spot to your least the bunny peepee is on the garage floor and not your bathroom floor. No? Not a bright enough spot?

  16. Lets change it from Ruralville to Paradise, okay? Okay! (Said in my most annoying Former Cheerleader voice.)

  17. I like how your mom said Hare - um. How cute is that! :) Much cuter than the actual thought of all those bunnies multiplying so voraciously. :) Holla!

  18. Exhausting! Brownies are definitely in order.

  19. I've decided that I need to learn from you.
    I asked myself, "What can Taylor teach me?"
    And I said (to myself), "how to be funny!"
    And THEN I said (to myself), "How is she being funny?"
    And my answer (to myself), "her multiplication seems to be off a little!"

    Or maybe I am wrong. I started losing track there after a while!

  20. *giggle* I'm sorry the plane was only treating the neighbors.

  21. I'm not good at math but I don't get how 224 billion bunnies = a horse.
