Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sad Announcements and Deep Thoughts

It's Saturday night!  And I am hiding from my family.  Yes.  I admit it.  Sometimes I do need to get away from them all . . .

As precious as they are.

I was bound and determined to get a lovely blog header picture for you all today, because I know that is why you all come here.  I thought to myself:

"Taylor!  Wouldn't it be HI-larious if you had a picture of your kids faces with some of the rabbits that have multiplied themselves at your homestead?!"

And, after much planning and positioning and bribery, this was the best I could get:

Turns out when you crop it, the bunnies disappear.

Blogging is hard.

But did I give up?

Yes.  Yes, I did.

No!  The boys are not allowed to hold actual rabbits!

That would be coco-nuts.

I have some . . . news. 

We had to find a new home for Lucy.

This happened a week ago, but I didn't share with you all about it because I was still feeling blue about it all and not really up for talking about it.  Plus, I remembered when Mabel died last fall and my blog was a total downer. I will forever remember that phase as  "The Great Blog Depression of 2010."  Anyways, I figured I needed to not write about it for a bit.

Lucy was just too much for us to handle.  We didn't realize it, but she was bothering the neighbors and chasing livestock.  She was too wild for the children and, well, the list goes on and on and on.  I am really sad that we had to find a new family for her, but her new family was really excited to take her.  They had three older children and another dog, and she happily left with them.  Or so I'm told.  I took the kids for a drive so we didn't have to see her go.

 I am still pretty bummed about it, but I know David and I made the right choice for all involved.


I am impressed that some of you tried to use my sister's "handsome" phrase in a sentence in the comments of my last post.

You did good!

Here's a hint:  think of handsome as a verb, not an adjective.

So you wouldn't say, I'm eating some handsome ice cream.


You say, I'm getting all handsome on some ice cream.


Yes.  I know.  Makes no sense.

But that's why its fun.


We were in Walmart yesterday.  Daisy Mae saw a cucumber and said:

"Oh, look!  It's a Larry!"

Of course, she is referring to Veggie Tales.  Keep up, people!

Then, she had an epiphany.

"Mom! You see that! A tomato! Guess what. On Veggie Tales there is a Bob the Tomato. I never knew why they called him that. But I figured it out. He is a tomato. AND his name is Bob. That's why!"



Handsome Dude has been getting a little . . . deep lately.  He asks some pretty intense questions.  Questions such as:

"Mom.  Do the trees like the sky?"

I'm going to need more coffee.



  1. My guess is that trees enjoy what the sky brings, such as sunlight and rain.
    I'm about to get handsome on some delicious tuna noodle casserole.

    Holla if you here me!

  2. Sorry to hear about Lucy. You were the ultimate responsible pet owner, though, by recognizing the need to find a home that was a better fit for all concerned. I once had to do the same. The sadness does go away. Perhaps, in a few years when your children are older, you will add another pup to your family. You will know when or if the time is right. Hugs to you!

  3. Thank you for clarifying that Handsome Dude was not holding a rabbit... for a moment was I concerned but then remembered your awesome parenting skills and wondered why I ever worried. *Smiles*

  4. Sorry about Lucy but its good to know when a dog is not the right fit and I'm glad you've found her a nice home.

    I love the picture in your header...the color is so perfect and everyone is facing forward! Enjoy the rest of your weekend : )

  5. I did a new blog header. It looked good and I published it and it is totally blurry. I say tough. I am sick of it. I am incompetent and I own it. I should rename said blog. Incompetent and Proud of It. or Lame. or Old and Stupid. or Does Anybody Even Read This Blather. or Shut up already you are taking up my comment space.

  6. You made the right choice for both Lucy and your family. Hard, but the right choice.

    And, yes trees do like the sky and when asked why. My standard answer is because "that's the way God made them and he knows all things."

    Now, I'm off to get all handsome on the rest of my weekend:)

    By the way, I am referring to you on Monday's Post:)

  7. It's really hard to find the right dog for a family, I've decided. We keep waiting for the right neighbour dog to be found for us. Our neighbour's current dog uses our yard for a bathroom.
    Getting the right kitten? Much easier. (gave my daughter a kitten for her birthday on Thursday.)

  8. Sorry about Lucy.

    Hee hee about Larry.

    My kid did that once at the supermarket too.

    He's now scared to eat vegetables.


  9. You absolutely did the right thing with Lucy. Little kids and young dogs are a terribly difficult combo. I'm sure ALL of you will be much happier once you get past the guilt.

  10. Sorry about Lucy... You made the right decision though, especially if she was chasing lifestock. Around here (and there too, I'm sure) people get pretty cranky and will shoot dogs over that.

    The rabbit pictures are cute. :)

    Marla @

  11. You did the right thing for Lucy. I just cannot imagine how you coped with her plus four kids and rapidly multiplying bunnies! :)

  12. Poor Lucy-fur! But I guess there's a reason that was her nickname :)

    I had a random dream that all your kids came to live with me. It was especially awkward since I didn't know their real names just blog nicknames!

  13. I wish my husband would decide that we don't need our dogs anymore. Heh. Like THAT will ever happen (only in my dreams). In reality, there is no greater breath of fresh air than to no longer have a pet that is too much to handle. Ours are good pups, but I get tired of them waking me up at random hours of the night. If it's not the kids waking us up, it's the dogs. If it's not the dogs, it's the cat in the garage. If it's not the cat, it's the goats. If it's not the goats, it's the kids. Vicious cycle.

    I LOL'd about Larry and Bob. My 2 1/2 year old is convinced HE is a cucumber and his sister is a tomato. Thank you, Veggie Tales...

  14. It's better for Lucy to move than to harass the livestock, that's how my parents ended up with a sheep dog with one eye...he was herding someone else's sheep! Lucy will thank you for preserving her sight and who knows what else. I know it's hard though, to say good bye to a pet, no matter how difficult they were.
    Sorry friend.
    I think your header is lovely. What's with all of us itching for a new header? It must be the weather. :)
    Your kids are handsome.
    Wait, no.
    I tried.
    But they are.

  15. I love the rabbit that little dude is holding. It looks like the eyes are popping out of it's head, I would like to think that is what would happen with a real bunny.

  16. Sorry about Lucy-fur. You guys need a shepherd of some kind where you are. Our dog quickly learns boundaries (property lines) and protects them, guards the kids, smart, smart, smart...

  17. Remember back in the olden days when Little Dude was crying in every picture? And now, look at him--smiling right there at the top of your page!

  18. lol this is awesome! i love handsome dude's question. and your daughter recognizing larry. and the fact that you, too, need to get away. thank you for honesty, friend.
