Monday, July 18, 2011

A Plethora of Coffee Filters

Ok, so, I hate to be all needy again and everything, BUT . . .  I am guest posting today over at The Little Brown House and would love it if you would come and visit me!  Aren't I just full of shameless self-promotion these days?  I know.  I find it to be annoying, too.

So, while you are there, you should totes check out Ms. Brown House and her awesome blog.  She has an eye for decorating and has come up with some really neat projects.

Allow me to give you a sampling.

You know.

To whet your appetite.

What would you do, dear readers, if you had a plethora of coffee filters in your pantry?

Would you:

A)  Make LOTS of coffee . . . enough coffee to equip yourself to handle whatever challenges arise in your day?


B)  Make this nifty wreath and have all peoples admire your work and rise and called you blessed:

Isn't that wreath cute?!  It's made simply out of coffee filters, I kid you not!

If you were me, you would, of course, choose A.  BUT, if you are Ms. Brown House, you would choose B!  And, if you were the aforementioned Ms. Brown House, you would be that much more awesome and have a cute, aesthetically pleasing house.

Unlike myself.  I have clogged toilets and these dreadful things adorning my walls:

Don't be jealous.

Thank you to The Little Brown House for featuring me today!  Please come and say hi over there and check out The Little Brown House.  It would help me feel a bit better about my shameless begging. 

Are you ready Mom and Dad?

Wait for it . . . wait for it . . .


Alright.  Now please go and get all handsome on the guest post.

(Did you see what I did just there?)

Thank you!  I really appreciate it!

 Happy Tuesday!

PS-Aren't I hyper today?  It's on account of all that coffee I am pouring into myself before the children wake up.  And it is delicious.  And I don't have any cute wreaths.  But at least I am perky . . .

for now.


  1. You are hilarious! I do not have a cute coffee filter wreath either, I do no think I am crafty enough to do it.


  2. Coffee filter wreaths only look cute if someone else is making them. Is my opinion.
    Personally I get my home decor fix at my sister's. She has a grizzly bear in her living room.

  3. Look at you in your big girl pants, another guest post!

  4. Coffee filter wreaths? I must know how to make such treasures! They are fabulous. And I am rocking the coffee too. Completely necessary to deal with the chaos that is my life.

  5. You are so funny! Holla! :) :) :)

    Did your mom and dad find your guest post???

  6. I'm so impressed the way you're an in-demand guest-poster! And I'm glad you're not making wreaths out of your coffee filters because, as cute as the wreath is, that's a little too much for someone who lives in Ruralville. : )

  7. I come in reverse from The Brown House to yours...I am loving your blog...You are so witty and funny...As the mother of just one 3yr old remaining at home it warms my heart to see the misadventures from your little angels.

    Coffee Filters? what are these things? my coffee comes from a jar and I just add water lol.

    Keep smiling and sharing.

    Blessings Kelsie

  8. Well, Ms. Brown House was certainly right when she said you had a cute blog and were fun to read. I don't know if I'm a little "wonkey" (just love that word) or what, but I can't seem to find your "Follow" button. Do you have one? Your family looks delightful, and I look forward to prowling around your blog some more.

  9. Thanks!
    I have a Facebook page and you can subscribe through email or a reader? But I don't have a follow button . . . :) Not sure how to do that.

  10. I do not have deer heads on my walls, BUT I do have fingerprint smudges everywhere!

  11. Holla Taylor, I saw your post this morning as I visited Ms. Brown House, it was a GREAT post, thank you, you are all over the place lately, must be the coffee ;).

    I am happy now that I just figured it out, I always wondered why it was called "The Little Brown House", cause I saw pictures of the house and it wasn't brown. I finally woke up, Brown, yup, boy do I feel silly...

    And btw everyone, I think there is a tutorial for the coffee wreath on "The Little Brown House's blog, as well as YUMMY recipes. Even Gluten Free recipes that are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Snort. IS there enough coffee to equip one for the challenges of the day?

    I ask you.

  13. I'm too dumb to figure out who Bimlissa's mother is. sorry. I have lots of coffee filters that I purchased for an amazing craft of some sorts. They are still in the package, amazingly enough!

  14. Funny as usually Taylor. Thanks for sharing. I had read the coffee filter wreath thing on her blog before. I wish I had time to be that crafty. Maybe when the kids are grown I will be.

  15. Mom and Dad aka The Goober ParentsJuly 19, 2011 at 1:45 PM

    I waited it for it, I found it, I went to leave a comment, but confused I became as I didn't know if I should leave the comment here or over at the Brown House. So here it is. Anyway think I will try the coffee filter wreath and enjoy a cup while I'm at it.

  16. love love love Goober Parents!
    you make me wanna call my mom.
    think I'll do just that. :)
