Friday, July 1, 2011

Creepy Creeperton

I have spent far too much time this afternoon trying to upload one, stupid picture to my blog.

And time after time, these are the results I get:


Why? Why? Why?

Sometimes, I really hate technology.  It's amazing I find The Internet everyday, isn't it?

Well.  It would have been a cute picture.  Wish you could have seen it.

I am sure you have all been dying to know how the oven cleaning went yesterday.  When David and I showed up at the house he said, and I quote:

"How about you finish up the bedding and I'll clean the oven?"

These are the moments that make marriage worthwhile.

Oh, isn't he grand?  Who wants to clean an oven anyway, really?  So tedious. And he does a splendid job of scrubbing things, on account of his gigantic muscles.

So, we got all work done and went to eat at THE GREEK RESTAURANT of which we love, even though it was belly dancer night.  As luck would have it, our server brought us our check mere moments before Lady Belly Dancer sashayed her way over to our table and we made it out in the nick of time.

Belly Dancing.

It's not for the faint of heart.

The kids were at VBS this week and last night was Parent Night.  This was Little Dude's maiden performance on a stage of any kind.

Can anyone guess where his hands were the entire time?



It was a proud moment.  My boy had his shirt in his mouth and his hand down his pants.  What can you do?

He is stinking cute, I must inform you.  Which is why he can get away with such things.

I am still trying to get that first picture to work for you, because I will not allow the computer to defeat me, darn it.  I found this gem of a picture for you on my phone:

Wait a tick!  Does it look like David is . . . smiling?!?! 

There's that Little Dude again, attempting to invite me to the gun show.  And we already knew Daisy Mae was cute.

I have nothing to blog about today.  Can you tell?  I was hoping I would upload picture #1 and fountains of creativity would burst open and I would write the bestest blog post ever.    Spoiler Alert:  that will not be happening.

Lucy thinks I like her now because I simply praised her for about 30 seconds a half an hour ago and now she won't stop licking me and sniffing me and generally loving me.  I was pleased with her (a rare occurrence) because she was barking at a Mr. Creepy Creeperton who was walking along the edge of our property line.

And I want her to bark at all Creepy Creepertons.

She never barks at deer, turkeys, or moose any more.  But human species are so rare, I am sure it gave her a fright.


Look at me and my bad self!

See?  Now wasn't that worth the wait?  Aren't my boys the cutest?  Check out Handsome Dude with his Carhartt hat and his glasses on!


I most certainly did not help my boys make those cars, you silly readers!  Holla to reader Stacy who made them for VBS and sent them home with us.

I promise you, Stacy,  they are in excellent condition as I type this right now and are most certainly not all in pieces and ready to go out to the trash.  Nope.

Stacy is a "pretend" reader.  She says she reads but she never comments, so how should I know she reads?  And then she talks to me and I look at her like she is an insane crazy person and I wonder how on earth she knows so much about me.

And then she tells me she reads this blog.  And then I think "Oh, Snap!  What have I mentioned on that stupid blog?"  And then I think about why I have this dumb blog and oh how I hate it and it's so embarrassing and so on and so forth and blah blah blah.

I have no one to blame but myself.

I told you I had nothing to talk about.

Alright.  Let's do a COW.  Because we can.

This week's goes to Debbie with her comment on The Bib Overalls:

This reminds me of all the birthdays and Christmases my mother-in-law bought me sweaters…..always a man’s sweater. Not sure what she was trying to say there.


Oh!  We cannot forget to post the picture of Gladys the Cow.



I have nothing else to drone on about.  Please.  Try to contain your sadness as you realize this post is coming to an end. 

Tomorrow, I am leaving for Las Vegas!

And I neglected to get a book at the library.  Because who has time for such things?  Even though I was at the library YESTERDAY.

So, I have a Kindle app on my phone, as if I couldn't get any cooler, and I was wondering if you would please send some book ideas my way.

And, YES, I have read The Hunger Games.  And, NO, I don't want to read Twilight.

Thank you and have a pleasant weekend tending to your children as I am basking by the pool kid-free.

Neener, neener.


  1. I was going to tell you about the best novel ever written. You would have loved it. You would have laughed, cried - it's life changing really.

    But then you had to flaunt your kid free status and say Neener Neener so I'm keeping it to myself.

  2. Have you read all three of the Hunger Games triology? If not, get the other two. If so, I got nothing for ya'. Hope you have super-duper fun in Las Vegas!!

  3. those are some pretty awesome cars!! kudos on gettin' those there pics to work!! :) i knew you could do it! cause you are awesome and amazing!!! have a great 4th of july!!! God Bless...

  4. If you just want easy reading, entertaining, "chick-lit," I can highly recommend anything written by Jennifer Weiner. Love, love, love her! Have fun in Vegas!!!

  5. One of my favorite books of all time is called "Gilead" by Marilyn Robinson. Have fun in Vegas.

  6. If you haven't read the other two books after These is My Words, then you must.

    Have a wonderful time yucking it up by the pool!

  7. I loved "The Last Child" by John Hart-- excellent mystery thriller. If you are looking for a family drama, I would say anything by Barbara Delinsky.

    OR if you really liked the Hunger Games, try "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner.

    I used to work at a super cool bookstore, so I know these things. Have fun on your trip!!

  8. This is the best comment I have ever read. I believe you deserve the COW! Although, I do not think that Taylor will give it to you because she will be bitter!

  9. What is The Hunger Games? I have never heard of it!

  10. Two good books I've read recently are Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo (really amazing true story and an easy read) and Little Earthquakes by Jennifer Weiner. Have a lovely vacation. I'm totally jealous. :)

  11. Yup yup, I second the C.O.W. love Mindee's comment, it should go down in C.O.W. history!

  12. I download free books from Amazon to my Kindle all the time and haven't had time to read them all. Check them out for your phone app!
    But you must read Siri Mitchell's novel "She Walks in Beauty." One of my favorites! Or the Hunger Game Trilogy.

  13. Have you read The Help?

    I haven't yet, but keep intending to. Everyone says it's great.

    Have fun in Vegas! If only you'd gone a week earlier, you might have run into Josh.

    Sleep in and lounge in coffee shops.

  14. The Help. It was so good. :) Have a blast in Las Vegas!!!

  15. Neener neener, indeed.
    I don't have any book suggestions, because the only thing I read anymore is blogs. Are blogs? Really, I must read a book very soon.

  16. Hi there! I have commented before. On the boat cake!
