Sunday, April 1, 2012

Cow Patty

David brought home a movie the other night.  We usually get a Redbox, because it is so CHEAP, but sometimes Redbox does not work out great for us if we aren't coming back to town the next day.  Because, have you heard?  We live out in the middle of nowhere-ish.  I added the -ish out of respect for the peoples who actually live out in the middle of nowhere and are tired of my complaints and general fit-throwing.

You're so welcome.

But, good news! (Please, try and pretend you care)  David hath found a video store in the city that gives you $1 rentals for F-I-V-E days.  It is all very exciting for us, can you tell?  He brought home "Where the Red Fern Grows," and who knew Dave Matthews, of the band aptly named The Dave Matthews Band, was an actor?

Not I.

I will admit that I have never seen this movie.  Nor have I read the book.  I know, I know.  Shame on me.  Well, I think David made a poor choice in film selection because my girls were certainly not emotionally ready for a movie of this nature.

DM (short for Daisy Mae . . . keep up, people!):  ALRIGHT!  THAT'S IT!  I'M DONE.

David:  What are you done with?


David:  But you don't even know how it will end!


Oh, yeah.  This post may or may not contain spoiler alerts.  My apologies.

David:  Just give it a minute.

So, Daisy Mae gave it a minute.  But she was not having it.


Fun Fact:  Daisy Mae never really leaves.  She just causes a lot of drama and/or noise and flops around for show.

David:  I promise.  It will have a happy ending.

*Five Minutes Pass*

Daisy Mae is blotchy-eyed and covered in snot.

And still shouting.


David:  What are you talking about?  It had a good ending!


David:  The red fern!  There was a red fern between them!


So.  Maybe we need to go back to flicks such as, oh I don't know, Little Mermaid for that one.  She no likey.

In other news, have you hard of The Spotify?  It's pretty neat-o.  I opened up an account, but little did I know that whenever you play songs, all of your Facebook friends are alerted to any song you are listening to at any given moment.  Because Facebook is certain my friends need to know these things.  So, I found out how to listen to music without all my friends' newsfeeds being flooded with such nonsense.


David has discovered The Spotify.  David does not believe in Facebook, or generally setting up his own accounts for anything.

David has created his own Spotify playlist on my Spotify account that is linked to my Facebook account.  Are you keeping up?  And, as you can imagine, his playlist is chock-full of country western music from at least fifty years ago.

You all remember Running Bear, don't you?

I beg, nay plead with David to please make sure and mark "private session" when he is using The Spotify so that my friends do not think I listen to Convoy by C.W. McCall.  Because, I can assure you, I do not.

David never remembers to mark private session and I am pretty sure my reputation is suffering as a result of it.

His latest guilty pleasure?

A song called Cow Patty.


I may have to cancel my Spotify account. I have a reputation to keep up, you know?

In the interest of full disclosure, David has since dedicated a new song to me since the night he called into the radio station and had them play Running Bear for me.

For those of you (like everyone in the world) who have never heard that song, it is a song about two people who die in a river.

David the Romantic.  Excuse me while I swoon.

Anyways, awhile ago he told me that the following song was his  NEW song to me.  And I would like to submit that we all forget that the whole Running Bear incident ever happened.

I'll take it!

Lest any of you are confused after watching the above video, no, I do not do yoga.  Nor would I look like that gal while attempting to do yoga.

Happy Weekend!


  1. Gotta give the man some credit! That song is pretty darn sweet!

  2. I know, right? I ain't gonna lie. I was pretty excited. :)

  3. Welcome to 21st century music Lumberjack Man!! LOL Running Bear!! Do you know how long it has been since I heard that one....wait....I'm really not that OLD!!

  4. Yippee-yi-yaaaaaaayyyyyy! Cow Patty! At least it's a fun song! I'm with Daisy May--I no likely animal movies. Don't let her watch War Horse. About ten minutes into it, I realized this was going to be like Bambi, The Yearling, Old Yeller and ,yes, Where the Red Fern Grows...... Sniff.

  5. I love this new song! And his woman is a brunette Taylor...Only of course you're prettier!

    My daughter loves/hates Where the Red Fern Grows. She hates that it makes her cry, but if she sees it on (we have antennae, and it comes on one of the channels pretty often) she can't walk away...

  6. FB friends, not fans, LOL. I might be nice to have some fans....

  7. I love spotify, too, but also didn't feel the need for all of my FB fans to be subjected to my listening preferences. So, I just made a second FB page that I only used to register for spotify. Since I haven't added any friends to that page, nobody is any the wiser. I'm pretty picky about what programs I will let link to my active FB page. :D

  8. Oh, and how funny that I linked up to an old country song today too!

  9. Um . . . I'd be pretty darn thrilled with that song! "Not a single throw-pillow on the bed" haha!

    I'm totally with Daisy Mae! Sad movies make me ANGRY!

  10. As soon as I saw Where the Red Fern Grows, I wanted to scream "NOoooo," but alas I knew I was too late. We read that as a class in 5th grade and then watched the movie, but I remember the book more. So, I'm curious, I do remember the dogs dying and feeling sad about that, but the accident when the boy dies? Was that not in the movie? Bless your hearts for being moved by the poor dogs, but the death of a person not rating so high, huh? It's been awhile so I don't clearly remember, I think the boy was a bully, but still, horrible way to die. I might not remember exactly why, but that death scene is seared into my brain.

  11. Ah yes....Lee Brice. My husband has dedicated that to me too...Will not talk about other songs...although I am right there w/ your David on music selections. ;)

  12. Oh, no. That scene really bothered her, too. Sometimes it is hard to blog everything and the dogs die at the end and so I just lumped it all for how she was reacting to the ending. The movie was pretty tragic for her.

  13. Love the song too! My son hates the sad animal movies too. Every since he watched Old Yeller. And the one about the pet deer.

  14. Oh! Got it. It is a pretty tragic movie/book all around. I'm thinking you should tell your husband to avoid Bridge to Terabithia too. ;) Steer him towards classics like the original Parent Trap or Herbie the Love Bug if he's leaning toward classic again. :)

  15. I know just how Daisy Mae feels - I was the same way when I was her age. I couldn't stand to watch Where the Red Fern Grows, or Black Beauty, I cried the first time I saw Old Yeller. The Sound of Music, and other happy movies were more to my taste. And yay for the new song for you!

  16. Cow Patty is such a great song! That really takes me back. I actually did a school project with that song--riding a plastic horse on wheels. You're making me want to find the song again and play it for my husband. He will be ever so thrilled.

  17. Oh I still will not watch that movie. NO FLIPPIN WAY. Nope. And I agree with Lisa-no Old Yeller either. Terrible. No animal movies whatsoever. I grew up in the country with death of animals all the time and I still can not watch those types of movies.

  18. I LOVE Spotify! I guess ours must not be linked to our FB at all because our listening lists aren't displayed. But if they were, my husband's music choices would raise some of my friends' eyebrows for sure. Hopefully you can figure out how to permanently unlink them. Is "unlink" a word? Anyway, I'm with Daisy Mae on movies. Tell me, is life not hard enough without watching sadness for fun?? But I guess we can cut the guy a bit of slack due to his new song dedication. :)

  19. I wouldnt mind too much about my music being displayed, it isnt because this is the first time I have ever heard of Spotify (your such an educator). But my news links are linked, so every news story I read goes on there. Which is just fine when its something political, or you know NEWS, but occasionally, seldom really, I get sidetracked by something to do with celebrities. And my brother never fails to make fun of me for my choices of reading material. Just because he watches those news shows everyday does not make him cooler than me lol. I care about whats going on in the world, I just also want to see who is wearing something funky, got knocked up, or is changing husbands for the 4th time.

  20. That song is so great! Warm fuzzies!
    Now, I completely completely and completely again agree with DM about Where the Red Fern Grows. I remember watching that in 3rd grade in the gym at school trying so hard not to cry because I didn't want to be teased.
    Just 3 months ago, I watched Courageous (have you seen this movie? The best Christian movie ever and the cheesy parts really short and not too cheesy. I KNOW you know what I'm talking about).

    Half way through I was crying so hard that I literally (if not outloud I sure thought I said it outloud) said, "THIS IS NOT FUN! WATCHING MOVIES IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! THIS IS NOT FUNNNNNN!"

    I was having a DM moment!

    And then I continued to watch the movie and cried for days after.
