Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Quickie Post

(as if any of my posts are ever quick)

Yes.  I already posted today.  What of it?

Since this blog is my way of recording our memories, I just wanted to hop in and jot down this little convo I had with Handsome Dude.

hd riding bike april 2012
Handsome Dude comes in from outside.  He has remembered to take his muddy shoes off (win!).  He has neglected to remove his helmet (fail!).

My purpose in recording this little ditty with you all is to relay to you just how HARD it is to have any sort of dialogue with the boy.

Thank you.

HD:  That's it, Mom!  I'm not going outside.  Ever again.

Me:  Okie dokie.

HD:  It's the girls, Mom!  They are locking me up!

Me:  What is locking up?

HD:  Can I have a bagel?

Me:  Ok.

HD:  Can you deal with the girls?

Me:  What's going on?

HD:  They are locking me up and then the leash and when Dad comes home he will run over my new bike with his WORKVAN.  MOM!

Me:  Ok, but-

HD:  Mom!  I need to poop!

Me:  Sounds good.

So off he goes, helmet still in place.  And then he comes back.  Unfortunately.

I kid!  I jest!

HD:  Was I gone a long long time?

Me:  No.

HD:  Did you wonder what happened to me?

Me: No, hey if you are-


david's deer mount in kitchen
Me:  Um . . . no?

HD:  He is.  I know it.  Bye, Mom!

Me:  What are you doing?

HD:  Going outside, Mom!  To ride my bike!

He came.  He ate.  He pooped.  The end.

This is why I drink coffee, people.  This is why.

So, I took a gander outside and look at what my kids are doing!

kids playing in driveway april 2012
Dang.  I'm totally going to get in trouble from the Mister about this.  He probably just organized the garage or something.

And, yes.  The observant reader might remember that in my first post today, I mentioned it was snowing.  And it was.  And now it is sunny and gorgeous.  This is how it is here.  We have come to terms with it.

That is all.  Carry on.


  1. "They are locking me up and then the leash..."

    The best proof that you are the mother of multiple children who can no longer be surprised is that you did not frantically run and investigate this statement. Hehe.

  2. The best thing in life is growing up with funny children.

  3. That is HILARIOUS! I love it! So very boy.

  4. Cute conversation! Sounds like a fun little kid!

  5. Well in the middle of the night having awaked by the call of nature have sat on the toilet bowl rim and almost-shall we say-fallen in! My darling husband is perfect in every way, but a few, and that is my adventure in toilet land, and I'm sticking with it!!!!

  6. S is for soul destroying conversations. I have those too ...

    Midas: I've finished!
    Me: You've finished?
    Midas: No.
    Me: You've not finished?
    Midas: No.
    Me: So you HAVE finished?
    Midas: NO!
    Me: Have you finished?
    Midas: NO!!!! Mummy? You're annoying me!

    May: What's in our mash potato?
    Me: Margarine
    May: Vaseline??!?!?!
    Me: No! That's what you put on your lips, silly!
    May: You put MARGARINE on our lips?!?!


  7. p.s. he had his helmet on in the first place. Win!

  8. I don't know, it does kind of look like that deer is smiling : )

    Happy Easter to you and your chicks!

  9. I wish you lived close. Me thinks you are a woman after y own heart. I would love to sit in a chair, sipping a cup of coffee with you, while picking your brain. I love your conversations with your boy. Mine is a few years behind but all ready the hysterical conversations have begun. I need to record them or they will be gone!

  10. I have that boy too. He is fifteen now and can only speak in one language: sarcasm. I tire of it quickly and now sorely miss the days of randomness.

  11. LOL Totally agreed here. Loved this dialogue. You took it so calmly when inside I'm going: "WHAT??"
