Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for Daisy Mae

Yesterday, we had our homeschooling portfolio conference.  I shall not mince words with you:  I LOATHE portfolios.  But, alas, it is the path I have chosen on this joyous homeschooling journey of mine.

And I use the term "joyous" quite loosely.

Sweet Pea's portfolio presentation was first.  She is my studious one.  She is the child who was determined to read Little House on the Prairie in Kindergarten.  She, of course, could not, but it pleased her greatly to think so.
Sweet Pea did quite well and during the presentation, the teacher stopped her and said to me:
"Taylor!  You are too hard on yourself.  You are doing a great job at this and your kids are doing well!"
Well, glory be and the saints be praised!
But, perhaps, the teacher spoke too soon?  For we had not gotten to Daisy Mae's conference.  Bless her heart.
Teacher:  Ok, Sweetie why don't you tell me about this paper you-
Daisy Mae (interrupting and looking at her fingernails):  Oh, man!  I  need to paint my finger nails again!  Look!  The pink paint is chipping!
It was a proud moment, I cannot tell a lie.
A little farther in to the presentation . . .
Teacher:  Daisy Mae, could you tell me the difference between a want and a need?
Daisy Mae:  Well, I WANT a house with a POOL, but I only need a house.
Teacher:  What do all people need to survive?
Daisy Mae:  Food, CLOTHES!, and, um,  shelter?
Teacher:  Ok, and don't forget air to breathe.
Daisy Mae, looking amazed and using her best valley-girl voice:  GOOD one!  I would have never thought of that one!

Teacher:  Well, thank you!  Now, can you tell me three wants that you have?

Daisy Mae:  Yes!  A sparkly purse, the mall, and the place where you get pedicures!

Teacher:  Ok.

Daisy Mae:  I LOVE pedicures!

Yes.  This is my child, the fruit of my loins.  She is 8 and has to suffer through living in the "crunchie" (country) as she calls it, when she would much rather spend her days at the spa.
dm manicure 2012 
Lest any of you think we pamper and spoil the darling, part of her birthday gift was a trip to the mall for a pedicure with her Grams.

Of which she enjoyed.  Greatly.


D is also for Dude.  As in Little Dude.  As in the boy who is testing my patience daily.

I was so proud of him for staying quiet during naps the other day.  Because, have you heard?  The boy has not SLEPT during a naptime since, like, November.

But I shall prevail!

I shall persist!

Naptimes are THAT special to me.

So, I go downstairs to check on the lad and I have discovered he has taken apart the woodbox during his "naptime."
He's a sneaky fella, isn't he?

He heard me coming down the stairs, and tried to act like nothing was amiss.

Little Dude:  What, Mom?  What?  I was just fixing this!
ld woodbox naptime 2

The boy also has a terrible habit of going and standing in mud puddles.

Just . . . standing in them.  For no good reason other than to make me drink more coffee in an attempt to survive his "curious" years.

He just stands there!  In the mud!  With the clothes and the shoes!  Do you know how much laundry this equates to?  Laundry shall be the death of me, I kid you not.

So, I took away his pants and shoes and told him he was inside for the rest of the day.  This did not please him, but I cared not.

Next thing I know, my "obedient" child was wandering around the driveway looking like this:

He found some sharp-looking shorts in a drawer and stole his sister's shoes and off he went.

Little Dude:  What!?  What, Mom?  What?!

In the interest of full disclosure, I do love the boy greatly and he is not naughty ALL the time.

We had a lovely mother/son date yesterday while all the other kids had activities to attend.

We hung out at the library.

And, yes.  I do believe he is "putting out the vibe."


Ok.  D was for Daisy Mae and Dude.

What should E be for?

PS-I heard the requests for the David/Psycho/Newborn story and I shall include that in a different letter later on.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Love it! You have a diva and a discoverer - see, even I can use the appropriate letter on the appropriate day! :)

  2. Oh, your D's were much better! You should have titled the post for me!! :)

  3. I love that Daisy Mae is so darn prissy! I would have no idea what to do with such a child, but I always find it hilarious when I encounter one!

  4. as fas as naps go, i feel your pain, my little one stopped napping at 19 months and it often makes me want to cry. I cant live without that little break during the day!

  5. Do you really need to ask what the "E" should be for?? ;)

  6. I think she defined needs and wants perfectly!

  7. Daisy Mae - bless her little heart. And I love that last photo of Little Dude.

  8. well, ELK came straight great minds think alike? (please say yes erin or i will have to think we are not bestest friends after all =o)

  9. Love it!!! Your children are just too cute!!

    E for: EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWE! I know you MUST have some EWWWE moments with your boys ;)

  10. I thought Erin was referring to elk until I realized what her name is. But I still vote for elk. :)

  11. I read a few of your posts, and I want you to know the spider and bat thing I totally agree with. Those are two of the reasons why husbands are wonderful to have around. Love hearing about your day and your family. I shall return.

  12. LOL Well at least you started the conferences off on the right foot. It's amazing how different each child is. Love the picture of the torn up box and then Dude fixing it. -giggles- Clever little guy.

  13. I must laugh. Your first and second born girlies are so like mine. The studious, intentional, fashion victim firstborn, balanced by the fashionista, "does the MaryKay catalog count for reading time", born to decorate secondborn. How does this happen? Why is this not a unique phenomenon? Kind of creeps me out. Since I am a firstborn, does that make me a fashion victim?
    And may I submit Quiet Time as a nap alternative. 1 hour of absolute solitude for mom. If this interlude is interrupted, the offender goes to bed 30 minutes early. For the bigger kids, call it R&R - read and rest, use it for independent reading time. The point is, it must be quiet and you must be undisturbed. I think everyone needs a little sanity in their day, but school at home moms need it more desperately.

  14. YEA!!! I finally found another homeschool mom doing the A to Z Challenge!! Not sure what state you are in but I am in Florida, I kinda keep a portfolio myself but we are registered with an umbrella school so we don't have to do the evaluations.

  15. How about E is for Energy... like how you have enough to keep up with that brood! lol
    Welcome to the A-Z Challenge! Good luck!

  16. What a cute little post...your children are adorable!

  17. Amen, sister. In our house, children graduate directly from nap time to quiet time without skipping a beat. I recharge when I'm alone, and since I'm rarely alone because I homeschool as well, I need that time in the afternoon!
