Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kendra Update

Thank you to everyone who is praying for Kendra and who left kind messages for her last week.    Please continue to pray for her, and especially her four children who are without mom and dad right now and are getting anxious. My friend, Angela, who introduced me to Kendra, has posted an update on Kendra's health.  Angela is in touch with the family and has more information that I do.

Click here to read that post.

Thank you!


  1. So many hard things in this world. I will be praying for her and all the family. I am following the caring bridge now so can keep up with specific requests. Thanks for sharing this. We have certainly seen the power of prayer at work this year as my niece has been so sick. I consider it a privilege to pray for this mom and her sweet family.

  2. Kendra is a military spouse! That means I am definitely praying for her. Thanks for the updates. Reading all of her husband's posts on the Caring Bridge site made me cry, but also made me understand the depths of his faith. God is good, all the time. He can make something good out of all this suffering. May He be glorified by this family's testimony of faith and recovery.

  3. *edit* Non skid.....my bad.

  4. Quick question. What type of silk scarf? We have the non stick socks covered.

  5. I am so thankful you posted this, I am a friend of Kendra's from Alaska but am out of town and did not know about this.

  6. Kim...the deal with the scarf is just "low dander"...nothing plush, fuzzy, textured. Thanks!!

  7. Oh, I'm so glad. Taylor told me about it and she only knows Kendra because of me. Its a new phenomonem of our culture. Aren't we glad for blog connections?
