Saturday, April 28, 2012

Y is for Yesteryear

I have been working outside all day with my husband.  My leg muscles (yes!  I have leg muscles!  Who knew?!) are tingly and my arms feel like Jello.  I have tilled no less than 4,000 pounds of rabbit poo into my future garden.  My shoes are stinky.

Building fences and tilling gardens.  Not for the faint of heart.

I was just about to fall asleep when I remembered my dumb, needy blog and the letter "Y" post that had yet to be written.  Darn it all.  So, I made my husband fetch the computer because I did, afterall, dig trenches and the like today and he hardly lifted a finger.

I kid!  I jest!  He is the muscles behind all of the goings on here.

I also forced him to basically come up with today's post.  Because he cares a lot about blogging, didn't you know?

A few days ago, I posted a list about how my husband has changed from when I first met him.  Lisa commented:

I think you should have the LJ do 10 points on how you’ve changed . . . it’d be mighty interesting!

Brilliant idea, Lisa!  So, without further ado, here is a list of how David says I have changed since when he first met me:

1.  She digs ditches and does more physical labor outside.

2.  She doesn't shop at Abercrombie and Fitch of Gap anymore.

3.  She owns rabbits and chickens.

4.  She knows how to drive a 4-wheel drive vehicle.

5.  She knows what a fertilized egg is.

6.  She now knows the difference between a cow, bull, and a steer.

I used to, but I forgot.  But we'll let him think I remembered.  I think a steer is "less of a man" than a bull.  But who really cares?  Honestly.

7.  She lives in Ruralville and not in a subdivision.

8.  Her hair is darker.

9.  She knows how to can food.

10.  She makes her own bread.

So, there you have it.  A most exciting post on a Saturday night if there ever was one.

I am absolutely exhausted and have a cold something fierce.  I need to get some beauty sleep so the fun can continue tomorrow.

Goodnight, all!


  1. Whoa! That's like night and day. :)
    I bet he loves you more and more each day. You rock!! (then & now)
    hee hee

  2. ACK!! Z is the last letter of the alphabet! It's all coming to an end...

  3. If your teenaged self read this would she be happy or horrified?

  4. Good question...?

  5. I would have been horrified. I would have made fun of people like me

  6. But we must remember, teenagers don't know no jack! God had a totally different plan for you, and we all benefit because the life you dreamed about with all your hair dying, tanning, and preppy shopping would have been boooooring and totally non-blog worthy! Thanks for sharing all the joys and woes of being a wife and mom. You rock! Seriuosly, we need a ruralville awards ceremony to honor you and all your new skillz. :)

  7. Oh, did you ever just make my day! Can I call it an "honorable mention"? Or is it just a "mention"? (I fear so.) Not quite an COW. BUT, you did say, oh what was it . . . . "Brilliant"?? Yep! That's just the word. I shall glory for the rest of the day that MY name and "brilliant" were used in the same sentence. For this doth rarely, rarely happen. Okay. Not ever.

    Well done, Lumberjack, well done! You have noticed these "sacrifices" your sweet little woman has made for you. I think she deserves a coffee card. For coffee is most certainly a love language. Much like building fences and digging trenches. :)

  8. I'm telling you, Taylor, you are famous! You may not think so, but it doesn't matter if you think so or not. You are!

    It's kind of like God. Whether you believe He exists or not doesn't take away the fact that He does. His existence is not based on what you believe. He exists because He exists.

    You are famous are famous!

  9. Those all sound like great changes to me! I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month. My alphabet is at

  10. I love the husband-making-a-list thing! I shudder to think what my husband would include about me, though!
