Saturday, April 14, 2012

M is for Money

I asked David what "M" should be for this morning.  In response, he started singing, "Money, Money, Money . . . MON-ey" in a fantastic falsetto voice.  Which is always extremely manly.

Did you know my husband oft sings in falsetto?  It's true.  There's no denying it.

This week we are spending the money.  It is, in fact, out of control.  We bought the van.  Then we had to pay taxes on the van.  Then we had to go to the farm and ranch store and buy fencing.

Would you like to know how much we spent on fencing?  Sure you do.


It's like we are rolling in money, except we're not.

So, this morning we went out to survey the lands and get ready to fence the garden and chicken coop.

Yes.  The coop looks all crazy-like.  This is because we got a smokin-deal on some used siding.  We will paint it so it is all one, aesthetically pleasing color.


Here's David "casting vision" to the girls.

david dm sp working
 They were pretty excited.

So, we worked hard at clearing brush until lunch time.  David sat down at the table with a large bowl of chili and began to peruse Craiglist's farm and garden section . . . as per his usual custom.

I heard him exclaim:

"Free Chickens!"

Next thing I knew, he was on the phone talking to some dude about his free chickens.  After his phoneversation, I politely reminded David that we do not yet have a fenced area for our chickens.


And, yes.  He said that in his manly, falsetto voice.  He started running around the house, shoving chili in his mouth, and loading rabbit cages into the back of the truck.

He came home with what I believe to be 23 hens and 1 rooster.

chickens free
He also brought home one Tom Turkey and two girl turkeys.

Fun Fact:  I do not know what you call a girl Turkey.

Did you know we were also raising turkeys?

Neither did I.

So.  I'm not sure what the plan is, but I think he is trying to figure something out to contain the chickens.  Because, have you heard?

We weren't ready for chickens.

Someday, I'm going to write a book about how WEIRD he is.

I will make millions.


  1. :D I think they are called a Jenny??

  2. I googled this after I thought I might be right (so it's fact checking, right?), but I'm proud to report a girl turkey is a hen. Just like chickens! Also, I'm imagining you having chickens and turkeys running around your property with your kids and husband running around trying to corral them while you sit on the porch drinking coffee and pondering on how full your life truly is.

  3. Oh Taylor - you're livin' the dream! ;-)

  4. Did you see my FB status on the turkey thief today?? You will be thrilled to have chickens and turkeys.... :)

  5. I wonder how many eggs you could buy for $600?

  6. i think you should just keep all of that fowl in your bathroom until the fencing is done... =o)

  7. Chickens freak me out. They dive bomb your head and get super possessive over their stupid eggs like they're made of gold or something. And now you have 23 of them--23 dive-bombin'-freak-out machines.

    I'd need Xanex.

  8. Good gravy, Taylor.

    I mean, really.

    I hope that man knows how lucky he is.

  9. Is that chicken house big enough for 23 + birds? How exciting! Free chickens! Free Eggs. and if you don't have fencing--it will be free range eggs and chickens!

  10. N will be for nausea once she has to "dress" one of those chickens for sunday dinner =o(

  11. that's a mule

  12. Wow! Congratulations on all your free fowl! May they serve you well.
    For extra entertainment, set up a game camera to record all the extra wild-life types that are going to come visit near your hen house. Fence or no, they will be trying to enjoy your chickens as well.
    Probably a good thing the first 23 were free...

    yes. I am a Susie Sunshine. Why would you wonder?

  13. You have me rolling again! :D I'm so glad I found your blog! :)

  14. I was about to say exactly the same as Dana above! Lovin' it!

  15. This is why I just want to laugh when I see you in person! What fun you have in ruralville!

  16. Funny blog...just visualizing it all drives me scampering to the bar!
    Rhia from Five Minute Piece for Inspiration (around #777 on the A to Z list

  17. Sandy,THAT is for SURE !!! I was raised on a farm & one day my dad "decided" he would kill 20 of our chickens & me and my sister and 2 brothers should pick them and my mom would clean them. (of course he had to go somewhere) . Anyway, NAUSEA doesn't BEGIN to describe it. I'm STILL traumatized and that was about 13 yrs old ! LOLOL

  18. I will not boil chicken to this day as a result of the trauma of "dressing" chickens. You douse the carcass in super hot water to loosen the feathers. And the smell.

    Oh the SMELL.

    So, to this day I can't boil chicken. Well I CAN, but I don't want to EAT the chicken after boiling it.

    However, I will be pleased as punch if your girls make the headless chickens chase their brothers, like my brother did to me when it was time to dress out chickens.

    Yes, I mentioned headless chickens and chicken carcasses in one comment.

    Oh, and did I mention I want chickens? Not to EAT, but to have pecking about and eating my grasshoppers, and oh the joy of fresh eggs! Their flavor is so amazing!

  19. Taylor.

    Go drink coffee

    with creamer.

    YOU deserve it.

    The end.

  20. Ha ha! So funny!
    I see many interesting blog posts in your future!!

  21. Such a lucky day for LJ when he found you upside down in that tree.
