Thursday, April 26, 2012


In May, I am joining a group of bloggers who will be trying out things from Pinterest and posting the results on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

If anyone else would like to participate, you can read all about it on Mindee's blog.

Click here.


I'll be back later today with a "W" post.  Although I have NO idea what "W" will be for . . .

Here's to hoping that something "W"-ish will happen in the next couple of hours!


  1. w is for, chickens, rabbits...

  2. Use wacky and you can put anything in your life there. :)

  3. I wanna play thr fun Pinterest game!! Hooray! I have been wanting to do some of my fun pins. Mother's Day is coming up so I was going to try some for the moms in my life anyway! :)

    Wild, Wiggle, Wonderful World, Weapons, Winter (is finally over), Wash (stuff you find in pockets), Welcome, Or just do a "Hello Schmello" kind of thing except add a W to the second word. Cheating? Perhaps. hee hee

  4. I am super excited you're playing along Taylor. You're much braver about the crafty items than I am.

    W is for Wow. I'm sure that applies in your life in many ways. I'm hoping it's not for Wooly and you're going to tell us that you now have sheep.

  5. "W" is for Whatever ...

  6. W is for washrooms, wacky, wild, wet, Waldo, why?, when?, who?, whatever, watermelon, where?, whine, etc!
    Can't Wait to see what you come up with!!

  7. Pinterest Day! If only there was a day of the week that began with P. I adore alliteration.

  8. Oh I love Pinterest!!!! It's my new addiction! I lay on the. Ouch with my foot in the air (because it must be elevated) and pin eleventy bazillion things that I WILL do once I have two working feet again. Right...

  9. Working out...NOT
    Waging war on messes
    Washing windows
    wrong turns/moves/decisions

  10. Hmmm...I was tempted to jump on board with this challenge (since I am also finishing up the A-to-Z Challege), but then I remembered... I am afraid to get on Pinterest! I would get lost and never come out!
