Monday, April 30, 2012

Fat Tuesday (oh darn)


Anyone interested in doing Fat Tuesday again with me?  Does anyone remember Fat Tuesday?  Is anyone even reading this?

Blogging.  Not for the paranoid.

Well, here's the sitch.  I am feeling like I need to get fit.  Because, hello?  I've never really been "fit," per say.  A long time ago, I started Fat Tuesday on this blog and people could check in on Tuesdays to see if they were meeting their goals.  Anywho, I was thinking of starting something up again.  And since misery loves company, I thought I would see if any of you would like to join me.

My plan is to set some goals and try with all my might to stick to something . . . anything . . . for one full month.

You may proclaim:  "Taylor!  One full month?!  There's no way you can do it!"

True, readers.  True.

But perhaps this time I shall.

So.  Here's the deal.  I will post some fitness/eating goals tomorrow for my first Fat Tuesday post.  I shall try my best to also be trying out healthy recipes and posting them on here.  You can join me if you'd like.  Or you can tune in on Tuesdays and giggle as each week I post things such as:

"Shoot!  I totally forgot I was supposed to be exercising all week!"

"Oops!  Ate three scoops of ice cream . . . twice."

"Oh!  Is it Tuesday already?!  I gained weight.  Again."

Come on.  You can't deny that I am inspiring.  Perhaps I shall be the next Jillian Micheals?

One can only hope.

But I would love it if you would like to join me!

Also, I am in need of some advice:

Shall I:

1)  Try running?

2)  Do the 30 day shred (oh for humanity!)?

3)  Do my eliptical trainer?

4)  Zumba it up?

Fun Fact:  I've had 5 knee surgeries.  So bear that in mind.

Okie dokes!  Let me know if you are in.

Or not.

The choice is yours.


  1. First...YES! I'm reading this. I LOVE your blog! Paranoid. Pfft. You're good, Sug.

    Ideas? 5 knee surgeries? I would say NOT running. NOT. But I'm not your doc, either. I'd try zumba. It's relatively easy on the joints. And heck, even I can keep up...some days...

    Lastly...LOVE this idea (Fat Tuesday) I may have to borrow it. Don't worry. I'm a linker.

    Good Luck, Sug! I'll be checking back soon.
    *virtual HUGS*

  2. Can you lose weight and exercise while breastfeeding?! I seem to be ravenous most of the time at the moment. I love the idea though ... let's see if I can get to the stage where my kids stop asking me if I'm STILL pregnant. I will tentatively put my name forward - just to make you feel better when I foul up. Hey, we can do all things through Him who gives us strength, eh!?

    Shame He also gave us a penchant for ice cream ...

  3. Love your blog!
    I am entering my sixth week of finding my truer self. This is so much different than weight loss. That will come with it, but I am changing my mentality about alot of things, finding who I am, not just mom, wife, coworker, friend. I am so happy to be figuring it out before I hit 40 (three years away). Prayer helps alot too.
    I say do your elliptical and/or Zumba. But try to find more of a hip hop Zumba. It's not as much fancy footwork and turning around as regular Zumba. Do it at your own pace the most important thing is not to keep up but do be moving for an hour. I hate exercise, with a passion, but discovered Zumba at the beginning of my true self journey and love it!! I will check your blog Tuesdays (and other days of course.)

  4. I'm in. I have completed Day Three of the 30 Day Shred. I am on my way to being shredded (that's what JM said, anyway). I have cut out soda (a huge part of my calories every day). Is it Tuesday today? I thought it was Monday. Are you testing us?

  5. No, I know its Monday! I'm just preparing you all for tomorrow :)

  6. Have you ever heard of T-Tapp? Now, don't get your party-tap-dancing shoes on. It ain't dance anything. It stands for Teresa Tapp. I could go on for a REALLY long time about it. It's changed the life of my knees and my sisters knees. Besides, it's ultra mom-friendly. You can do a very effective work-out in 15 minutes! Serious. She has longer ones too, but for the homeschooling mom, this has been an answer to prayer. It fits with my life, has totally helped my knee issues and keeps me in shape. There's an inspirational story on the front page of the website about Charlotte who has 12 kids, homeschools and went from a size 22w to a 6 in 18 months. She's amazing! So, you know, in all your free time . . . check it out. :)

  7. I start summer vacation in 17 days. My goal for the summer is to actually get my crap together and get somewhat closer to something that might possibly look a little like fit. So, in short, I'm in.

  8. Taylor, I don't believe a woman living with a zoo in Ruralville, digging fence posts clearing brush and driving a four wheel drive should need exercising such as Zumba, 30 day shred, or any other artificial televised torture program!

  9. First of all, love your blog. Read it all the time. Don't be paranoid. :)

    Second, I think this is a fantastic idea! :) I've recently started a blog myself, to keep me accountable. I post workout reviews, motivation stuff. And recipes. Lots of recipes. :) I hope you stop by and check it out!

    Oh, and 30dayshred tends to be hard on knees. Might want to throw that one out of your list. I've had friends with knee issues who have had good results with Butt Bible (youtube it. That's the best way to figure out what it is.)

  10. I'm here! With your knees I would totes(!) skip running. Try Crossfit , not the hardcore, but go to and check it out. You don't need a lot of equipment but it's a great workout and doesn't take a lot of time either. See ya tomorrow!

  11. Hmmm...OK. Count me in. I guess. I will try. I have been trying, but maybe I need a tad more accountability going on for inspirition. It could be fun; right?

    Neverminding the 5 knee surgeries, I think you do enough running after your little Lumberjacklings that should you add running as an extracurricular activity you might do yourself in. Stick to low impact.

    I shall walk and do freeweights. I shall attempt to walk even more than I am now. It's coming up chigger and tick season, so this will be an endeavor fraught with danger.

    But I will sacrifice in support.


  12. I do not want to participate. Being reminded how out of shape I am sends me into depression and self-emotional abuse and does not motivate me. I think working out on your ranch with 255 animals and 14 trillden keeps you in shape. I agree that you baby your knees and perhaps resistance training like weights and rubber bands stuff like that. Don't laugh, there are TV shows on PBS for folks that are old like me or in need of vigorous but safe exercises for folks who have physical challenges.

  13. haha Christian told me it was Tuesday today too! It's like a conspiracy! :)
    I did my exercises should do it with me.

  14. Hahaha...oh that little birdie makes me giggle every time!

  15. Ok. I don't WANT to do this, but I NEED to do this...and heaven knows I need accountability. My goal is to do Tony Horton's 10 minute trainer on his 30 day schedule. This is going to kill me...I just know it. But I better wait until I get back from Seattle because that would just doom me to failure.

  16. Don't be paranoid! I love reading what you write. Some days it's the only thing I smile and laugh about all day.

    I'm already trying to lose my pregnancy weight by the time my husband comes home next year, so I would follow along for Fat Tuesdays. Just as long as we don't actually have to say how much we weigh. Good luck!

  17. I'm here. I read. And I know what you mean about blogging is not for the paranoid. Every day that I post, I wonder why as I'm sure that no one is out there. I'm still not sure that anyone is, but what's a girl to do?

    Anyway, yes I remember Fat Tuesday. I too feel the need to do something that doesn't involve sitting on the couch. Especially when I see bathing suits in the store. I guess this may (or may not) motivate me, so count me in.

  18. I never miss your blog.
    I will not be running. I enjoy Zumba and I like to swim and hike. My favorite exercise is outdoors. I dislike the artificial gym, DVD, etc. Good luck with your goals. Isn't fence post digging considered exercise?

  19. I read every day.

    And FIVE knee surgeries? Gracious, woman. What were you doing?

    I'm in. I'm working toward eating fewer processed foods and moving to a mostly diabetic diet. (I'm not diabetic, but you should totally check out their cookbooks. They use more fresh ingredients than any other cookbook I've ever seen, and give content run-downs like nobody's business.) My weight loss will be slow and frustrated, though :( But I'm totally in. Surely we can all do anything for a month, right?

  20. Tuesday is my dreaded weigh in day at Weight Watchers so you can count me in. I love the meeting because the leader is hilarious but that scale strikes fear in me every week.
    I have a very poor attitude where exercise is concerned. I detest it. I would like one of those giant Pilates reformer machines but that isn't likely to happen.

  21. I'm in! I don't want to lose a lot of weight (scraggy face and neck don't look goooood) but I want to shift some bad habits. I am not going to eat chocolate unless it's Friday, will try to remember to wear a pedometer and do 10,000 steps a day and will try to walk the long way home from work instead of the short way! I'm hoping that this and no 'silly' snacking (another new bad habit) will shed about 4lbs, which will do fine! Thanks, Taylor. I've really been enjoying your blog. Go easy on those knees, though! What happens? Do we all check in on Tuesdays to report progress or lack of???

  22. Holla Taylor, Holla.
    I thought you said that blogging wasn't for the paranormal....haha, I'm worried about my reading skills. I'm in for Fat Tuesday. I am trying to not gain back weight I just lost! So I need to add exercise into my daily routine! Also I love sharing yummy recipes, healthy ones of course! Sorry I missed yesterday!
