Tuesday, April 24, 2012

U is for Underpants. Captain Underpants.

It's no secret that my boy is a free spirit.  He's never too concerned with clothing himself.  In fact, this child went outside, stripped completely naked, and joyously jumped on the trampoline for all the world to see.

Fortunately, we don't live near "people."

So, it was no surprise to me to see Little Dude outside chasing loose chickens, wearing just a shirt, his underpants, and rubber boots.

little dude chicken coop />

Pants.  Who needs them?

Chasing chickens.  It's the boys' new favorite pastime.  Did you know chickens dig holes and sneak under fences?  Because I have nothing better to do than run around filling holes with dirt.

Did you know that filling in holes with dirt makes a gal ueber sweaty?

Ask me how I know.

Little Dude is one with the animals.  He will oft sneak into the coop, forgoing pants of course,  and visit the chickens.
little dude chicken coop 2
Word on the street is the rooster did not appreciate his visit and kicked Little Dude in the hiney.

Roosters.  Not ones to be messed with.

In OTHER animal news (have you heard?  we have a zoo), Peter the kitten is still alive.  I have declared it a rule that Little Dude may not hold Peter without adult supervision.

Peter and LD
Sure.  Peter looks calm.  But inside he is screaming:

"Save me!  Oh, the horror!  The horror!"


"B" left this comment and I thought it was time for a little step back in time:

Did you and David have any of these discussions before you married (she is referring to the fact that David "takes care of turkeys" and I can't hardly stand the thought of meat anymore)….how long did you date?
Did you know he wanted to be the farmer in the dell? Do your children know that little ditty? Do they think it is your family?

Well, dear readers.  The David of today is not the same David of yesteryear.  Here are some fun facts about the David I dated:

1)  He went to tanning salons.  For to tan.

2)  He highlighted his hair.  Actually, he had ME highlight his hair.  And my grandmother walked into the kitchen while I was playing beauty parlor with my fiance and grumbled:

"I didn't know my granddaughter was marrying a sissy."

True story.

3)  He thought it was "uncool" to listen to country music.

4)  We planned day trips to the nearest Old Navy . . . which was 3 hours away at that time.  And we both loved to shop there.

5)  We also shopped at The Gap and Abercrombie and Fitch.  Now, we shop and feed and farm stores.  So,  yeah.  Be jealous of that.

6)  He did not hunt.

7)  He did not drive a truck.

8)  He owned nothing Carhartt.

9)  He took swing dance class with me in college.

10)  His ebay username contained the name "JCrew" in it.  Because he was such a fan.  Of JCrew.

I know none of you will believe any of this.  But I speak the truth.

We dated for two years before we wed.

So, yeah.  That's why I am generally in a state of confusion over here.

And, because I am so good at remembering this, let's do a COW.

Deb wrote this after I posted on David's reckless free chicken spree, when we were not yet ready for chickens.

Good gravy, Taylor.

I mean, really.

I hope that man knows how lucky he is.

Holla, Deb!  Holla!

I showed it to David.  He seemed unimpressed.  But I think it should be framed.

Yes.  Yes, I do.

PS-He knows.  Trust me.  No sane woman would have moved to Ruralville.  And the locals know exactly what I am talking about.

PPS-Lest there be any confusion, I love my husband a great deal.  And although I oft joke about my life, I am very lucky and blessed.

Later, dudes.


  1. I love your marriage. You guys roll with things. Too many people divorce because the "other person changed". Clearly, it would take more than that to split you up. :)

  2. Just think, every time you have to fill in a hole, your arms are getting just a little more ready for bathing suit season. :)

  3. I hate to tell you this after the fact, but you should have buried your fencing. Not only to keep the chickens in, but also to keep the predators out. ;)

  4. You and the LJ seem to make a good team : )
    Oh, and that picture of Little Dude with the kitten is precious.

  5. Hilarious! I was behind on your alphabet, and me oh my, you have been busy! I loved your grandma's comment! I bet she doesn't call him that now! Thanks for showing us all how to gracefully roll with change!

  6. HILARIOUS 10 points!!

    I think you should have the LJ do 10 points on how you've changed . . . it'd be mighty interesting! :)

  7. I worry about the chickens and the children! They sure look like they're having fun, though!! :)

  8. At least LD is wearing undies. Being attacked by a rooster without them would surely be more dangerous. I recall having to wear tight jeans with the barn boots as the fowl would peck and bite (geese especially). It hurt less in snug britches as the little beasts had more trouble getting a good hold thata way. Good times, good times.
    BTW, I married a farm boy. We have only a cat. Yay me!

  9. I so agree about burying or laying the fence on the ground around the base, no animal will want to did in or under!!!! My youngest wore 4 or 5 hats at once stacked up till he was 4!

  10. Wow, I guess my inkling that he was abducted by aliens not too far off !!
    You deserve a medal !

  11. Yay, the COW! So exciting!

    I am having a hard time understanding how JCrew-Shopping, Tanning, Hair-Highlighting David morphed into Hey-I-Brought-Home-Free-Poultry David. Was it only the move to Ruralville? Or did something else happen? Like, did he get ill-fitting pants at Old Navy and just throw in the towel, or what?

  12. Hilarious! I can't even begin to tell you how much I look forward to your posts each day. :)
