Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Day in the Life

Handsome Dude's Schedule:

*Wake up, if possible by 5:45am

*Climb out of crib and quickly flip on light to alert Little Dude that morning has broken

*Make as much noise as possible with Little Dude

*Do not be quiet until I receive my morning milk

*Ask Mom where Dad is

*Ask Mom for more milk

*Mom said no


*Ask Mom where my glasses are.


*Wait until the last minute to tell Mom I need to go potty

*Freak out, dance in place, cry . . . then pee

*Better pee a little on the floor, too

*Ask mom for a t.v. show.  Act manly.  Then, throw a fit when it is not "Barney"

*Sing and dance with Barney

*Sneak upstairs to my sisters' room while mom thinks she is taking a peaceful shower

*Run like a crazy, insane person all around sisters' room

*Knock over their mirror

*Hide from Mom, who is wet and angry

*Ask Mom where Dad is.

*Time for breakfast!

*Feed toast to Mabel from right under the table

*Put leftover's on Little Dude's tray so mom thinks I ate breakfast like a good boy

*Bath time!

*Repeatedly inform Mom, Sweet Pea, Daisy Mae, and Little Dude that I will no longer poopy in the bath

*Time to get dressed!

*Insist that I dress myself

*Put all clothes on backwards

*Refuse help

*Throw a fit

*Demand help

*Pretend to look for glasses

*Tell Mom I don't know where my glasses are

*Get in Mom's truck to take sisters to school

*Ask Mom where Dad is

*Ask Mom if we can take Dad's truck instead

*Insist we listen to "One, Two Buckle My Shoe" the entire ride

*Cry because I can't go to school

*Return home

*Get out every toy I possibly can find

*Decide I need a back rub.  Enlist Little Dude's help.

*Return the favor

*Wait until the last minute to tell Mom I need to go potty

*Freak out, dance in place, cry . . . then pee

*Better pee a little on the floor, too

*Request a snack

*Ask Mom where my glasses are

*Ask Mom where Dad is

*Ask Mom for more snacks


*Time to pick up Daisy Mae!  Truck ride!  Woo Hoo!

*Insist we listen to "One, Two Buckle My Shoe" the entire ride

*Back home!  Lunch time!

*Get out of chair and dance with Daisy Mae

*Get in trouble from Mom

*Get out of chair and run with Daisy Mae

*Get in trouble from Mom

*Give food to Little Dude

*Get in trouble from Mom

*Ask Mom where Dad is

*Insist that I wash my face all by myself

*Show Mom how good I did

*Play upstairs in Daisy Mae's room

*Decide I thoroughly enjoy baby dolls now

*Wonder why Mom keeps telling me I need to find my glasses

*Wait until the last minute to tell Mom I need to go potty

*Freak out, dance in place, cry . . . then pee

*Better pee a little on the floor, too

*Demand silence for my sleeping baby

*Remind myself just how manly I truly am

*Request that Little Dude reads me and my awesome baby a book

(Name that book and author)

*Nap Time!  Wonder why Mom is so happy

*Time to wake up

*Protest having to wake up

*Demand after-nap milk

*Get in Mom's truck to pick up Sweet Pea

*Ask Mom if we can take Dad's truck instead.

*Insist we listen to "One, Two Buckle My Shoe" the entire ride

*Return home.  Get out every toy possible.

*Fight with Little Dude over the same truck

*Ask Mom where my glasses are

*Wait until the last minute to tell Mom I need to go potty

*Freak out, dance in place, cry . . . then pee

*Better pee a little on the floor, too

*Run around the house like a crazy, insane person

*Cheer and clap and cheer and clap when I see Dad's work van

*Immediately jump on Dad's back and remain on him for the entire rest of the evening . . .

like so:

*Ask Dad where my glasses are

*Dinner time!  Why does this woman keep insisting that I eat?

*Throw a fit


*Throw a fit


*Pretend to almost throw up


*Help clear the table

*Throw all dishes as hard as I can into the sink

*Play with trucks

*Wait until the last minute to tell Mom I need to go potty

*Freak out, dance in place, cry . . . then pee

*Better pee a little on the floor, too

*Play with trains

*Play with trucks

*Insist I put my pajamas on all by myself

*Put pajamas on backwards

*Refuse help

*Throw a fit

*Demand help

*Brush teeth

*Smear toothpaste on couch

*Kiss everyone good night

*Jump on Dad's back and get a free ride upstairs

*Say prayers

*Good night!


  1. Well, at least he's consistent.


  2. And that is why, if ever the person exists who is brave enough to start a boarding school for pre-schoolers, they will make millions of dollars

  3. you forgot, "wake up tomorrow and do it all over again"!!! love the matchy-matchy shirts :-)

  4. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  5. I miss having little kids in the house. (My youngest is 10.)

    Your posts make me feel better.

    They still pee a little on the floor when they get older.

    They still can't find their glasses.

  6. Barney is still on?

    I'm worn out, just reading it.

  7. I love the picture of him up close with the doll. And I'm just a little tired after reading this...do you have a great big calendar that you're marking off in the countdown to Cancun?

  8. This was pretty great! I love you giving people a glimpse into the life of your little man. It's crazy!! I too, am tired after reading this and am (a little) glad Levi has moved out of that stage! Only 6 months until he turns 4! My baby!
    Soon it will be Little Dude's turn for all this........

  9. Bwaa haa haa haa haa!!! I'm cracking up at this schedule! I bet that's exactly what was going on in his little mind every time he had to pee!


  10. Just answer me one question - why, oh why, do you feel the need to work out?

  11. You are freaking hilarious- you need to write a mommy book!

    ... and I can't get over that the hubbie is putting something in the dishwasher! I didn't realize husbands knew those appliances existed!

  12. Silly little boy!

  13. Mine kids ask were daddy is as soon as they get up in the mornings...every morning...even though they know the answer is He is at work! Great post!

  14. Sounds typical...I have 5 and 2 year old boys. I think you described our day to a T! Great!

  15. Wow... finally the cure for my "babies on the brain."

  16. Is it bad that I kept thinking about the spanking spoon through this? I'm just sayin' and not wanting to step on any toes. With that said, you are super mom!

    Actually, when we look back at our family videos, our twins got away with a lot more than their 3 older siblings. No spanking spoon existed apparently.

  17. Reading this helps me remember why children are given to young people. I'm tired just reading his day.

  18. Thank you, thank you, thank you...I so needed a laugh. :)

  19. I am tired just reading this. You are Superwoman!

  20. The picture of him on The Lumberjack's back while he-The Lumberjack-is loading the dishwasher is priceless. He is one busy guy. I am rethinking the,"I have a wild son" idea. :)
    And just recently my boy peed on the floor in his bathroom and then covered it up with his bath mat. (Wait. I think I may have already mentioned that here. Sorry.) He also threw away his napkin, and told me he was done with his chicken. He wanted more baked beans. I said,"What did you just throw away?" He said,"My napkin." I said,"With chicken in it?" He said,"Yes." I said,"I am not giving you more baked beans!" They think they're being sneaky.
    I bet you love the nighttime.

  21. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault
    I do confess to looking up who wrote it...I did recognize the book, though. :)

  22. chicka chicka boom boom! i dont know who wrote it tho

  23. i am exhausted just reading it! :)

  24. LOL! Sounds about right!
    Might that be Chicka Chicka Boom Boom?

  25. One question... how did you remember all that? lol... This was a very great entry... I'm very inspired to make my own but I'm afraid I won't remember anything past 9:00am.

  26. You are Ha-larious....you should soooo right a mommy book

    Have a great day
    Summer :0)

  27. Oh, the day in the life of a handsome dude. Somebody's got to make sure mama doesn't run out of things to do. My goodness ya' took this chick back many years.......but wait I have a whole bus load of grandkiddos. Maybe I'll grab someone to potty dance and pee on my floor today. Heeeheehe!

    Have a greatly blessed day, ya'll!!!

  28. No wonder you crave adult conversation. Just gotta smile though.....

  29. Thank you for that.

    I just look at photos of my friend's newborn baby and wished my tubes untied so I could have another.

    Then I read this post and snapped back to reality so hard I may have whiplash.

    I think four might have just killed me. I am not worthy! (Name that movie)

    Thank the good lord for tubal ligation.

    PS. My middle child is similar...they say that the highly emotional and highly resistant kids are like that because they're super smart. We may be in trouble.

  30. Wayne's World!

  31. Oh man! Cracks me up. I hope you copy pasted. :) I'm terrified to think what a day in the life at my house would be. I might just try. Beware!
