Monday, February 1, 2010

Three Things.


 This is a thrilling 3 point post on 3 completely unrelated topics.


1)  Pictures

Yesterday, I posted a "Not me" version of my dating and engagement adventure with my Lumberjack.

I was asked to post pictures from this time in our lives . . . I don't have many.

But I will share with you what I do have.

I also don't have a scanner.


I am just taking pictures of pictures.

Classy, I know.

Above is a picture from the day we got engaged.

My lovely red-haired sister-in-law, Lisa, had helped him set this up at a dock on the lake without me knowing.

The Lumberjack's parents had a boat and he took me on a boat ride.

He stopped the boat in a bay and proceeded to propose.

Where I proceeded to inform him that he was proposing wrong.

Then he took me to this dock where we had dinner.

And the above is the only picture I have to remember that day:  me pigging out by myself.

It's a familiar scene.

The next pictures are pictures of me and my dearest friends as we went on a getaway a couple of weeks before my wedding:

Brenda and Me.

Sarah, Ashlee, Melanie, Kim, and Me.

Brenda was taking the picture.


Are you reading this?

Where were you?

What were you doing in June of 2000 that prevented you from coming to this joyous event?

This picture is sure to make you laugh . . .

I truly have always loved those darn Big Macs.

So tasty.

And this was my 19th birthday, which was about 2 weeks before the wedding.

I still have that shirt.

I wear it on those wretched afternoons that I must meet Jillian Michaels and do plank jacks.

2)  How did the Lumberjack like being called "Chick?"

I asked him and this was his exact response:

"I don't care.  That was my Great-Grandpa's nickname and he owned a sawmill so I think it's cool."

Hmmm . . . maybe this blog should be called, "Chick's Wife?"

I'm just teasing.

I'm too lazy to change the blog name.

3)  Yesterday, I got a lovely surprise in the mail:  my winning prize from Joyce!

The three younger kids had a grand time opening it.

Sweet Pea was off being a big first grader and missed out on all the fun.


I let my kids play with scissors.

Don't you?

What could it be?!

Interruption:  Joyce.  You and I are going to have to have a talk about the popcorn packaging.  You will see why in a moment.

Handsome Dude!

Don't jump in yet!

"Mom!  I hope it's a new bimputer!"

Interruption:  Joyce.  Apparently my daughter has expensive tastes.

If anyone would like to discover the mystery as to why she says bimputer, click here.

My kids are ravenous beasts and they broke open a bag of jelly beans right away.

The jelly beans came with a super cute heart dish that I neglected to get a photo of.

It happens.

"I do not know who Joyce is, but she is da bomb!"

Fact:  Handsome Dude does not speak that well at all.

He probably said, "Candy!"

Hot chocolate!

Two of these cute kitchen towels.

Two mugs!

Life could not get more exciting for Daisy Mae than it did at that very moment.

What is his problem?

Oh, dear.

And this, my dear friends, is where I lost all control.

Did I mention that I was having company come over that very evening for dinner?

And I still hadn't prepared any food?

And I still hadn't done any cleaning?

And I still had to do that stupid 30 Day Shred DVD?

This is the point where I regained control.

Did you know that these popcorn packaging thingies get super staticky and they stick to your hands and the broom and . . .

your hair?

What a terrible picture of Little Dude.

That's right, Little Dude.

Get to work.

Thanks, Joyce!

Happy Tuesday, all!


  1. how fun!!! :-) i will have to come over to try out the new mugs with you!

  2. Man, I love getting things in the mail that aren't demanding money from me. We should mail fun stuff back and forth to each other just cause!
    Also, I think it's great you have a picture of your engagement day, showing all the beautiful rose petals on the dock--how romantic! My husband proposed to me on the top of Pond Peak up the CdA River, and as you know, there were no digital cameras back in those days! :)
    Where did you go on your fun girl trip a few weeks before the wedding? You may have said before, but I can't remember.

  3. So happy I could entertain the troops : ) I had it packaged by UPS and I forgot how over zealous they can be when it comes to the popcorn. I got a small table once and it took my daughter and I literally an hour to get it out of the box and we were drowning in popcorn and packaging. We may have even cried a little.

    I love the dock picture...looks like chick the lumberjack has a bit of the romantic in him.

  4. ha! Peanuts drive me crazy, but that looks like so much fun, I don't know if I would have been able to resist diving in too!
    We also have only horrible pictures of me on the day we got engaged. I guess that's what happens when you're alone early in your relationship. We have since gotten better good at taking self-portraits... at least your husband remembered the ring, even if he was putting it on the wrong hand! I would have definitely preferred that! hehe

  5. I have 3 points for you as well:
    1) In the picture of you and Brenda-- You look 12. Maybe 13. And you were engaged?! What did your parents think??

    2) Is Melanie still going to be your friend?

    3) I've run out of points.

    Happy day to you!

  6. I have to agree with Erin. You look VERY young in the picture :)
    I too dislike peanuts. They stick to everything. The only thing worse may be styrofoam. My kids tend to break the foam and then I find little balls of foam clinging to everything! I am sure your house looked lovely for company :)

  7. I have a confession about those little foam peanuts...for a period of time I was getting a ton of packages from QVC...a little addiction I managed to break. Anyway, apparently my 6 year-old daughter was jacking the peanuts out of the boxes and hiding them in her room because I recently discovered what appeared like 10 pounds of packing peanuts stuffed beside her bed. Stupid peanuts.
    Congrats on your win! =)

  8. My dear Taylor... I believe I committed a cardinal girlfriend sin and was in Montana with my boyfriend or something like that I really truly can't remember! In fact I was looking at these pictures and thinking where am I? Why am I not in any of these pictures.... Sad I know that I have no recollection of missing this momentus occassion! Please from the bottom of my heart forgive me!! Are we still friends?

  9. I agree with the others. You do look young, but you were! I got married when I was 20. Great post. I love totally unrelated events.

    Oh, and no. I do not make hot dogs. I meant the chili. I was bragging about home made chili. That's what I get for bragging!

  10. Yeah for "fun mail"...
    boo for packing materials... styrofoam peanuts + pets (and their fur) + static cling = evil dust bunnies that float out into the hall in the middle of the night with big white eyes... nobody needs that at 2AM! (...and they said I'd never use that algebra!)

  11. And a good time was had by all, until cleanup time!

  12. Packing material is sooo annoying!
    We just finished off a small bag of jellybeans since I bought it for decorating my son's b-day cake (which I ended up putting one jellybean split in half for its eyes). My daughter asked what they were for when I picked them up at the store and I told her eyes. She said,"You're going to have a lot left over," with raised eyebrows, indicating my inferior intelligence level. But the jellybeans, they were tasty. I am not a candy person, but I gobbled them up. Maybe it was a good replacement for the soda I was trying to avoid. :)
    I love the Lumberjack's response to being called "Chick"-did you know that about his G. Grandpa?!

  13. Why would Melanie not be my friend?

  14. Chick is super romantic . . . at times! :)

  15. Yes, I knew that. Lumberjackin' is in his blood.

  16. Of course! I will forever love you. :)

  17. You had me super impressed!

  18. You're funny! I meant that his nickname was Chick!

  19. Three weeks from now when you are still finding popcorn packaging in odd places, I want pictures of THAT.

  20. hahaha PACKING PEANUTS!!! AAAHHHH!!!! I do love me some bubble wrap,though!! :)

  21. Wow!! Cute pics. Great love story. Lots of peanuts. :)

  22. Only because you posted a picture of her with her eyes half shut.


  23. The pic of your little one crying in the box is priceless :)

  24. Christina-I don't think I knew that when he put the name on the list of baby names and he finally told me why later. I did know what when I wrote the post the other day! :)

  25. I love convoluting things. :) I'm so good at it. I had forgotten about the baby name.

  26. [...] You know, the same day as the popcorn packaging fiasco? [...]
