Friday, February 12, 2010

Only a Mother

Only a mother would think to take a temperature when a child is sick.

Even when daddy insists the child is fine.

Only a mother would drive to the only open grocery store at 11:30 pm to buy her child ibuprofen to help his fever go down.

Even after already washing her makeup off.

And not sure if she actually got all that eye makeup off really well.

Only a mother wouldn't care about the funny looks from the 20-year-old cashier.

Only a mother would constantly get up with her child as he cried off and on through the night.

Even if daddy doesn't hear the cries.

Only a mother would still be able to wake up at 6am with the other children.

Only a mother would be able to put off drinking coffee until the sick child was okay to not be held.

Only a mother would think of tricky things like putting ibuprofen in chocolate milk to get the child to take the medicine.

Only a mother would remain calm after seeing the sick baby put his fingers inside of his poopy diaper.

Only a mother would lovingly clean the poop of the child's hands.

And off the floor.

And get the child a new shirt.


Only a mother would sit inside on a gorgeous, sunny day and cancel all plans she had with friends.

Only a mother would still attempt to blog while the baby insists on being held.




Only a mother would sacrifice the quality of a blog post by making a quick, short, sorta dumb, and pictureless post for the sake of her sick child.

100 (meaningless) points to whoever can guess which child is sick.

200 (meaningless) points to whoever can come up with a worse Valentine's Day story than the one I posted about yesterday.

In other words . . . talk to me.

I am home.

All day.

With snot.

And crying.

And fevers.

Happy Friday!


  1. Awww Taylor, it IS too nice a day to be stuck inside and have a sick baby! Yes, my vote is little dude.

    Hopefully the others won't get it!

    No bad valentines stories... no particularly great ones either though. I guess Jason and I are non-valentinies. Like my new word? The Church does a valentines banquet. Jason doesn't like them. I usually try and do something fun for the kids like heart pancakes or heart shaped sandwiches, but that's about it.
    This year I ordered the twins each a Christian book series and the kids are getting the first installment for valentines day. Bailey's is a set of animal stories by Janette Oke, and Jonathan's is the sugar creek gang. Alijah is getting the Berenstine Bears (sp?) discover God's Creation. It's pretty cute, but not as good as some of the older books in the series, imho.

    That's about as much as I can think of to say. Nothing much going on here today. Wrapping birthday gifts, trying to be industrious, considering giving up on prism entirely.... blah!

  2. aaawwww (((hugs))) hope your sick one gets well fast!! :) put him down for a nap and take a long hot bubble bath!! take care!! :)

  3. Sad you had to cancel all your plans! That always makes me sad. Wasn't said husband texting you last night telling you Little Dude didn't feel well? Silly daddies! You are the nicest mom ever to go to the store and get motrin for him, and put off your morning coffee! That is sacrifice!
    I don't have any good Valentines Day stories wish I did. Sorry! Enjoy the sun even if it is from the inside(its warmer that way).

  4. I'm so sorry your baby is sick. You sound like a wonderful, totally loving mother : )

  5. Poor Little Dude.

    It's when they're sick and I'm all they want that it especially hits me, Wow, I'm really a mom! Sounds weird considering I became one nine years and four kids ago, but I remember watching my nephews when they were little and thinking how sweet it would be one day when a little person would come running to me for comfort.

    Enjoy the sunshine... from inside. :)

  6. It sorta sounds like something Handsome Dude would do and I wasn't sure that little dude would be drinking chocolate milk. Sorry he's sick. Check your email, I 'chatted' with you there.

  7. What's imho? signed, goober clueless.

  8. I'm so sorry Taylor! I so know how you feel, being stuck inside on a nice day. I'm going on 6 days of being stuck in bed! :-( This too will pass, keep up the good work of being an awesome mommy!

  9. Only mommas....

    Sorry your little man is sick. It seems that lots of little men are down...mine too! I'm sending up prayers for healthy kids!!!!!

  10. In Dan and my first years together I got a dozen long-stemmed roses (which I hate) and a Valentine teddy bear holding a velvet heart and a box of cheapass candy. Sorry red thorny roses just remind me of death and pain. About a year later I found the exact same bear and candy box over at his place to his mom. Only HER bear said: "I Love You on it." Well, you know how much men love it when you bring up something romantic from the long-forgotten past. I just went in and put my arms around his neck, and leaned down to his ear like I was going to give him a kiss and said in a very low quiet voice: "How long did you have to search to find a Valentine Bear with no i luv u on it?" And I tossed his mom's bear on his lap. He turned beet red and speechless. He was SO busted. It was great.

  11. Sorry your little guy is feeling puny, especially on a sunny day. Hoping it's just a one day thing and really hoping he doesn't share the love!

  12. i am so sorry one of your babies is sick!! hope he feels better soon!! I am going to guess the youngest due to the hands down the diaper?

  13. God see's you doing all of that for your child, whom He loves, and He is well pleased with you!

  14. My Valentines story may not be worse than yours, but it still sucked. I was 6 months pregnant, had the flu for the past three days and was still feeling like crap. I had just gotten done throwing up when my lovely husband informed me that his brother was going to be coming over and asked if I could help him pick up the house since most of the mess was because of me. When his brother got there, they started to play video games and asked me to sit up on the couch so they could have room, after about a hour of me refusing to move, they decided to go to Home Depot (for what, I don't know) When they were getting ready to leave, I asked my husband if he could please go to the grocery store and pick up some chicken noodle soup for me, to which he replied, "Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean I have to jump and get you food whenever you ask" He came home with chicken noodle soup for me, only because his brother told him he was kinda being a jerk. I promise he has gotten better about things. Sorry to hear your little one is sick, hope it doesn't last long.

  15. Oh, I totally should have tried the bath. Instead I did the 30day shred. Which I greatly dislike. And now I am super tired. Oh, well.

  16. I like the books idea for the kids for Valentine's Day. :) I, also didn't know what IMHO meant.:)

    Thanks for the visit! :)

  17. Yes. I know. LJ doesn't ever really check for things like fevers, so when I asked if he had a fever, he was like, nah. Then I checked before bed and he was burning up, poor baby. :( Silly daddies. :)

  18. Thank you. :0)

  19. Got it, thanks! Nope, it was Little Dude.

  20. Thanks. It is weird to be a mom. And the sunshine is gone. Now it is pouring. So, that is encouraging! Ha!

  21. Love it! :)

  22. Thanks! I forgot about you being bed-ridden! I should not feel badly for myself. :)

  23. Oh, man! Well, at least he has gotten better! That is a pretty bad Valentine's Day! :)

  24. Kendra, Joyce, Sharyl, and Bimlissa-thanks. We are headed to the dr soon.

  25. Well as much as I really do not feel like saying something nice about my husband, I have to say mine would do all of that and usually beat me to it. Also he would do it without complaining (something I can never do).
    Sorry to hear ya'll are down and out. Cheers to a better day tomorow!

  26. I know which one is sick, but thats cheating cuz I saw you guys at the office. I hope he feels better soon! Get well little man!
    I dont think I can top your V-day story. I hope this year is much better!

  27. Ick, you poor thing! I'm guessing that's why I didn't see your smiling face at church!

    I can second all but the coffee. LOL

    And that dreaded V-day. I think I'll leave that one to the pro's! :)

  28. I am so sorry your baby's sick. And you're right. Only a mother would do all those things.

    I don't have a bad Valentine's Day story, but I can certainly hold my own with Mother's Day stories. Ask me in May!

  29. You are right...... Only a Mother!!! We drudge through all the crap (literally and figuratively) because we love so much. Not that Dad's don't love, but I think most mothers go above and beyond for their kids.

    It's not always pretty. It's never glamorous (at least not in my world). And it is not always exciting and usually pretty repetitive. But it is not something you would every change!!

    Good luck holding down the fort while little dude is sick. Hopefully everyone else stays healthy and he feels better soon.

    As for a Valentine's story, I've gotten nothing. Not that we have wonderful Halmark Valentines, but we also are really non-valentine valentines. It drives my mother nuts. My reponse to her - I would rather have a man who treats me with love and respect all year long, than one who shows up one day a year with flowers:)

    Take care and Lysol that house!

  30. No dead pets, but bad gifts galore... there was the set of six steak knives... with plastic handles... from K-mart... because (and I quote) "I can never find one..." Ahhh love... then there was my bubbling up incident:

  31. What a complete bummer to have a sick kiddo! So sorry! I just hope it doesn't spread to the rest of the family. I cannot think of a good, or bad, rather, Valentine story, but I (also) have a few Mother's Day humdinger stories! Can't wait to hear how your V-day goes this year.......

  32. :( boo for sickness, hope he's feeling better! I haven't yet had the joy of having a sick baby but I'm sure it's in my near future...
    I don't have a bad Valentine's Day story... most of mine have been uneventful except 5 years ago when my (now) husband proposed in spite of the fact that he forgot the ring 400 miles away... but getting engaged isn't a bad Valentine's day story, ring or no ring!!

  33. So my 2 year old does not sleep well, ever. We are up almost every single night for, on average, 2 hours. And every morning I still get up all nice and early to take care of whoever is insisting on being awake. We are such good mommies. We love our babies. Someday they'll thank us...right?? :)

  34. I worked at a vet for ten years.

    I have worse stories, that I will not tell you.

    I will tell you that on the day before thanksgiving a couple years ago, this lady who keeps farm birds had to bring her sick TURKEY in.

    To make it better.

    All around the US turkeys were being defrosted for dinner and this lady brings a live one in for treatment.

    Did you know turkeys sweat?

    They SWEAT.


  35. My internet was down for a couple of days so I am late. But I wanted to say that the reason a mother holds the baby and cleans up after them (i.e. the poopy hand, etc.) is because the mother is going to make sure the poop/vomit/whatever other gross thing doesn't get anywhere else! I'm going to get it cleaned up right! :)
    Hope things have gotten better since then.
