Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wavy Hair.

Happy Wednesday, Everyone!

I am linking up at We are that Family today for Works for Me Wednesday.


Should I be giving beauty tips?


No, I should not.

In truth, I am a beauty and fashion train wreck.

Fact:  I have cut my eyebrow in half, not once, but twice.

Fact:  I regularly poke myself in the eye with mascara.

Fact:  My daughter informs me that I should always wear makeup to cover up my red spots.

Fact:  My mother used to buy me clear mascara.

Does clear mascara even still exist?

Was I their only customer?

Well, I clearly needed help.

And after having 4 babies, my hair has gotten weird.

I have this wave now.

But not a pretty wave.

It's like a perm that is 10 months old and fried kind of wave.

I don't have time to flat iron my hair.

I don't have time to spend carefully blow-drying my hair.

I hardly have time to wash my hair.

But, recently, my hairdresser taught me a new trick with a curling iron.

Let's all have a moment of applause for my hair dresser, Lisa.

Thank you.

I do not, I repeat, I do not know what it is called.

But here's what you do:

Take dry hair.

(This is important.  Don't curl damp hair.  I know.  I've tried it)

Take the curling iron and start the curl closer to your scalp than you might usually do.

Then kind of keep curling in a ringlet style.


Does that make sense?

The point is, you don't just curl the ends.

You make the curl so that it curls more of the strand.

Thus, hiding the wave.

Get it?

I don't know.

I am beauty-retarded.

But it ends up looking like this:

Here's what I like about it:

After I get out of the shower, I comb out my hair.

Then, I proceed to run around like a crazy woman and try to prepare toast and oatmeal and change diapers and bathe children and discipline children and get children dressed and wonder why children are throwing their milk cups at each other and reminding children that their bags need to be packed and remembering that I forgot to pack lunches and asking children to stop fighting over trains.

And by the time I make it back in front of the mirror, my hair has mostly air-dried and there is a gross-lumpy wave to it.

Such is life.

But this curl . . . this magical curl . . . it hides the wave.

And you can do it while brushing your teeth and louding reminding (not yelling, of course) your children to get their shoes on.

Does everyone already know about this curling method?

Cause I was just recently enlightened.

I hope I am not behind the times.

I still don't know how to do side-swept bangs, however.

Help, please!

So, this style of curling really saves me a lot of hassle in the mornings . . .

it works for me!


  1. Found you at Kelly's Korner! What a fun post! Hair is probably the worst for me. I have thin fragile hair that has a partial wave as well. Luckily I have a kick butt flat if only I had the time!

  2. You are too cute!!!! Love your hair!
    Mine is very curly, but I straighten it(after it's mostly dry) with a very large brush- one large strand at a time. Yuck! Then, I use the old faithful Chi flat iron to calm it down. I have a LOT of hair, and it's very coarse! Hated my hair when I was a child, but it comes in hand now. I can go 2 to 3 days between washes! Thanks for sharing

  3. LOL I have sooo did that to my eyebrow before....It was awful LOL! You are sooo pretty! Looks like you know a thing or to about make-up and hair products....

    Girl I am beauty retarded...LOL
    Oh I do love Bare Minerals love them....
    Oh and Redkin Anti-Snap does wonders.....
    Have a Great Weekend
    Happy Friday
    Summer :0)

  4. Yes, I do know about that trick with the curling iron, but that may be because I am also a hairdresser! But the folks in Hollywood have been using it for awhile, so it is kinda widespread. But you've been busy, as you just stated and don't have time for such mundane things..:)

  5. My poor hair wont hold curl like that to save my life.


    But if you ever decide you want to go straight straight, a GHD will change your life.

  6. My hair is a little wavy too, but also thin and it drives me crazy! I use the Dove Frizz Control Therapy Cream and it helps so much.

  7. You look like you have pretty hair!

    Not a weird still sounded like the Lumberjacks wife to me. I'm impressed you manage the curling iron with four kids.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. I think your hair looks good!! And that wavy look is "so in" right now!! I am jealous that you can make your hair look so good. I am all about the ole' pony tail. It hides my completely uneven locks!!!

  9. Okay, first of all you are too funny!! I am glad that I am not the only one who is running around like a crazy woman... okay I SO meant that in a good way... you know chasing your children, anyway... your hair is gorgeous and so are you, you MUST be doing something right!!!! Have a great day.. your blog is so cute, I will have to come back and read some more!!

  10. Clear mascara still exists and I use it too! Is that a bad thing? Really enjoying your blog!

  11. Clear mascara definitely exists...I use it for my eyebrows...I know that sounds weird but I use it to shape them and then keep 'em in place. ANNNNND the best mascara in the entire UNIVERSE is L'Oreal Voluminous in Carbon Black (in regular or waterproof, whichever you prefer). Trust me. I have blonde eyelashes, so I've sampled my fair share of mascaras. And when I found this one, I never looked back.

  12. Last time I was in to get my hair cut the gal tried to sell me a product that would bring out every natural curl I ever had. I tried to tell her I have no natural curl, but she said I'd be amazed how much I had. I was picturing a lovely light curl like that.... Nope, Nada, no natural curl, though her blow drying with product gave me some nice volume :) But for someone who does have natural curl it might be a good adition if you ever decide to go the blow-drying route.

  13. wow! i didn't make the first comment today! you are too popular :-)

  14. Awesome post. So fun. And, no I did not know the curling trick! :-)

  15. I did not know that trick and as I also have a weird wavy thing due to my third pregnancy, I am glad for the info.


  16. my hair is fine and straight!! and i don't have much, but i have a new curling iron that gives me some wavy-type curl. i'm still deciding if i like it...but it has saved me $65 for a perm, so far....i might have to break down and get a perm soon, i don't like the stick straight, limp look!!

  17. Oh, shoot. I thought I was ahead of the game! Oh, well. :)

  18. What is a GHD?
    It helps if you spray gobs of hair spray on the curling iron while you are in the process of curling.

  19. Gee Whiz! I remember the ole' days when I was always one of the first to leave a comment, and now I come in at 10:30 in the morning and I'm after the 20th comment! You are just so stinkin' popular nowadays, but how can I blame them when you write so well and crack us up?
    And I don't yell at my kids, either, I remind them loudly. So ya know.

  20. Oh, I have one! I'm kind of a self-proclaimed beauty junkie and spend ungodly amounts of time reading reviews and researching the next best thing which will ultimately make me fall in the spectrum somewhere between Heidi Klum and RuPaul. Here's my trick...Fruit of the Earth 100% Pure Aloe Vera Gel. I have naturally curly hair and use this stuff as the last step. Squirt some in my hand and scrunch into styled hair. It adds shine, definition and a little moisture. My hair is so dry I'm pretty sure I could start marketing it as fire-starting material.
    Loved your blog today! =)

  21. You are beautiful Taylor! Don't underestimate yourself!
    I too just learned about the curl trick a couple of months ago, and yes, it has changed my life. Although I still wish I didn't have wavy hair...

  22. Hi! I came over from Kelly's blog. Loved your post! And yes, my mom boughtme clear mascara when I was a kid too! I have three kids and wavy hair and a trick I have learned is that when your hair is mostly dry, wrap it around in the back like a bun, secure with a soft scrunchie for no kinks or anything. Finish doing whatever your doing, blast bun with a blowdryer or let air dry until you get where your going, unwrap, toussel with fingers and beautiful, fuss-free waves! Have a great Friday!

  23. Hey, Thanks, I was actually going to ask you your technique earlier today because I love it. What size curling iron do you use? I tried this with a big fat curling iron and couldn't get it to work well. Is it me or the size of my curling iron? You always look so cute :)

  24. I love how you drag us along, making fun of yourself, then stun us with your beauty. Your hair looks gorgeous! :) You know, the older I get, the curlier my hair gets. That's probably not what you wanted to hear.

  25. Well . . . I don't think I am beautiful, but thank you. Those pictures were taken at a wedding, so, of course, I am probably a little more put together than usual! :)

  26. I buy the cheapest curling iron-usually $10 or less. This is because I drop them often and break them. I get the 1 in barrel. My hair does not always look cute, but thank you for thinking so. :)

  27. I will have to try this out! I have very yuck hair if it just dries naturally and I am getting really tired of the eternal process of carefully drying it section by section!

  28. a GHD is an expensive flat-iron, also known as a miracle worker.

    Thanks for the spray tip.

  29. Here's my beauty tip; My Grandma Irene is 89 and still gorgeous. She uses Night of Olay every night. So, I'm subscribing to her theory.

    Also, as far hair goes, I'm lazy an dhopeless. I have naturally curly hair, and I do nothing but put curl activator on it and try to wash every 3rd day at most. But, I'm totally trying Mindy at the suburban life's aloe vera trick! I totally keep that very brand on hand for sunburns!

  30. lol Hilarious!! You are gorgeous BTW. Total knockout. I would talk very sternly to someone for that hair. (cause I cant KILL someone for hair ya know)

    Love the tips!


  31. I might have to try that trick on my wavy hair! Nothing but a straight iron seems to tame my kinks!

  32. That photo of you with baby on your lap is gorgeous. You look great! I have no waves nor curls - even when I curl my hair so got no advice. I hope you got your internet repaired. Hi to you all.

  33. Good morning...yes clear mascara still exists:) I used to buy it for my 13 yr. old daughter when I wasn't quite ready for her to wear the real stuff yet. And I too have the crazy hair wave that doesn't quite curl but ends up more like a ball of frizz. I use a Chi hair straightener. I bought mine on Ebay but they have them at Target now. I've used it for 6 years and hello I LOVE IT. It's my life saver...

  34. It doesn't look like you need beauty tips... lol. You're gorgeous ;-)

  35. Clear mascara does still exist....I have some. ;)

  36. Mine has that weird wave, too. It never "waves" the same way twice, so I can't rely on it to ever be cute. I have found that some products for curly or wavy hair that you put on while still wet seem to help. But there's only so much you can do with weird hair.

    As for the sideswept bangs, you have to have them cut to go to the side. I'm not exactly sure what the difference is, though. And I have to blow dry mine that way, too.

    (I also used clear mascara. It was so cool to get to wear makeup at the time, I didn't care that it was lame.)

  37. yep...if you're gonna buy a straightner, then go for the CHI. It really is the best.

    I didn't know you curling iron trick, but I can't wait to try it! You and I have similar hair...right down to the color!

  38. Ohhhh,I'm going to have to give this a shot!! I've been pinning my hair back with bobby pins to make it less noticable that I am rocking a sort of weird lopsided wave these days. I'll have to pull out the old curling iron and give it a try!

    How many sections do you do? just two or three on each side? I mean, really I dont care what the back of my head looks like, so that might be all I need!
