Saturday, February 13, 2010


He makes better chocolate chip cookies than I do.

But I make better mashed potatoes.

He always lets me have the most comfortable pillows.

He has received not one, but two new down pillows in the course of our marriage, and he has let me have not one, but both of them.

Because he just wants me to be quiet and go to sleep.

He bought a camp trailer with a shower for me.

Because he knew there was absolutely no way I would go a day without a shower.

For that is just wrong.

After I had my last knee surgery, I was sick from the anesthesia.  He quickly dumped out his soda and let me vomit into his cup.

And it was at that moment that I knew I would marry him.

He is the official dog-poo picker-upper.

And the official taker-of-the-garbage-can-to the-alley-person.

And it is for those two reasons alone that I keep him around.


He works long days to provide for us.

He has an unusal amount of belly-button lint.

He knows how to fix leaky faucets, change the oil, replace brakes, build a house, fall a tree, and clean out a chimney.

He does not, I repeat, does not know how to properly do a load of laundry.

But, by golly, at least he tries.

He is the fun dad who lets kids climb on his back, he twirls them around until they are sick, and he turns on his ridiculous old country songs and dances with them.


You heard me correctly.

He dances.

He rarely ever comes home in a bad mood . . . even if he had a bad day at work.

Yet, I am in a bad mood if I haven't had my afternoon cup of coffee.

He's a good sport about all the teasing I do of him in this blog.

And I hope you all know that even though I do tease him, I love him to pieces.

He is a good dad to our four kids.

And yes, he regularly asks me why I wanted so many kids.

As if they were completely my own decision.

He is fun and makes sure our kids experience lots of dangerous and new adventures.

Yes, I constantly worry about safety.

Yes, it annoys him thoroughly when I inform him that he cannot do certain "unsafe" activities with our children.

Yes, he does it all anyways.

And I love him.

He loves getting his picture taken.

He chases our children with fish.

He tells our kids to kiss fish.

He loves, loves, loves it when I take pictures like this of him.

In fact, I am quite certain I remember him saying, "Taylor!  Take some pictures of me and Sweet Pea smooching!  Yes! And then, start a blog in a few months!  Yes! And put this picture in it for all your 10 followers to view!"


That's how it went down.

He was smitten with me from the moment he met me.

Smitten, I tell you.

Which is why he married me when I was 12.


I am that fantastic.

He did not want me to get away.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Tell me what you love about your main squeeze.




  1. What a sweet post! Sounds like you make a great couple. He is obviously very wise because he chose you to marry!
    My hubby also works very hard, long days for us. He too is the "fun dad" and does adventurous things with our children. Which is quite beneficial being that I have 2 boys and I am quite certain they would be very bored without their dad! My honey tells me he loves me everyday and always thinks of me and the boys first. That is what I love about my main squeeze. (Well, there's more, but I am just not a witty writer like you and wouldn't want to bore everyone!) :)
    Happy Valentines Day!

  2. And he smiled for a picture on his wedding day!! That is the only time I have seen a smiling picture of him!

  3. You don't look twelve! You look beautiful! I was also happy to see another hubly who 'loves' having his picture taken.

  4. That is too sweet. You guys are adorable together.
    What do I love? Hmmm.
    Mike loves me, even though I am not very lovable. I make it hard, but he says he loves me, easily. To me, that is the grace of God worked out in my life. It is crushing for someone to love you when you are at your worst. Does that make sense? And at the same time, it is the most amazing thing in the world.

  5. Aw that is sweet. I love the pic of LJ chasing the kids with the fish on the dock! Hehehe

    I love that my husband is in school AND working while I am still job searching--he is keeping us afloat and sacrificing for ME! I got a good'un I tell you. I'm so blessed. :)

  6. What a sweet post...

    Let's see...I love him because he completely accepts my best but more frequently at my worst...because he puts up with my mad schemes and never...and I do mean never, tells me I can't accomplish something...and when I fail (as I sometimes do) he is loving and encouraging... he always puts the girlies and I before himself... at all times... he loves our girlies... he "wrestles" with them and go for walks with them and lets them prattle on the whole time about their silly teenage dramas and never "tones them out"... he doesn't try to "solve" my problems (anymore)... he always offers me the big piece of chicken/steak/pork chop even though he knows it's his (and I always let him have it)... he will take me out to breakfast on a whim... we homeschool and he handles ALL dissections... and dog poo... and spiders... and automobile fluids... he can lift a couch and carry it on his shoulder... he is still here every morning and has been for 19 years...

  7. What a sweet post...I think our husbands would get along just!! I hope you had a great Valentines day!!

  8. What a nice post! Hope you two had a nice Valenitines' Day and had a chance to catch 5 minutes alone time:)

  9. So sweet! Does he love your sense of humor, I bet he does :-)

    I too love my guy for being the dog-poo-picker-upper and the driveway shoveler when it snows...among other reasons of course!

    Great stuff, I love reading your blog!

  10.'s times like this I think I could do a blog, because I have so many wonderful things to say about my man. Yesterday, Valentines Day, I had the flu and threw up all day and laid in bed ALL day. He of course took care of me and took care of the kids and had a good attitude the whole day. No romance yesterday, but boy I felt loved! He is so wonderful!

    As usual, I really enjoyed your post and the pics that went with it--only a few days til your trip!! :)

  11. loved this post!! so sweet! i love that my main squeeze is a hard worker, a big kid at heart, can be romantic when he wants to, and that he loves me and my kids UNCONDITIONALLY!!! :)

  12. I forgot to tell you - this post so inspired me, I wrote one about my hubby. I was a little embarrassed I didn't think to do this myself, but that's what friends are for, huh? To push us on to higher ground. :) Thanks! This was beautiful.
