Thursday, February 18, 2010

Neener Neener Giveaway


I get to go away and you don't.

And to that, I say "Neener Neener."


Sheldon Cooper Neener Neener sound bite

Name that tv show.


Any-who . . .

Yes, I am leaving for Cancun, child-free, for one full week.

Crazy, I know.

And in celebration of that fact, I thought I would offer up a little giveaway.

My first giveaway, to be exact.

This will be my 198th published post.


So close to 200.

I do, in fact, have 268 total posts.

Velly Intellesting.

(Name that blogger)


I have several previously published posts from the days of yore (like last June and July) when I used to use my family's actual names.

Unfortunately, I had a breach in security and had to pull the plug on the blog for a bit.

So, the only people who probably read those posts were the 4 people who read my blog back then.

And I knew exactly who they were:  Melissa, Sharyl, Lani, and Jessy.

Hi, girls!

Thanks for being such dedicated readers!

Don't be jealous of my 4 readers, dear friends.

Jessy, Melissa, and Sharyl are of the same kin.

And Lani is my friend.

So no need to be jealous over my fame.

You'll get your 4 dedicated readers someday, too.

All in good time, my dears.

All in good time.

And, I am quite certain Jessy hasn't read this blog since October-ish.

She may have gotten sick of me.


I know.

Hard to believe.

I am thinking that I might need new material?




I fear I've lost Jessy.

100 (meaningless) points to anyone who can find Jessy and bring her back.

The Lumberjack's Wife leaves no man behind.

Anyways, I was trying to make it to my 200th published post and do a combination of a "200th post celebration" and a "Neener Neener I get to go on vacation and you don't" kind of giveaway.

But 198th sounds good, too.

Now, don't be expecting some elaborate giveaway prize.


I am, however, offering a $25 giftcard to Starbucks.


And I am offering ways for you to get multiple entries.

Cause I'm awesome like that.

Leave a comment for each one you are eligible for:

1)  Just a comment for your first entry.  This can be about whatever you wish.

Can't think of anything to talk about?

Rhode Island is neither a road or an island.


(Name that actor)

2)  Give yourself an extra entry if you follow me or start following me in any form (Facebook, a reader, email subscription,  etc)

3)  Give yourself an extra entry if you have shared or are willing to share this blog with a friend (just pass along the link or you could blog about it)


The choice is yours.

4)  Give yourself an extra entry if you have me or are putting me on your blogroll.

5)  Give yourself an extra entry if you can name any of my little "Name that ______" questions.

This contest is open from now until Saturday, February 27th, 2010.

 I will announce the winner sometime on Sunday, February 28th.

And on that note . . .



I will miss you!

Later, dudes and dudettes!


  1. Entry 2: I follow you in Google Reader. See. You have more than 4 dedicated readers.

  2. Oooh-oooh, am I the first commenter? Do I get extra (meaningless) brownie points?

    This is my first entry, and I'm just gonna say Holla! about the $25 Starbucks gift card!

  3. Entry 3: I have encouraged multiple friends to stalk you, and I've posted about your blog on my blog.

    (More brownie points?)

  4. Entry 4: Already on my blogroll. On the left, under "other kindred bloggers."

  5. Entry 5:

    "Velly Intellesting.

    (Name that blogger)"

    PW, baby!

    (Whew! I'm just glad you didn't ask us to tweet, because I don't.)

  6. I watch the Big Bang theory too! And with that...I believe I am now eligible for all five entries! And with that...I now sadly withdrawal myself from all five entries. While we do have a starbucks on base, I have recently been informed that they do not accept gift cards. Sometimes Turkey is lame.

  7. I'm here! I'm here! I'm sorry for being a bad blog reader! I have been faithfully reading your blog though:) if it makes you feel better I haven't been commenting on anyones blogs lately. I'll just blame it on morning sickness, how does that sound? I promise I will do better in the future!

  8. Entry 2:
    I read your blog every day and have a subs to email and facebook!

  9. Entry 1:
    Something to talk about! :)

  10. Entry 3:
    I have told my friend from HS about your blog cuz I think you are hilarious, I dont know if she reads regular but I did I pass you on! :)

  11. I dont have a blog or blog roll so I cant do that one but i will miss you!!!! I have gotten into the habit of checking everyday to see what you have to say, its just part of my day now lol. If there hasnt been a post when I checked I get bummed lol. A lot of times I can relate and I thank you for sharing all of this! Anyways have a super awesome trip, you deserve it, your kids are in good hands dont worry! :) Have a blast with the hubs!

  12. I have been following your blog for months. I found it by reading the comments on Erin's blog. You both are so funny and I would love to win the gift card!

  13. #2 I follow you on Facebook

  14. So I am guessing from the above, obviously more experienced bloggers above that I have to make a new comment for each entry? Is this true? Well, it is what I am going to do :) So here is entry #1. I made a comment. You rock! I am jealous of your vacation but also super excited for you!

  15. #3 Now I see that if I would have read the directions in your blog more carefully then I would see that in fact, I do need to leave each entry as a seperate comment. It is early , you know! I will share your blog with a friend. A few friends in fact. Would it be ok for me to just paste your blog address as a status update on facebook? That way all my friends can find out about your hilariousness. (Is that a word?) Congrats on your 198th post! We will miss you.
    Have a FABULOUS vacation!!!!

  16. I can't believe you post before 9 am. That's what I have to say.
    Also, have a great time. As if anyone needed to tell you that.

  17. #1 this comment right here, it's worth an entry!! :) oh, btw, have a great time on your vacation, i will totally miss you so much i can'tthink straight, thus the bad typing!! :)

  18. entry #3 i posted about your blog of facebook!! cause everyone needs to read you, cause you rock!!

  19. entry #2 i follow you n facebook!! (how could i not, your fabulous!!)

  20. entry #4 you are on my blogroll already cause i can't go a day without treading your blog (unless i'm on my mini-vacay with no computer!! *sniffles* )

  21. entry#5 Name that tv show.... The Big Bang Theory!! That show is hilarious!!

  22. and with entries 1-5 completed, i now say....pick me pick me!!! i love starbucks!! thnx for a great give away...i will be doing my first soon too!! i will wait til you get back from vacation!! :)

  23. #1. Yes, I am one of your faithful readers. Because really, I stay home with four children. I love them dearly, but it's not an exciting life. What would I do without your blog to give me a laugh while I drink my coffee each morning? So, while I still have absolutely no idea how you find the time to blog, I am very glad you do!

    Have a BLAST in Cancun! Sleep in for me!

  24. #2. I think I follow your blog on FB. But I'll check. And if not, I shall. (did that make sense?)

  25. #4. You are already on my blogroll!

  26. #3. I linked you in a blog post a while back. Not that anyone reads my blog. Because I never post. I know. Blogging loser.

  27. #5. Name that actor: Mike Myers! Hil-arious.

    (PS. Interesting fact: Jessy is sort of my kin as well. She's married to my cousin.) :P

  28. look at all your comments!! i hope i win, i hope i win........have an awesome trip and relax and enjoy yourself! your little ones are in good hands and you and LJ deserve this time away!! but i sure will miss you, who will i text with all day long????

  29. I stand in awe of how many post you have done! You are a dedicated gal - no wonder we love you! I am just coming up to my 100th post - I will have to do a giveaway for that one too, great idea.
    I think that it is obvious that as your oldest and most distinguished follower, I am the most deserving of the Starbucks card... Don't make me remind you about the whole post I did dedicated to your love of Chocolate Raspberry creamer...........I'm just sayin....

  30. Entry #2: i already follow you on facebook!

  31. Entry #4: you are on my blogroll!

  32. Entry #3: i already follow you on google!

  33. I only recently found your blog and I like it. You make me laugh and these days that's what it's all about.

  34. Do I hear a Big Bang theory here? Maybe it's Mike Myers imitatin' Ree as Pioneer Woman. Hump, or maybe I just want to enter this caffeinated giveaway, woohoo!!! This farm chick just loves a great giveaway!

    Have a fun day and a wonderfully blessed weekend!!!

  35. and like you said, I think we are two peas in a pod so I am definitely going to add you to my blogroll... so entry #2

  36. okay, this is my first comment for one entry!!

  37. name that tv show...The Big Bang Theory.. entry #3... oh and Before I forget and get caught up with all of these entries... have a great time on your trip!! I am soooooo jealous!!

  38. Whoo! Hoo! I love to to indulge myself with Starbucks :)

  39. And, I subscribe to your blog. Have fun in Cancun - we're all jealous!

  40. I forget all of the things I can entrify myself by doing because there are SO many comments from your many readers and I'm on the bottom here and it's too hard to scroll up there and then back down, etc. etc.

    Does that count?

  41. I just recommended your blog to my friend,'s her blog:

  42. Entry #1
    I hope you have an AMAZING 10 year get-a-way with your LJ! I'm so jealous but happy for you at the same time! We will miss your blogging!! Bring back lots of stories and pictures!!

  43. Entry #2
    I follow you on FB! In more ways than one I might add!

  44. I am now following you on the facebooks!! I'm on there too!

  45. Entry #3

    I have told and shared your blog with my hubby, my mom, and Karolyn. Does that count for three more entries??? :-D

  46. Entry #4
    Not sure what a "blogroll" is, but if I had one I'm sure you would be on it in a heart beat....does that count?:-)

  47. Entry #5

  48. I also think I am eligible for another entry because I am one of your "mean friends" who keeps you on your WW goal plus I know how much you weigh!! Hehehe! Not that I am blackmailing you or anything! :-)

    I heart Starbucks!!

  49. I added you to my blog roll!! It took a minute to figure it out, but I did it.

  50. Entry #1- I am jealous that you are going to Cancun, but it's cool that you are going to console me with a Starbucks card.

  51. Try the sushi, I dare you.
    And take lots of pictures.

  52. Entry #3- You're already on my Blogroll

  53. Entry #2- I'm now following on FB.

  54. Entry#4- I think Pioneer Woman does the velly intelesting thing.

  55. Entry #1: I'm feeling very hurt because I have been following you since Julyish, and I was not mentioned. I must get extra points for that. Pout, pout. And I've left comments quite regularly! Remember? Huh, huh??

  56. Entry #2 I found out about you through facebook, but now you are on my favorites/bookmark on my computer, and I just go straight to you everyday, because you are the only blog I really follow. Cause you are hilarious.

  57. Don't know how many entries I'll get but you are on my "really read" blog list.

  58. #2 I follow you on facebook and networked blogs (is that one or two?)

    You are one funny lady! BTW, I think you have more faithful readers that me. :) I might have more than 4

  59. Entry #3: My sister-in-law, Rachael, reads you all the time, too, but feels awkward leaving a comment when she doesn't know you. But I made her start reading you last year because I talked about you all the time. I'm recruiting! Also, I've told all my friends about you because, as you know, I cyber-stalked you into being my friend. I just wanted to get to know you so bad! :) The embarassement of having to ask you to be my friend was worth it. Tell LJ THAT! HA!
    P.S. I have NO idea what a "blogroll" is. ???

  60. Entry #4: "Name that singer". And I've known quite a few of them, too. Like Poncho and Lefty by Willie Nelson. Just one of the many, ya know.

    Also, can I say that a 25 dollar SB card is the most rocking thing EVER?? You are awesome to do that. And I'm praying that I'll win. Cause I'm selfish like that. Oh, please oh please oh please............:)

    Have fun, we're gonna miss ya!

  61. #4.Hey wait, that "really read" bit didn't count it was my 1st entry. :) This is the blogroll entry! Go girl! I'm needin' that coffee!

  62. 1-Don't pick me...I never go to Starbucks ;) However, I couldn't help but say that you are a mess. A good mess. I only say that to people I care about. Since Angela cares about you, then, as a friend of a friend, you are by proxy then cared about. ...there, something to talk about.

    2- I put you on my blogroll because your blog makes me laugh

    3-I told my sister about your blog, now it makes her laugh too

    4- I don't "facebook". I have only enough time to read blogs that make me laugh.

    5- I can't answer any of your questions. Most days, I have trouble remembering the names of my own children...and I gave them their names.

    PS - If I win, send the card to Angela. They don't put Starbucks where cows live. My neighbors say "MOOOO" and don't drink much coffee.

  63. WOAHhhhh wait a minute! I have totes been following your blog for a long time and deserve a shout out.

    Also, you can Neener Neener all day long, but I am in Europe for the next three months and you in Hawaii for the next 6 days, therefore a win for me. And an easy 101 meaningful points.

    I did not know that there was no such beast as Diet Coke in Germany. There is a beast called Coke Lite, but it is not the same. It is a little bit better, but not the same. Today I went to a real life- castle. Tell the girls this. 102 meaningful points to being the closest princess we have had in the family.

    I took a cab today from a friend's gathering back to my hostel (aka brothel, 103 meaninglful points for knowing the diff). The driver knew less English than I did German, and why am I writing this on your blog? I've got my own now...

    hoping you have tons of fun in the sun and warmth. love and miss and cannot wait to see you again.

    (100,001 meaningful points to whomever misses the other more)

    Ich bin die Gewinner!!

  64. You are on my blog roll....and Wordpress just told me, "You are posting comments too quickly. Slow Down." LOL! Maybe I don't need any more coffee.

  65. I subscribe to you by e-mail, and I used to have you on Networked Blogs. But I don't get any of those anymore, and I have no idea why.

  66. Hey I'm commenting, cause ya told me to. Have fun in Cancun!

  67. I follow you on google reader.

  68. I just found your blog not that long ago! I love your humor!

  69. and by Hawaii I mean Mexico

  70. Rhode Island: agree - neither a road nor an island. Perhaps they should change the name to Land Mass, although I prefer Rhode Island for some reason.

  71. I follow you on Facebook, and subscribe to your blog.

  72. Linda Richman = "Rhode Island is neither a road nor an island".

  73. I have shared this blog with several friends and family, several times because it's so hilarious and yet so real and very refreshing -

  74. I still think you ought to think about publishing some of your posts!

  75. You've been on my blogroll for a while now.

  76. Wahoo!! I wish I could go too. I hope you and your hubby enjoy your vacation.

  77. #3. I have totally gotten both my sister and my niece reading you, so if that ain't promotion, I don't know what is!

  78. #2. I love, love, love Big Bang Theory!

  79. Oh my gosh, my finger is cramped from having to scroll down past 80+ comments! So I have been following your blog for awhile - actually since Sharyl's blogger brunch that you didn't attend because you had 4 puking children so we didn't actually meet - that's when I started following you. And I'm almost as famous as your original followers cuz I am related to them - yes, I am related to those famous Williams family members. There's lots of reasons to give me points - I LOVE Starbucks - I have shared your blog with my co-workers - and I watch Big Bang Theory every week! BTW - have a marvelous time getting away!!

  80. Have a great trip, think of the rest of us non-vacationers while you enjoy some much deserved fun....I think I have 4 entries into your giveaway:
    1- I commented on this post
    2-I follow you
    3-you are on my list of blogs
    4-I will pass your blog onto my facebook friends/fan page!

    Have a great trip, bring back some funny stories!

  81. Entry#4- OK, OK, so it took me a few days to blog about your giveaway, I'm a little on the lazy side, don't judge!

  82. Entry #2
    I now follow you on fb!

  83. My first comment to enter your first contest giveaway...thanks for the chance, btw!

  84. i love giveaways! did you know... a raisin dropped in a fresh glass of soda will bounce up and down continually from the bottom of the glass to the top.
    have an amazing trip!

  85. I hope you are having FUN. Yes, I am very jealous. You are on my blogroll, of course. Going to find you on FB.
    The Park Wife

  86. Starbucks?... woo hoo... almost as good as Cancun... hey, a girl can dream...

  87. Entry 1: Have a wonderful vacation, in the sun!

  88. 91 comments! Seriously, you are so popular, I consider myself very cool that I know you in real life!
    And I follow you on my reader, so that is an extra entry.
    And I'm soooo jealous of you. Like crying I am so jealous.

  89. I hope you're having loads of fun...its snowing/sleeting/ice-ing here. blech.

    1.I am commenting
    2.I already follow you here but will add you on my fb
    3. I know at least 2 people who have thanked me for sending them to your blog-they love it!
    4. You're already on my blogroll
    5. I've answered lots of name that? memory isn't good I have to go look them up? I know recently I answered all the questions on the post your dad wrote...Cloris Leachman, the Queen Mary, a Peugot...

  90. Throw my name in the hat, please -- and have fun on your getaway!

  91. Entry 5: Name that someone... Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond.

    I hope you had a wonderful vacation, welcome back, I have missed not laughing daily!

  92. Today is the first time I have visited your blog and I'm hooked. You are too funny! I will be coming back for sure and I'll add you to my blog roll. Have a wonderful time on your kid free vacation. I need one of those.

  93. entry 2: I follow your blog on facebook

  94. entry 1: I've missed your blog all week and can't wait for you to return :)
